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ajit peter Mar 2015
ten word ten thoughts

Let it go life doth throw

For thee to grow

Right or wrong do live strong

Life not forever long

Rich and poor both do die

Fortune and fame lie

Forget not time you did smile

In thy lonely mile

Heart doth beat loves first sight

Hearts defeat loves flight

Winter or summer love to remember 

Each day Christmas December 

A tear spend hand to lend

World doth not end

Today to tomorrow last not sorrow

smile none to borrow 

Babies stork bought innocent the thought

Such a heart sought 

Famine war terrorism **** ****** abuse

Maniacs murderers inhuman human
ajit peter Feb 2015
Years around the sun thirty eight
A wild colt never straight
None to control never a leash
Life a passion to unleash

Failures many success few
Time hath passed morning dew
Yet to live on and walk free
Tis heart beat to be

Thirty eight times around the sun
Life hath been sad and fun
Past be gone yet future new
Loved and left quite a few

Oh to lend a helping hand
Moments gone in times flowing sand
For heaven on earth in Tis land
38 still to stand

Thank for the friend far
Thank for parents in sky star
thank for a year new
Thank for days true
ajit peter Sep 2015
A moment of silence and a candle to light

Memories in the heart glow so bright

A day to honor the Life Lost

Only tears to bear the cost


Soldiers of life for dream to fight

Laid shattered in vengeance might

Neither a gun nor a knife they held

Dreams and Love lay dead


Out of vengeance a damage done

Could time be turned to make it gone?

In the rumble the deaths pain to hear

Echoes still with loved ones near


If ideology gives a right to ****

The earth's grave will fill

If ever a promise to be made

To honor the innocent life's laid


From every heart a love to share

With every hand a gesture to care

In every heart a candle to light

Love and care our weapons to fight.
Tribute to those who lost their life on 9 11
ajit peter Feb 2014
A light to shine in dark
With a torch tis blind man walk
blind from the day born
know he not night and dawn
In dark his torch shine bright
To them that see a path to light
deeds of human soul understood not
yet a torch tis blindman has got
ajit peter Dec 2014
Share to tis world
care untold word
spare a space in heart
Share the joy thou got
Care to the innocent lot
spare a few thought
Share a beat of heart
care doth cost not
spare the hearts love
share the days joy
care to give a smile
spare a space in heart
share what thou have
care for them doth not have
spare a smile to hearts sad
May joy flood all the hearts in hello poetry and the people of tis world on tis christmas
ajit peter Dec 2016
To an Angel

Look into the stars do you see the past
Feel the breeze would the pains last
A cradle in the moon to swing
A lullaby from an angel with golden wing

Times ive heard the lullaby sing
A gentle breeze from the angels wing
Times i thought it was a dream
Till you bought joy in tears stream
ajit peter Apr 2015
A cross of wood

Tis the carpenters son on a cross of wood
To slay him the soldiers in hood
tis day in calvary stood
blood of lamb shed for good

Tis the  King born in a manger
Yet to none a stranger
time he cried for water
yet to get bitter vinegar

Tis the son of Almighty in heaven
Times in the cross he cried seven
For Our  dues he made even
A Prayer for his foes to be forgiven

Tis the son of God crowned with thorn
 For our sins his flesh torn
For tis the pupose he was born
Darkness to end in a joyous morn
ajit peter Apr 2014
Tis a path chosen by me
A dream to my destiny to be
walking away from safe shell
To the unknown realm dreams spell
Then my wallet had the bill
now tis heart hath its fill
then the world honored me
not tis world shower love to me
then I slept without peace
now life none to please
then the fear to fail
now destiny's winds set may sail
tis a path of a dreamers choice
Dreams to fill dreamers rejoice
ajit peter Jan 2015
A screen on the wall
A picture on buildings tall
To the heart doth call
Till our feet stall

A beauty with a smile behold
A story of a product unfold
A lie in cloaked by truth untold
Till by our greed sold

Played for the human charm
Leading the heart to warm
Unknown to desire in heart born
Useless after the wrapper torn

A crying child in the street
An embarrassed parents defeat
A guilt wrapped treat
Tempting addictive defeat

Eden had a tempting tree
Our stores give it free
Oh why doth not our feet flee
Advertisement an adversetisement to be

Sometimes television  Advertisement  just temp us to buy things we do not need plus many products are not as shown in advertisement
ajit peter Mar 2014
A prisoner in societies chain.
tis heart longs for freedom to gain.
held in a prison of pain
fortunes and fame sought in vain

if for a wish to come true.
grant me wings to soar the sky blue
to paint the rainbow with different hue
A heart in love true

