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 Sep 2015 Alejandro
 Sep 2015 Alejandro
You should not regret
What you have done, badly
Those, are just mistakes


You should regret
What you haven't done, sadly
Those, become heartaches
WIZDUMBs BY JA 583                   06-07-2015
I’ll never forget
the magic and elegance
I worshipped in you.
 Sep 2015 Alejandro
I had more love for the
reflection of your shadow,
than you had ever had
for the entirety of my soul

 Sep 2015 Alejandro
Earl Jane

I love you so much,
I am happiest with you,
My soulmate, My King.

with love <3

© Earl Jane
♥ E.J.C.S.
For Brandon <3

Our first monthsary was Sept.9, we have different time now, mine is Sept. 10 morning now and to him is Sept.9 night. But even though we are just 1 month, I felt like I have known him forever. And with that I do believe we are really preordained. Oh how i love him a lot!!! I wrote so many like a letter form but I am just so busy with exams and have not finish it... I am already so stressed with my mathematics, but I am doing my super best to make time for him. Just even have 2 hours sleep now and that we talk early morning at 1:00am my time onwards.. I am so glad to talk to him. I really love him so much. I might not write a lot of poems for him, but I do chat him lots and make time for him even with my busy life as engineering student. I am most blessed to have him. I love him sooo much, my king, my soulmate, my all, my husband. ayeheeeee <3 ME MOOOSTTTT KING!! ME MOOSSTT!!
 Sep 2015 Alejandro
I carried on for quite some time
With the thought of you nestled within my mind
So blissfully unaware of the bitter truth
You had long since left me far behind
I'm slowly becoming a landmark
On our overgrown path
A dying tree, solemn and silent
A boulder among the tall grass
One others can come and go from
Or simply walk past
Everyone wants someone
To call their very own
Everyone longs for someone
Who won't leave them alone
Now you're gone
And all I know
Is that when I was with you
I was home
 Sep 2015 Alejandro
seeing how self centered i am
means i'm more self centered than I thought
i find myself buying my words
then i give away the words i bought

poking the monster that lives inside
then loving the monster i fought
i find myself catching a beast
then releasing the beast that i caught

i guess that's just the way i am
i try to learn what can't be taught
i just bring my heart and my words
then i give away the words i brought
I've never felt more like a traitor
than with your back facing mine like this.
my father told me that he would always love me
but he does not tolerate a liar
and this feels like the biggest lie I've ever told.
but I can't seem to get myself to pick up the phone
or come clean about everything I've ever done
and so I do what traitors do best,
and I lie, and let you love me for who you think I am
And Libra
Are the holy trinity of the zodiac
If you were to believe her
As she walked past
Jilting your heart
Into 1,000 tiny flutters
As your heartstrings break apart
Fall back
Hitting you, sending you back to the start
Of how this all began
And you’re not sure if you’d do it
You’re not sure you are the same man
Who went to sleep last night
And woke up in your bed this morning
And that’s okay
Because life can be fantastic without warning.
 Sep 2015 Alejandro
I aim
 Sep 2015 Alejandro
to writhe a dreary tome unforgotten
play a  word one against the other
where once was love but never held
my head close enough to breast
of soft flesh near enough
to taste desire and
smell perfume her
essence in my soul
to feel a beating heart
to meld with another soul
bring my head up once to look
squarely in another's eyes then
feel my pulse rise rapidly my life
grown a reason to live more purposely.
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