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The sun stayed out for a little while longer today,
It decided to check on all the peeps.
It yawned a great big yawn and peered out from behind the curtains of clouds,
Glaring at us all.
Even with that mighty glare,
People stared at its beauty,
Blinded by it, even,
Its looks burning onto their skin.
And they rejoiced.

For so long it had hid, and now it was out again,
Everyone was able to see her majesty
To admire her beauty and to bathe in
Her radiance.
She will beat down on everyone,
Be merciless with her immense love,
And then hide again.
But people will miss her harsh tactics.
She will be loved.
It was 5:30pm and the sun was still out for once woohoo spring plz come quick! But ****, I didn't have a camera with ne but when I walked home from guitar practice, imagine this: pale white snow covering a forlorn cemetery, the sky red and blue the sunsetting down into the white horizon with the skycrapers and trees covering its shy face.... ***..

Here comes the sun
By the beatles
She will be loved
By maroon 5
Sometimes Loudly
Sometimes Silently
Yellow leaves have fallen,
Becoming dry
Passing through as the grained Sound on the Street

Slowly dark flees across the evenings
What an Illusion!
What Shadows!
Has Shuffled
The Past

Your form that creates metaphors
And what a wonderful feel
Through out its gravity
Night dancing,
When aroma of Night-Queen
Moving in the air,
Plays with the moonlit
As if Reminds
The First love Poem

Has burned within the form
Standing to fascinate
Away, a dense bunch
Of vine Forest
Bored Air moving
Listening the murmur
Of dried leaves
In the passing wind of banner
As if Someone Calling with
My old name

Restless Heart
Today is the tune that somewhere else
Like a flow
Of a distant river melody,
Surging waves of the attack
In the Strange night of Spring

Continuous grey leaves falling
Falling on the Floor
Whispering the words on the street goes through
What an Illusion!
What Shadows!
@ Musfiq us shaleheen
whispering the words on the street goes through/
Wanna know where she got the scars from? The answer is YOU...
See, just because she's good at keeping secrets doesn't mean everything that happened in the past doesn't exist.

And just like YOU, I'm also disappointed at Her for sleeping with the whole Nigerian soccer team. And that dress she had on lastnight, matches the colour of my bed sheets...
And the reason I keep calling Her a ***** is to remind YOU that Afrika is surrounded by a Beach.

But let me stop wasting my breath because the word "NO" doesn't seem to make You stop... And the only time I ever heard Her beg is when she was begging somebody to get ontop of Her body...
Take the blind man's advice: Don't believe in love at first sight
We sat by the beach until the night could take us home.
We traveled in a musk that only love could use our face to show.
I woke into your arms where it feels safer in your care.
And with you I shall share even till the last bread that I have.
Create in me a better Prince for the King that I was born to be...
O darlin, I hate to say this but: Everything has a bad side, even a goodnight...
I'd leave if I ever met someone worth leaving for,
I'd leave this hole if I didn't have to hide what was on my mind all the time
I'd leave if someone made me believe I'm worth the effort
I'd leave if I could stop expecting pain if I develop feelings
Translation, I'll leave this hole for something with some meaning

I'll leave here if I can meet someone that can quiet
all the nervous doubts twitches and tics that go on in my brain
if someone would accept me and leave my heart intact
I'd walk out of this hole with no question, no looking back

but since this hasn't happened and I doubt it ever will
I'm not leaving my hole so I won't have another void to fill
A hole in the wall can be made
just by walking-through the wall.*

*To break the sound wall margine can be done
just by sitting in a high-speed winged machine.
Imagined by
Impeccable Space
Poetic Love
—-██—— Put this on
—-██—— your profile
██████—if you’re not
-—██—— embarrassed
—-██—— to tell others
—-██—— that you
—-██—— believe in God
Unashamed of the love of Jesus Christ
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