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Though to lead
WHO chosen,
My moral frozen,
Perpetrators of genocide
And fratricide
From my ethnic side
I have to  support
Abusing my
Diplomatic power
In a bid
They continue to use
On Ethiopians
Political cyanide.

I have to seek
From Egypt
Heavy weapons support
Oblivious tomorrow
My likes and I
Will appear before
The international criminal court.
To Dr Twedros Adhanom,whose track record has to be checked as like likes like.
A hatred fiend,
Playacting a votary
Of democracy and federalism
To a gluttonous end,
“Unless we grip
The rein of power
Driving a divisive wedge
Along religious and
Ethnic lines, also
Orchestrating terror
Every hour,
See to every evil
We shall
Till the wind of change
Blowing over the nation
Suffers reversal.”

“On the world-acclaimed
Change drive
We shall inflict
Every possible harm
So that flouted it runs
Out of charm!

Using a Facebook army
On par with Tsunami
We shall trigger
And foment conflicts
And make
This and that ethnic groups
Arch enemy.

Slaying toddlers,
Senior citizens
And women, with
The bun in the oven,
Shock we shall
Create often!”

"Also with
'We are victims' clamor
Seeking for a stalemate,
Global-pity a door
We intend to continue
A  victor.

To deflect attention
From a government-junta
To neighboring country’s town
Firing rockets far
Dragging it into war
We shall internationalize
The fight
Conveying our diabolic move
Is right!
Though unheard of in history
We shall splice
In unholy marriage
With any enemy
Of the country.
Also from its back
The national defense force,
Guarding the boundary
And us
Its forehead
In the crosshair mark,
We shall attack!
Though this makes us
Selfish, our ethnic
Groups we shall use
As a human shield
A daunting influence
On citizens-cherishing
Government to wield."////
(What the TPlF Junta is doing.The true picture of TPLF now being vanquished )
A crackdown on a junta outperforming Satan

The TPLF Junta that is using the peace-loving Tigrian people as a human shield to carry on its evil intent of wrecking down a nation had been milking the country’s economy dry, making citizens shed red tears and perpetrating atrocities of every brand.
While it was in power for over 27 years, with crocodile tears, the Junta was playacting a vanguard of the constitution. It was claiming a votary of the supremacy of law while in reality it was trampling on the constitution in a broad daylight and displaying a mockery of justice to the dismay of citizens.
As an elixir, the junta, which has got one leg in the grave, was using divide and rule as a tactic to make people see one another as preys and predators as well as oppressors and the oppressed. In so doing, it was planting deep the seed of mistrust among people. That is why extirpating the problem has proved demanding despite the nation’s time-old chemistry.
Also TPLF had labored ceaselessly to loosen national unity.
Under the smokescreen of a make-believe federalism, states’ wealth and natural resources were siphoned hardheartedly by finger-counted despots running the Front. During its heyday this junta never gave the slightest attention to the people of Tigray, who paid a lot to the unity and sovereignty of Ethiopia. It is now making a frantic bid to click with them to save its neck. It is dinning into their ears “because of your ethnic identity you are under siege and your life is under threat.”
Acting the wrong way it had practically underplayed the price Tigrian people played for the birth of democracy fighting against Dergue.
TPLF is a lecher junta which always aims at optimizing its political benefits at any cost. Here, it suffices to raise one issue. Once it did steal drought aid extended to people of Tigray , heavily hit by famine.
As pillage is its characteristic feature this lecher junta has pressed ahead with its thievery. As PM said, to stash away abroad the money it looted, it uses different ways of sending money.  Receiving remittance money from Ethiopians living abroad, here, it had been offering exorbitant price as it had already unduly amassed wealth. It as well let fly FOREX abroad.
Vexed by the larceny, atavism and human rights violation of this Junta Ethiopians had shrugged it off their shoulders as they have embraced the change drive the nation kick started with a forward-looking stance.
Though the crimes the Junta committed don’t let it go scot-free, it was given a chance for introspection and repentance. It was allowed time to mend its ways.
Though the government exercised patience taking into consideration the need for national peace and reconciliation, the heinous bent of the lecher’s junta couldn’t be exorcised from it.
Ever since the onset of the change marches, the junta has been busy at wrecking and destabilizing the nation as well as rendering the life of citizens miserable by the day.
In the statement it had been issuing the incumbent has made clear the invisible hand of TPLF is behind all atrocities being committed throughout the country.
Recently TPLF had attacked the Defense force out to maintain the territorial integrity and sovergeinity of the country.
In so doing TPLF officials have showcased their being traitors. This unheard of impish act has portrayed the lecher Junta spares no effort to meet its evil ends. In engaging in the diabolic attract of the national defense force, writing history with its blood , TPLF has passed the point of no return thereby spelling its own destruction. Attracting a defense force is tantamount to making the country vulnerable to foreign enemies.
Hammering out the antipathy deeply entrenched in the psyche of ethnic groups due to the evil bent of TPLF must be made a point.
Holding criminals culpable is a must do.
TPLF officials’ hands are smeared with the blood of the innocent and they still want to buy time to further spill blood.
Before checking the revolting track-record of the junta trying to broker peace between the sagacious government and this junta is fatuous. Therefore those made a dupe must abstain to ask a chance of negotiation for TPLF.
There are some that say the country is on the brink of destruction and civil war. This wrong mentality is one that emanates from not knowing Ethiopians who love their country and show chemistry in the face of adversity.
Tranquility will ensue when the crackdown on TPLF officials comes to end soon.//
"Egypt will blow up
The Grand Ethiopian
Renaissance Dam!
Ethiopia ,a symbol
of Pan Africanism,
Could forget
Its development map,
For Egypt will help
Carry on colonial legacy
In to the future,"
So  did
A verbal dosido
The ill-famed abuser.