A smile as a child pure
strength in storm anchor sure
to the hearts broken a cure
a love to the world pure

if tis life be a song
tis heart shall sing it long
to mend the broken and wrong
a free spirit breaking chains strong
ajit peter Mar 2014
Oh what hath bought us near
a friend so far yet near
Oh what could make an empty heart fill
sweet memories of past as treasures fill

hearts of gold in times of pain rare
love shall pay this journeys fare
far by miles a million
yet to this heart a treasured million

who hath made our path to be crossed
destinys and fate as ship in waves tossed
for tommorow is what we know not
yet hope shall fill the hearts empty lot
dedicated to  friends far yet with heart so near
ajit peter Aug 2015
A journey to the past
My spirit felt restless in pain
In drowning fear,tis heart's dream be slain
Souls of Love in tis world found few
My joy melt like early morn due
laid in bed my eyes search for sleep
memories of hatred and hurt made me weep
pains of past refused to let go
A feeling lost, to the end a journey slow
My heart longed to reach the past
Holding hard the joy to last
Times in my dreams i cry for thee
Only to be waken by darkness around me
I cried for the past to let me go
I seeketh the answers in starlights distant glow
many a thoughts and mayhem in tis mind
Tis a curse to my loved ones I bind
Lost are they from tis life
Fate a thief of joy in disguise
Tis heart tormented like a stormy night
I take my steps a journey in past to find some light
Words of my friend bought peace to my heart
to seek the answer a journey to start
my bag with cloth and food. a whistle to start 
A beast on rails steaming hot,my time machine to the past
Seated by the window.Fading concrete to fields green
the breeze on my face a journey begin to my dream
My thoughts travell back to the days of my childhood
with my father walking through the wood
his voice of wisdom close with nature
Ever to linger in my dreams of the future
through the rice field the silver brook
pictured in my heart a printed book
the sound of men and women with fruits to sell
wake me up from the memories spell
My time machine a familiar sound metal on wheel
the window my theater to the world like a movie reel
times i fell back to my memories past
Till I saw the familiar station in memories to last
I pick my bag and my heart with joy to beat
Will I find my memory among the familiar aroma of sweet meat

The night in the inn my sleep lost in journeys pain
With the hope of day break my past to gain
The sun in the morn yet to shine its ray
I start to the bus stop  a familiar way
decades past since i laid my foot here
yet the ways to my field so fimiliar
I walk towards the gate changed to a different name
Yet the house and trees stood the same
I wait for times few searching to find a soul of past
with none in sight I turned my back time changes fast
A voice I heard , A dream or a memories trick yet loud and clear
An old and graying man in my memories vague yet walking near
with the name my father calls his old eyes searching my face
Cry not my child ,I knew not tears hath covered my eyes
The old gardener decades eight remembers me his old eyes bright
His stride as of young familiar clothes washed to white
He held my arm strong and sure led me through the garden with memories ever
The old house stood its ground faded paint memories a burning fever
We sat down in an old familiar place the old man spoke of days old
My dreams etched in this house my heart with joy untold

His tales carried on of my father and family his love to the land
Tales of fishing in the brook and pains of honey bee sting,a painted picture by a magic wand
Time stood still the young had moved to city with lights bright
Yet with time their hearts dimmed and the ways of old faded out of sight
The old bike gleamed in the sun In tis I learnt my first lesson to cycle
we ride it through the trees green to the brook on the edge of fields circle
With my legs in water My I felt as child the days past yet never lost
The old man with stories fresh changing masters and rising cost
The sun burned hot in the noon yet through the filed a breeze so cool
The sweet fragrance of lemon my spirits soar tis to leave I am a fool
Lunch in plantain leaf spicy dish with meat the old man a better cook
Served with love with a proud words tis the son of his lord a child of the brook
An hour of cycle ride to the mountain mother with her silver tress
A water fall painted with rainbow on the rock drizzling droplets sprayed my dress
Hours I stood under it watch full eyes of the old man to him iam just a child
We walked and talked among the natures path the mountains call me to beauty wild
The day end with the sun sinking low we ride back with a breeze to follow
We sat to watch the fireflies glow tis must be eden my happiness flow
The days tiredness ebbing with the local brew tis in earth a heavens part
In his words I felt his love, TIs garden after death his spirit his heart

