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  Sep 2018 Denise Uy
Krizhe Ming
Even if as you go to work
You think of crossing the street
While the green lights are on
It's okay

Even if you go up the stairs
Up to the rooftop of your school
And stand in the edge
It's okay

Even if you happen to pass by a bridge
And ask yourself
What if you just jump there
It's okay

Even if you stroll besides the lagoon
Walk towards it
And imagine falling and drowning
It's okay

Even if you often wonder
How deep a knife will cut your skin
Or what knot is best for your neck
How long does a bullet numb your head
What pills will let you sleep forever
Or how cold will it be to lay on rail tracks
It's okay

Even if day by day
Life has been so hard to bear
That day by day
You think that ending it
Would be so much better
It's okay

You struggle
But you survive
From morning to night
Ill thoughts visit your mind
But you're still alive

So it's okay
Even if in the morning
You opened your eyes
That you still wake up
It's okay
See... if life is a battle
You have been winning it
More chances will be thrown at you
Since you've managed to stay alive
Despite everything
That's what matters most
You should be proud of yourself

I've been wanting to post something like this at least once. For anyone who might need these words.
Denise Uy Sep 2018
I'm glad I was too big for your box of lies.
I'm glad I didn't fit in.
Hopefully I don't shrink so you
don't shove me inside.
Denise Uy Sep 2018
The rope I'm gripping tightly have
taut fibers twined around each other.
I wove them that way, meticulously.
One string after another, its form gathers,
and I'm proud of my craft.

I've used it to save myself and others,
pulling and tying knots, anchoring.
A tightrope to dance on over and over,
Tugging, stretched, fighting, breaking,
but my rope's getting slippery.

I've used it so much it's hard to hold on.
It's overused and now

Only a matter of time before I can cut it
without effort,
just one scissor,
and it's no more.

I'll tie it back together but I can only try so hard.
It's wearing down, going gone.
It withers and soon I'll have none.
Nothing to save me, or them
if I start abusing it again.
I need a break.
Denise Uy Sep 2018
i've an oily face
pimples growing everywhere
i am very stressed
rawr life aint taking it easy on me rn
Denise Uy Sep 2018
You make a fool of death with your beauty and for a moment I forget to worry.
It's not mine but I love this line from the song.
Denise Uy Sep 2018
I wish I could write just as easily as my breath flows.
yay, a one-liner!
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