"We dote on Egypt,
Terror sowing
In Ethiopia.
Ironically a terrorist
My self
I will strike out
Sudan from terrorist
If it sides Egypt
This is my edict!"
Trump’s Verbal D0-si-dos  

“Ethiopia is a country that navigated the tide of time with a firm belief on God the Almighty as well as the unity and perseverance of its people. Though some tried to dictate to it too much giving it too little it never relied on such quarters. It always relies on it children who are alacritous to see to its dictates scarifying their lives.
It is God the Almighty that created Ethiopia. And it is its children that built it. Because of the sacrifices its children made Ethiopia had made history that astounded the world. There were allies that stood by its side when it made such golden history.  On the contrary, there were others that stabbed it in the back. Ethiopia is no stranger to such unfolding.”
This is an excerpt from the statement released by the Prime Minister Office of Ethiopia concerning the unbefitting statement or verbal Do-si-dos president trump made on the GERD.
True, Ethiopia had been a lone runner in its fight for God-bestowed freedom and struggle for economic liberation. We very well know what the response we got upon lodging our complaint to the League of Nation when Italy, using banned poisonous gas, tried to occupy Ethiopia.
Ethiopia did try to make clear the blatant aggression was inimical not only to Ethiopia but also to the world at large.
In defending its sovereignty Ethiopia didn’t sit hands crossed for want of allies. It rather mounted a guerilla fight to dislodged occupants. Vesting hopes on God the Almighty, the greatest Judge, and cognizant that a justice cause at long last will triumph forefathers had shed their blood for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country.
It must be known that Ethiopians never ever compromise their sovereignty. trump’s attempt to Twist Ethiopia’s arm with financial aid shows his ignorance about Ethiopia and world history.
As Ethiopia single handedly become a beacon of freedom to the world emerging triumphant on the battle of Adwa, nowadays fighting off the injustices on the use of the Blue Nile and actualizing the dam e Ethiopia in an equitable manner will once more turn out to be an emblem of economic deliverance based on self-reliance and faith in Almighty God.
Ethiopia has launched the GERD project pooling internal resources and using its own experts precluding donors who may pull strings by the virtue of their financial aid. Ethiopians exhibiting no difference along ethnic and religious lines are supporting the dam.
It is only for development and development only Ethiopia wants to use the river so as to break away from fettering poverty. Innumerable Ethiopian mothers carry firewood to prepare foods choking with smokes. They have many mouths to feed. Recent studies reveal that almost 67% percent Ethiopians lose their life every year owing to this reason. This sad episode takes place in Ethiopia famed for being the water tower of east Africa.
Based on the aforementioned fact any right-minded person will certainly pat on the back Ethiopia’s move to materialize hydropower Dam over Blue Nile.
trumph’s statement that the dam will holdback the water signifies his blind spot regarding hydropower dam. He should have reflected very recently Sudan and Egypt were inundated by flood .
In his statement “Egypt will blow up the dam!” he did not only attempt to disrespect Ethiopia’s sovereignty but also that of Egypt because he saw the latter as a remote control that can’t stand on its own feet.
His uncouth speech was also divorced from diplomatic norms and international water law. It also means lower riparian countries could blow up upper riparian countries’ hydropower dam say for instance Hover Dam. He did not realize that his speech could backfire. If the international water law is to be rewritten there must not be a preferential treatment.
The speech he made while an African solution is being sought for the dispute shows he had also infringed on the right of Africa.
Though his speech is  beingslammed from every corner let us wind up with two stunting comments one from an Economics professor(on ETV) and another from a small kid on u-tube(Ustaze Jemal Beshir) respectively.
“It is a pity that a great nation has a little (a mentally dwarf) leader!”
“Must Ethiopian mothers  be deprived of light and electricity? Such speech is unexpected of a grownup/”