I start to return to the inn in the fire light tear drops shine
He held my hand with a promise to ask to return back in my days fine
My heart wants to utter words million yet in silence I stared
Yet I took his hand with a promise to keep an oath sacred
To the spirit of my father Ill come there again 
A love of an old gardener in his memory my heart remain
I walk back to the inn my spirit with joy boundless
To my friend I spoke yet my words scarce with smiles countless
I slept with a lightened heart with dreams without pain
Tis old gardner his love for the land a memory of a child to gain
The new begin my heart longed to see the old man one more time 
yet the call of the world and promises in tis heart chime
Time to pack my bag to board the machine to present The green flag wave and a whistle sound
My heart refuse to leave my dreams found
The life of the old man strong decades eight
A heart of gold who won the time passing fight
My promise to return to the garden of my childhood 
My vision to share it with the unfortunate of tis world
My spirits in peace my eyes watching the window of nature
My heart hopes for my dreams of the future
ajit peter May 2016
A lady in the Hospital

Ere she lay in sheets white
Eyes searching in the hazy light
seeking a face her pains to fight
yet her eyes close with none in sight

Her pale face with pain in her sleep
her heart  beating hollow and deep
A silent room with a low hum and beep
Her life a prison in pain to keep

Her beauty lost to the diseases hunger
Her tresses to radiation she surrender
With broken promises her thoughts wander
Tis world turn to her as a stranger

she seeketh a cure in miracles hand
Years of her life stolen in a dna strand
her dreams lost of a wedding grand
her life in storm a ship unmanned

Her heart seeketh a reason in pain
What hath she got in tis world to gain
For her future in tis world be slain
Oh What can end her tears that rain
I wrote this when admitting my mom in hospital a woman in her end stages of cancer in nearby bed
ajit peter May 2014
The song of life doth fade
forgotten laughters melody made

none to knock the door
gone the feet that walked the floor

Each meal a lonesome bliss
night sleep in pained abyss

Endless waves of the sea
oh tis soul long to flee

Lonely eagle scale the sky
wings none to fly

out from the womb alone
end in grave alone
ajit peter May 2016
Words found in heart deep
Etched not in memory to keep
World formed in thoughts flow
Failed to ink lost as sand in a wind blow
Seeking it again in heart deep
Few fragment this memory keep
A rhyme lost
Born yet in moment lost
ajit peter May 2016
who will wait for you
who can lick your face
who can bark and wag a tail
who can give the paws to ur hand
none other than a friend of man
who can sense your mood
who cannot leave you till death
who can beg to be near you even in anger
who can treat a friend as master
none other than mans best friend
who can hide your sock
who can not let you go to office
who can feel those that hate you
who cannot talk your tongue yet speak
not by a lover but a mans best friend

in heaven you find people you know
yet to hell only a dog do follow
ajit peter Mar 2014
Times in pain dark clouds cover the sky

