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26/Other    i'm here
still here
Barbara R Maxwell
F    Former career librarian with over 25 years in libraries and media. Previously served as chief of staff to a former NFL player. Poet and writer. ...
20/F/on the moon    hello! my name is lua. im an artist, an aspiring author, and a poet. i hope you enjoy my ramblings about anything and everything! (if ...
13/Non-binary/home    Hi, my name is Lye. I am a poet, singer, and a friend. Just looking to read some poetry, find some friends, and share my ...
21/Alive    "What's the good resisting temptation? There'll always be more" -Mae West Insta: @this.poet.does.not.exist
Sam Tate
21/M/Kent, UK    Student and author. In love with poetry and writing. Any feedback would be welcome!
cs wondering
F/Singapore    Hear me out: I'm absolutely insane.
17/F/la    you feel like home
18/F/USA    this is me handing you the key to the closet i've stored all my skeletons. this is me handing you the keys to my safe ...
vanessa marie
20/F    just happy to be here :)
16/M/fin    the end.
Masha Yurkevich
19/F/Playing the piano...    Just a Russian girl with lots of curiosity. A poet, pianist, violinist, ukulelist and guitarist. I enjoy reading and writing. Trying to keep on smiling, ...
23/F/Colorado    I used to write poetry as an outlet for dark and negative feelings, and now I'm able to write freely with no bounds. Poetry carried ...
18/F/still at the restaurant    sometimes, i write because it brings me comfort. mostly, i write because i can't trust my mind to remember the way it used to feel
In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: It goes on
Alexis K
22/F/Getting Stung by Jellies    Tired of pretending, exhausted of being tired.
the mole inside the molecule
17/Gender Fluid/Rotting    If there is a shadow then there must be light
19/in my head   
Dave Robertson
46/M/UK    Poetry is cheaper than therapy. Insta: @words.inorder
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