The imbecile president that is a disgrace to America. Read the feedback from the link
It is right
It is right
'Only those
That stand under a tree
Know how ants bite!'

"Unless I saw things
Flaunting, I
Used not
Facts to understand!

In this regard
I often said off hand
'Concerning Covid-19
You could be off
Your guard
I do not agree
With a bizarre
Lockdown decree.'

Me if you ask
Why put not you
A face mask?
I will laugh
Behind your back.

While innumerable
Senior citizens die,
Worried never I!
Journalists I adored
To lampoon
'Cause I was born
In my mouth
With a silver spoon!.
'Yesterday I did note
The pandemic
Is screeching to a halt
No, no...
Excuses me I think
I have made a fault'
The angel of death
Me to hell's gate
Has brought!"
Though I lost in
WHO faith
It has wished me
To fast regain
My health!
Read also my poem
Ironically he made this information on World's information day
If made to have
An axe to grind
Rubbing with nails
A social scar
Left behind,
Ethnic groups
Itching to go for
One another’s throat
Hard may not be
To find.

With the aim to gain
Cheap popularity
By using impish trick
Employing scare tactic
To hack social fabric
Phony politicians
Exhume the hatchet
Among ethnic groups
To blow
Previous petty clashes
Out of proportion
From the groups’
Time-old Chemistry
And the Chemistry’s
Good side
Deflecting attention.

“Dislodge that
Ethnic group
From its abode,
Which must fall
In our fold.
Burn others’
Houses and churches
Forget the
Fear of God
Demographic engineering
Is instrumental
In ethnic cleansing.
We must do that
With a single swoop
If it is our wont
To win in our region
A majority vote.

Wipe out
Ethnic group
Any other
Than ous
None is better.”

“Population boom,
Coupled with
Resource depletion,
Could court our
Race’s extinction
This justifies
Others’  extermination.
Even those
That palisaded
With bone and blood
The nation
And to hand it down
To this generation
Who cared
Must not  be spared.

External support
We could get
From those
For various advantages
More than willing
Revolution  to export.”

"Shall we conclude
To Auschwitz
We must allude?"//
What is happening right now under my nose-- narrow ethnic nationalism that does not accommodate unity in divercity
Suspected of attack
On fascist Graziani
He was in house arrest
As the case was with
Suspects the rest.

A prisoner of war
Then  via Somalia
He was sent to Rome
Found a black lion
If left at home.

Together with
A prison inmate
From Yugoslavia
Called Julio
He made a rope
Out of a blanket
The reason
To descend down
And escape
From a tower prison.

In a show of contempt
Defying  officials' attempt
To smoke out a fugitive
On the hide
The two at eventide
Returned to open fire
And attack guards
To set  free prisoners
Indeed, victory was
On their side.

Leading  partisans
Abdissa made it his duty
To gruel fascists
With insurgent activity.

What was the outcome?
Parallel to the allied forces
When he entered Rome
With Ethiopia's tricolor
Around his wrist
He was accorded
A warm welcome.

