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I miss you
but I’ll never tell
not because of them,
because of you
because I don’t want
to know
‘cause even though
it was unfair
it was still your fault
because you
shoulda known
shoulda done better
shoulda hang on.

I miss you
but you’ll never know
‘cause I’ll only say it
this one time
never again.

Because you shoulda
been here
even if you were far
you shoulda stayed
and faced the tides.
Sometimes all I wanna do is
be sad
It's all I write about
It's all that I am.
Sometimes all I wanna be is
It becomes my mood
It becomes my truth
Sometimes sadness washes over me
And I let her
Like welcoming an old friend
Knowing they will soon leave
Sometimes all I am is
It drowns me in sorrow
It drowns me without color
But it's okay, they're a part of me
There's no denying it
But now they don't linger
They just come to greet me
To know about my life
And then they say goodbye
Sometimes all I wanna be is sad
And I'm alright
I want everyone to know.
I want everyone to miss you
Like I do
            Only not quite
The only way to leave a life filled with sorrow
is with a great, grand,


and no tomorrow.
I am a -9 Glasgow Scale,
even in life,
I should be intubated,
someone should breathe for me
Someone should
live for me
This life is not mine
It is just breathing
and waking up
and breathing
and waking up
... and breathing
... and waking up

      T w o
               T H r e e
                           F O U r
                                  F I V E
times in one day
Let someone else live this life!
Let someone else die this daily death!
I cannot do this anymore
I need other means to breathe
I am
I am
the product of my surroundings
I am
the result of my parents
The influence of my friends,
I am
All that, is what I am
What formed me
What brought me here
Their mistakes run in
my veins
Yet, I refuse
to be defined by them
All of that
I am
But I will
define myself
We're too distracted
fighting for uniqueness
that we have forgotten
to fight together as one
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