Fountains of heaven doth open when Angels cry

Emotions spent and tears to dry

Heavens thy pains bear and Angels Cry

The spirits of freedom seek to fly

Chained in tis world Angels Cry

Dreams of the heart to paint the sky

Hands tied to pain Angels Cry

Hunted souls birds without wings to fly

Felt in heaven Angels cry

Rage in the heart hatred fly

Love and peace Angels cry

Heaven to reach the hungers cry

Souls doth care Angels cry

Hearts of Love empty to dry

Showers to fill Angels cry

Hurt and pain Angels cry

Love and Joy Angels cry

Tears and smile Angels cry

For you and me Angels cay

The world to be one Angels Cry

To those in darkness Angels Cry

To those that Left Angels Cry

To the lonely souls Angels Cry

Love in the heart Angels cry

A hand to help Angels cry

To share and care Angels Cry

To bring the joy Angels Cry
ajit peter Sep 2015
Passion a flame for love to light
A melting heart shining in eyes bright
Her hands hold me in a sweet delight
Passion a flame of hearts to unite
Sweetness in a lips that kiss
Dew and honey a brew of bliss
In her arms love to fill an abyss
passion set on fire of hearts that miss
The beat of heart heard in her chest
A child in heart suckling breast
A song in her cry of love doth rest
passion of woman tease and test
The star light diamonds on sweat
love in a night days pain to defeat
passions fire calm in times treat
In her arms a shell to retreat
the tune of joy mellows to an end
the stars a silent witness in ****** spent
the beat of heart in a night breeze to blend
wishing the flames of passion never to end
ajit peter Dec 2016
High above in heaven a prayer heard
A man whose heart feared
God almighty I did wrong he said
Yet to gain pardon my sacrifice not paid
For Iam poor and cannot pay
A sacrifice needs money the elders say
Father in heaven his heart did pain
oh for the love of tis human to gain
To make a sacrifice his child he sent
To know the human pain in earth to spend
A child in a manjor was born
to them in darkness awaiting joyous morn
A sacrifice to our sins God did give
The greatest gift for poor to live
Christmas a time with joy to celebrate
Gifts and toys and rituals humans create
Doth not for poor God as a child born
yet humanity doth make his heart torn
its not gifts that mark the day
its a love of God to humaniny with his life to pay
Joy not in the gifts we do give
joy be found to give the dying a life to live
Not in the feast a christmas sprit found
A smile to them that cry a melody of joy to sound
to them suffering from hunger war loss of life in sickness loneliness
in debts in cold in pain letvus us share this christmas
ajit peter Aug 2016
A rhyme written for life
To end all life's strife
In heart doth it flow
In lips a smile to glow
To them in darkest fear
Courage of love ever near
To them lost and lone
A sweet word reassured tone

In hurdles to fate them that fall
Mock not yet felt be their call
Love hath been torn
Fortune and fame be gone
Yet Ink from a hand in life etched
Deep from heart words fetched
Wheels of destiny doth turn
Fuelled by souls that burn

A robin and eagle not the same
Yet with wings play natures game
A water hole attract a deer in fear
A tiger hidden in grass ever near
A bee doth die with its sting
Yet sweet honey it doth bring

Seldom sacrificed human life
To end earthly strife
Seldom a hand for the fallen soul
To injustice a cry foul
Seldom the hungry be fed
To orphans a warm bed

Rhyme of life indeed
One day forget greed
One day plant loves seed
One day give care to need
One day heal them that bleed
One day hungry to feed
Rhyme of life in need
ajit peter Feb 2014
His love he had to tell
yet his voice silent to spell
love hath boundries of silence
yet the heart beats chaotic violence
Fear of failure his love in silence chained
yet to love in his heart remained
lover he is in secret silence
ajit peter Feb 2015
Tis an untold story an incident
Played in reality by an accident
Ever loved to ride in my wheels two
All night till sky turn dark to blue
An evening drowning in brew
Wild days with sorrows crew
Took the steel horse for a nightly spin
Mind did say yet passion did win
Burning tires on city roads
Freedom from thoughts hearts loads
As time flew a second gone blank
Hit the iron rails world turned black
A moment know not the time
Woke clearing the birds circling chime
The wound on my leg by iron torn
Filling with life blood in shoes worn
Still the wheels turning on my horse steel
The alcohol numbed my pain to feel
a rider rides in from the dark
Lifts my horse and made me walk
The wound tied with cloth my mouth dry
Vauge I speak get me water and ill try
Gone for moments not so long
A bottle of water did me strong
Felt the damaged horse to ride
Following his tail light by side
Slow reached home safe in night
Never a chance to see his face in light
the taxi was called to take me
I did ask the rider his face to see
His final words thou doth know me
His fading tail lights last to see
Cured I called my friends to ask how
Till today him I did not know
This is a true event .that road where I met with accident must be around 2am not a soul will be there and where did he get a water bottle with no shops open
How's did he know my house how did he get a taxi at night who called my home the taxi my mother said she got a call from a guy saying a friend
I believe this happened for a reason would have died bleeding on a road
ajit peter Apr 2017
Worry not
Think what you got
Forget lost
Paid the cost
ajit peter Feb 2015
A life lived among thorn
A Rose on valentines day born
Unconditional love she did give
Though days few she did live

Though her smiles be few
Her smile a morning dew
Her role in Tis life played
Yet her love never strayed

For to love Tis world mark a day
Still her love unmatched all the way
To her love oh never to repay
A Rose born on valentines day
A tribute to my long departed mom who was born on February 14th
All I am and what is because of her love
ajit peter Sep 2015
A day begins for the ride
A steel horse by his side
Turn of the key the engine sings
A bird fluttering it's wings
The view ahead laid wide
His heart washed by sea tide
Away from city miles
Far to nature's smiles
Singing a new song
destination unknown and long
To uncharted roads far
Till the night  brings a star
Man and machine soul one to be
My wings my steel horse ride free
ajit peter Nov 2016
A winter night tale

Painted world, winters cold
Turning white, roses fade.
Dying fire ,fading light,
stolen dreams ,Awaiting sight.

shivering bones, frozen tears,
longing still ,sun light.
sidewalk house, cardboard box,
Freezing death, Awaiting sight.

