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Alexa Sinclair Nov 2015
Your voice follows me
Demolishes me
Crushes me
I hate
to hallucinate
But sometimes
I wish
It really was you
calling me
  Nov 2015 Alexa Sinclair
Corinne Kahi
To know love,you must know pain
Alexa Sinclair Nov 2015
So you're
Telling me
You're mad

Cause she
Kissed the
Guy you

Well wait
A minute
We can't

Kiss any
guys (Without
your consent)

But you
Can kiss
anyone you

No matter
Who else
Likes him

Wait a
Minute, I
Like this
Guy too

I'm not
Mad, just
A little

So why
Are you
So angry
At this

Other girl
Your friend
Cause all
Is fair

In love
and war
I have
Feelings too

I like
The guy
You now

And you're
Gonna kiss

Did you
Ever think
That might
Hurt me

Like she
Hurt you
When she
Kissed him

Wait a minute.
That's not right.
Alexa Sinclair Nov 2015
Tears roll
down my cheeks
I emit a shaky sigh

You see me
You stop, confused,
And ask why

I say
You're with her
So I
I have to cry
Alexa Sinclair Nov 2015
They tell me
He's not right
good enough for you
not to hurt you
like that

I know the way
you are
I love you
but you
love her

The moment I
Laid eyes on you
I was caught
In your sticky web,
I held taut

The strings of
my heart still sing
when you call
me, but I know
It's not me

It's not me
It can't happen
Not I
You love her
But why

Her and not me?
Alexa Sinclair Nov 2015
You wonder
Why I
Wear sunglasses

To hide
The tears
That fall

When I
See you
With her
Alexa Sinclair Nov 2015
When you leave
Remember me
When you date
Remember me
When you smile
Remember me
When you cry
Remember me
You cannot stay
Though I pray
When you love
Remember me
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