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 Jun 2020 Alex
Its hilarious when he says it. Then I say the same sentence but the words come out sounding fumbley and dumb. I end up chuckling it off and we laugh about how dumb it was when I said it. So supposedly it's all about the delivery? I guess I'll work at a pizza place then. Oh wait I already did. Unfortunately I had to stop doing that because it wrecked my car. My car said please no more.

It started with the misfiring. I was like okay let’s take you to the shop. So the misfiring stopped and I said all better now right? Little ham and pineapple to this house, how bout a pepperoni over here. Oh and what about some cheezy bread to 455 Barry Street?

A week later I turned the key and the start up was slow and I could hear the murmurs: please no more. I said come on you are my income. Naturally, the tan beast was relentless and finally I took it to the shop again.

And quit my job.
Which I loved.

Now my beastly and tan station wagon is in tip top condition and I'm going to work on my delivery.
My delivery of words and jokes and actions and kindness and all good things.
But not pizzas.
Even though pizza is a very good thing.

I love you my lovely car please take me on more adventures.
 Jul 2019 Alex
It wasn’t even delivery it was a **** pick up. All I wanted was a medium one topping. Just a delicious Papa John’s with a little beef. Well, turns out me and my car were about to have some beef.

My car and pizza have a history together. Long story short my car is the only nonliving and living thing to hate pizza. I was a pizza delivery driver for a few short months and my car loved driving around except when it came to pizzas and delivering them.

Like I said my car is a human or at minimum a living thing of sorts. The tan-*** ******* smelled the pizza as I scooted behind the wheel with my medium one topping. One sniff and three different lights came popping out at me.

The ABS brake light, air bag light, and the battery light. My car is maniacal! Once I got back home my car wouldn’t start and now I need a new battery and alternator. My car’s best friend even tried to give her a jump but she wouldn’t accept the love.

I love you my lovely car but why do you have to hate pizza so much.
 Apr 2016 Alex
A Day Out
 Apr 2016 Alex
I wish I could pull off calling everyone babe.
Like the bus driver did.

Leave a green tree in your heart
in hopes that a bird will come and sing in it

“You, yeah you!”
“I love you”
“Let's get married”

I wish large groundhog signs were all over the place
and obnoxious middle schoolers weren't so cute and lovable

Sometimes I order coffee
and fill up the cup with sprite when the guy isn't looking

I need another person with me in order to impulse buy.
That's why I didn't get the owl painting.

I wish I could use spoons as instruments
as flawlessly as the woman downtown did.

Try not to give a **** what anybody thinks
just get comfortable.

Peanut butter and jelly with a side of chips and cheese
may seem like a strange combination
but I liked it.

I wish I bought the tank top with the trees and tent design
but I didn't have somebody else with me.

I also like bonding over little things
with random people.

Cause the little things
are the big things.
 Jun 2015 Alex
 Jun 2015 Alex
I can give you everything I have, but it will never be enough; because right now you're not enough for yourself.
 May 2015 Alex
 May 2015 Alex
I'd spent so long searching for the light outside of me,
I almost didn't notice
It shining from within.
 May 2015 Alex
Jacquelyn Morgan
Everybody Likes
                 Short Poem
Like this.
                 So Artsy
You can't resist:
                           To make my poem trend
by pressing the heart <3 button
                                                THE END.
where the short poems trend because no one reads if they have to press continue reading.
 May 2015 Alex
 May 2015 Alex
When I was younger,
My mother taught me a trick
That when you keep repeating a word
Over and over and over again
It loses its meaning.

You. You. You. *You.
 May 2015 Alex
Elsa Njoki Kariuki
Sometimes I wonder
whether the forecast in my eyes
whether the weather in my heart
will be something, anything
 May 2015 Alex
Noel Tabu Arteaga
Damaged beyond control. Turning to the blade and the bottle. Torn and withered he falls to his knees. Looking to God and asking why, while begging please. Asking for forgiveness and a saving grace. Lost in the world and in love looking for his place. Then one day a girl caught his eye, and seemed to stop his breath. Just one glance took away the sorrow until none was left. Was this the angel he so desperately needed, the one God sent after he pleaded. A miracle to his life, someone he envisioned as a wife. She looked at him like no other and filled the dark created by his mother. With every kiss, and every touch he couldn't say I love you enough. Stroking her face, rubbing her head and holding her tight, hazing at her eyes for hours every night. His soul has been found and his heart filled with joy, a girl named Miracle reached in the dark and found a boy. They grew and grew, loved, cried, made love. The stars shined bright for these two from the heavens above. A miracle occurred in an unlikely place all by a girl named Miracle and one look at her beautiful face.
Rough but IDC. Enjoy.
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