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 Sep 2016 alicia
It's not just a string of words
on a piece of paper
the heart was carved up,
words were formed
 Sep 2016 alicia
Stu Harley
a multitude of startling
every inch of the sky
edge of clouds
pass me by
 Sep 2016 alicia
Rain Drops
 Sep 2016 alicia
Looking up to the sky,
Clouds gathering from
Far away land.
Black clouds forming
Above the sky now.

A drop of rain fall.
Both palm on my face
Rub it up and down
Left to right.

Don't fall...
Please ... please don't fall...
Pain shoots into my heart
Please ... please don't fall...
~ RuNe
... just written out of the blue
 Sep 2016 alicia
A Half A World
 Sep 2016 alicia
It's evening to you
It's morning to me
It's dinner to you
It's breakfast to me
It's still a good day

A half a world apart

It's today to you
It's tomorrow to me
It's starting to you
It's ending to me
It's still a happy day

A half a world anew
Distances may part us but in my heart ... You are in the center...
 Sep 2016 alicia
Joseph Floreta
I'm always distant,
Content of stealing glimpses of you from afar.
But never have I experienced sharing the same glance with you.
You never look at me like I do,
You never cared, for in your world,
I am a thin air; invisible.
I am only a dust in a desert,
I am nothing, for in your world I don't exist.
Envy is what I feel whenever I see you talk and burst in laughter with your friends.
They are lucky for they enjoy your company; I couldn't.
I'm afraid to get close to you.
I fear your rejection.
If you think I'm being irrational,then forgive me.
Forgive me for noticing you.
Forgive me for loving the way you are, Because I did not do this on purpose, It was a pure accident.
Until stars burn old and fire turns cold.
Your smile will be treasured forever... If only you can offer me one..? For once, just this once,
Let me own a smile from you...
 Sep 2016 alicia
Silver Lining
I remember the first time..
It crept in,
so quiet
so gentle.
Like how the sky goes black.

But this time it's like a
tsunami, a flash flood
a freefall.

I'm standing on a roof
and suddenly I'm flying through the air
the ground below rising  up to meet me
as my brain assures me
"Just this once is okay."
"You'll be just fine."
 Sep 2016 alicia
ishaan khandpur
Push that bully,
Down the hole.
Let him grow,
All alone.

Ostracize that fool,
Till he beats no more.
Shut him up,
Let no sound out.

Ignore the bully,
As you grow.
Make sure,
He sees no hope.

Let no light shine,
Let no song rise,
Let no birds chirp,
Let darkness burn.

Push the bully,
Shut him up.
Silent that heart,
Don't let it fall in love.
 Sep 2016 alicia
Kimberly Semiday
I want to know you
The way your hand heats my skin
Set me on fire
 Sep 2016 alicia
Brent Kincaid
You call me alarmist
Because I say what I have heard.
You call me socialist
As if it were a ***** word.
You call me communist
Like this is nineteen fifty two.
You make an epithet
Of anyone who contradicts you.

You call me coward
Because I hate war so much.
You call people ******
If men should hug or touch.
You call people terrorists
If they don't worship your way.
You seem to hate the poor
Wish they would just go away.

You have a list of names
You use instead of using specifics.
You have a list of behaviors
You consider to be extra terrific
Like making fun of races
And calling starving people losers.
Make laws against cannabis
While you are a bunch of boozers.

You use Christianity
Like membership in the Rotary.
Won't take your credentials
To be verified by a legal notary.
You hide your profits
And brag about your successes
And become homicidal
If you get anything but yesses.

It's a sick world you sell
With your hate filled speeches.
Surely this is not what
Your spiritual leader teaches.
There is so much disdain
And even evil in what you do.
Let us all hope and pray
Our kids don't turn out like you.
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