Sleeping warm ,heaters on,
blankets bright,Held tight
burning fire, Dreaming dawn.
Tears gone, winter warm.

nights gone,Day born
Frozen death, Winters harm
Blankets Warm,Spared one
Worthy fight, Winters migh
To all homeless people to stay safe this winter
snow is beautiful yet to the poor its a harsh reality
ajit peter Mar 2015
Bare feet on beach
nature's love to reach
Sands caress the feet
Life's curing street

Bare feet on beach
Peace in heart doth teach
Nature's lessons to preach
Yet to humans doth it reach

Plastic bags tangle thy feet
Stench of waste nature's defeat
Broken glass dangers seat
Oh Tis life's defeat

Useless thrown to waste
Let not be in haste
For waste doth not fade in haste
Let Tis not be nature's fate
Inspired by true event every sunday I go for a walk in beach marina beach one of the longest beach in India let us keep it clean
ajit peter Jun 2015
This is a work of fiction 

A little girl lost her father and her brother in a bomb blast. This poem is a tribute to such small children and relatives by acts of terror

Big bad bomb

Who did I wrong

Guns not in my purse

Yet why it's curse

Big bad bomb

A wrong doth not right a wrong

Torn laid my father lifeless

His love to me blameless

Big bad bomb

Any reason to light thee wrong

The last man in family gone

My sibling my brother to mourn

Big bad bomb

Never seen face of them wrong

My father never took their land

My brother never raised his hand

******* bomb

I cannot right this wrong

Sadness be the tune of song

Many like me mourn so long

Big bad bomb

Revenge for my loved wrong

For if I light another bomb

To innocence I do wrong

Hear my cry my brethren who harm

Set not thy heart to light a bomb
ajit peter May 2016
Love oh it doth fade
by steel if hearts made
yet tis a heart beating red
Pumping its life blood
silence of today speak tomorrow
Life doth smile on days sorrow
Thy hands ever held
to cure the heart that bled
ajit peter Mar 2015
Work work no time
Time time to rhyme
Rhyme rhyme be mine
Mine mine heart thine
ajit peter Feb 2014
Each day unto the unknown
uncharted leaves by wind blown
Bearing thorns as crown
in chains tis heart drown

Yet to find the call of dream
In the silent recess of thoughts stream
not aspired to be societies cream
To walk the path to the call of dream
ajit peter Feb 2014
Death toll on the rise
pain and suffering none too wise
Tragedy in unexpected moment
disaster in life a torment
can the heart fanthom life
Doth life answer worldly strife
Past a history to write
future a clueless path to light
ajit peter May 2016
In the flow of days time
Woken up by alarms chime
Toils of the day doth begin
The buzz of city in ears ring

The routine of day dims the life
Why to wonder this endless strife
Each with the race of his own
Endless work time doth drown

Little treats of life found on the way
Love not lost under suns ray
Forgiven a driver reckless
Forgotten the abuse endless

A hungry woman with a child
Not hers begs for money robbing hearts mild
A little girl to a shool she belong
Yet she sells on signal with a song

Doth not one stop to make this wrong right
Not to stop or help humans take flight
Hypocrite am too to meet my days deed
Come Monday a race starts every human fulfilling a need
Some thoughts about Monday in the city
ajit peter Oct 2016
Come writers and critics
Who prophesize with your pen
And keep your eyes wide
The chance won't come again
And don't speak too soon
For the wheel's still in spin
And there's no tellin' who
That it's namin'
For the loser now
Will be later to win
For the times they are a-changin'.  - Bob Dylan
To Bob Dylan
ajit peter Jan 2015
Answer my destinys call
Where doth my future fall
looking deep in the crystall ball
my journeys step stall

fear of failure fear to fail
eludes the victory heart frail
broken dreams in lifes trail
a ruderless ship broken sail

conjure thy magic crystal ball
Show my way in summer and fall
let not fail the hearts call
Courage to walk tall

Through the misty glass I seek
thunder storm lighting streak
Shining sun brightening souls weak
Whispered pains in ears doth speak

show my way let not fall
hold my hand hear my call
give me strength good for all
conjure thy magic oh crystall ball
ajit peter Apr 2014
In tis universe wide
In its unknown glide
from the cupids bow
stiriketh the arrow of love
eyes sparkled with tear
Uncertain in its fear
yet tis pleasure to melt
beating heart of love felt
striketh the arrow of love
from the cupids bow
ajit peter Jun 2016
A box of memories doth open
From present to past woken
Tale tellers magical words spoken
Childhood to adult chains broken