Then he turned his face
To allied-forces'-
'For Berlin' race
In rooting out **** troops
He spurred the pace!

Asked to stay in Europe
He said shalom
"Home sweet home!
As written on the bible
Can an Ethiopian change
His skin
or a leopard its spots?
Doing so
Will it not be a sin?"

The unsung hero
Returned to Addis
Turning Fascist and Nazis'
Wild dreams to zero!
He is one of the black lions of Ethiopia. He demonstrated Ethiopians' heroism beyond Africa's perimeter. My poem indomitable Ethiopia is in the same wavelength.
The Unsnag Hero
Abdissa Aga was born in south western Ethiopia in a province called Welega.
It was when he was 14 he joined the Ethiopian defense force.
In 1935 when fascist Italy that was armed to the teeth with modern arsenals baptized the country with banned poisonous gas conducting innumerable sorties, he decided to reinforce the fight in defense of his motherland.
But Abdissa sustained injuries and ended up in a hospital. Later, he was subjected to house arrest around Piazza, his residential area.
After Ethiopian patriots’ attempt to assassin Rodolfo Graziani , whom Italy assigned to administer Ethiopia, suspected of involvement in the plot, Abdissa was once more detained along with 37 house-arrested Ethiopians.
After a gruesome time in prison, via Somalia, and then under the jurisdiction of fascist Italy, he was sent to Rome as a prisoner of war.
There he was under scrutiny. Along with another captive from Yugoslavia called Hulio, he was designing different plans to escape from the prison.
One day making a rope out of his blanket and descending down the tower prison he managed to escape. But, instead of becoming a fugitive on the run, returning back late at night to the prison and opening fire on the guards he let the prison inmates free to flee.
In so doing, he demonstrated valor is a virtue Ethiopians need borrow from nowhere. The unfolding carried across the message Ethiopians’ military prowess is not only showcased in Adwa but also in Italy.
Teaming up the prisoners from different countries he set free as partisans, he pressed ahead with waging fierce attacks on Italian troops in their own country. He was beating them by the rule of their own game.
As they knew Ethiopians’ heroism starting from Adwa they became very much afraid of him. In numerous engagements with them he did emerge victorious. He kept on ambushing and surprising the fascist troops.
Offering him different allurements they were sweet talking him to join ranks with the Italian army. He turned a deaf ear to their requests making clear joining a fascist force is a treason committed on own country.
When World War II broke out he joined the tide against the Axis powers.
United State of America and English were fighting with Italy that was supporting **** Germany. Stunned by Abdissa’s heroism they saw it fit to ask him to join the allied forces. Making use of this support , beefing up the muscle of his army he did a great job in disarraying fascist troops in their own country.
After the ignominious defeat of fascist troops, when the English and US forces entered into Rome he followed suit with an array of his fighters that tried Ethiopia’s flag round their wrist. When he, on par with the rank of a general, made a divine entrance into Rome hovering high Ethiopia’s flag  he was accorded a warm welcome by the allied forces.
Next he played quite a role in vanquishing **** forces when the allied forces mounted attack on **** Germany. He was still hovering high Ethiopia’s flag in liberating many Germany towns being pulverized in the crossfire. He played incalculable role in combing out brutal **** troops.
Promising handsome rewards the allied forces did try to persuade him to join them. But Abdissa put down his foot. He made clear “However poor my country may be, I will not abnegate it! My love to Ethiopia is next to none!”
Vexed by the cold shoulder greeting he showed to their offers finding a pretext they put him behind bars.
Later, released, he came back to Ethiopia to Join the Special Imperial guard with the Imperial given title Colonel.
Colonel Abdissa Aga died soon after the demise of the Emperor Haile Sellasie I.
The younger generation has to learn a lot from this exemplary heroism and love for motherland.
Despite Blue-Nile
-lower-riparian countries' clamor
For possible dearth
Of water
So that GERD, condemned,
A reversal suffer
They are  now inundated
By the river.

Had GERD not been
Born to life
Imagine how their
Plight could be rife!

See how the stance of
So called a great leader
With a brain of a bird
Proved absurd.
Nature proved them wrong thx to God.
Read  my poem That wicked woman from a wicked man I wrote four years back
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