Carefree of the worlds way
Fun with friends under suns ray
Games of football on grass and clay
Homework to do end of the day

Innocent fights forgotten and forgiven
A bicycle a treasure god given
Fear of lessons and teachers cane forgotten
The ringing bell awaited as blessing given

Candy and ice cream shared
A bruised leg or arm never cared
A holiday never missed or spared
Oh sweet memories lay bared

Days of young where hath it gone
Innocence of time lost and torn
Days of young await its morn
Days of young be again born
ajit peter Jun 2014
Your shirts fits me
your pants short for me
yet never could fill for thee
thy shoes you left to me
ajit peter Dec 2015
Missing in words
Due to floods in chennai India
I do thank God that we are safe

This disaster did thought me a valuable lesson

Money is not everything
Words and action of words
ajit peter Sep 2015
Dear mother

Tis world thou hath left
Thy soul in heavens abode
Thy love my only gift
A candle lit in Tis heart
A light to share to all
For my actions to speak
To the needy to give
To wipe a tears few
As thee watch from heavens home
May my life bring thee a smile
Today is my mother's death aniversary
And I do miss her
ajit peter Jun 2014
I had seen this
A dream
Now I feel this
reality of the dream
was my dream true
or I see future without clue
ajit peter Jul 2016
in the sea of fate a journey to make
a path of life destiny doth take
the soul is a ship that sail
heart a compass never to fail
storms of pain doth try to drown
Its destination awaits a crown
without care tis a race we run
moments do we stop to wonder the life under sun
for every heart hath a destiny to live
If love be gone the heart hath none to give
ajit peter Feb 2014
Lingering thoughts in heart deep
A burning light  dreams doth keep
dreams a call of destiny
a longing of eternity
ajit peter Mar 2014
Seeds in the hear to sow
Dreams , plants to grow
watered with tears of pain
Dreams not to end in vain
awaiting the flowers to bloom
a souls joy from gloom
ajit peter Apr 2016
mother earth
Scared by human deed
her beauty fade to endless greed
her arms of green sent to mill
her rivers of life waste to fill
her eyes in smog lost its hue
oil spills hurt her sea blue
end doth her life without care
oh doth hearts her pain to share
green grasses frail and fail
Human deed acid hail
Art of human her face doth scar
tis our earth her end not far
call ye oh hearts to think
save her from extinctions brink
ajit peter Mar 2014
Poens to write
doth they lead path right
to bring a smile
A company in lonely mile
write tis in sorrow
for them findeth no tomorrow
life of the pained who doth care
none their sorrows share
Love lost to human need
words it doth feed
who hath tis arm
never cared yet friendship warm
Sorry for typing err dyslexic moments
ajit peter Sep 2015
On the run for refuge

His family and burden huge

The sky his shelter

His bed made in heather

Is there a tomorrow 

away from his sorrow 

what doth humanity gain

Humans inflicted in pain

Chained to nations fence

Human heart seeking defence 

To the refuge they run

Wrecked life under sun

Seeking open gates wide

Souls weak a shelter to hide

Tis earth created not by hand

God the one made Tis land

Yet nations fail their own

A fence destroying their sown

wars waged at human cost

Stop we plead for life lost

Unite may Tis world join hand

For refuge every man's land
This is for all the people who has to run away from their country for their safe
Their own fence failing to protect them

Bricks and bats welcomed but if we can create every man's land so many lives will not be lost
ajit peter Aug 2016
The teacher of experience is
Few defeats and many betrayal
ajit peter Aug 2016
In an open heart they walk
Healing words they talk
Promised tis doth not end
With a labelled term friend

Chart they our hearts to smile
With our life in lonesome mile
Some so far some near
Some from childhood held dear

May be time away a lot
Or a better friend got
May be hated by action found
Or a pain that persist around

Yet each heart doth deserve
A love of friendship to preserve
For each heart doth care
Being well dead or alive to share

To talk or share need not be
To stop being a friend a right to thee
Yet to the other who friendship gave
Fade not without a good bye friendship to save

To many who come into our lives as friends and vanish without even a good bye wondering in our hearts what went wrong
ajit peter Jun 2014
Oh how low hath we come
to remember a father a day
Everyday is he not a father
His love can it be chained to a day
a number a month on a calendar
Or doth we have no time for him
Or is it enough just one day we him joy
father is he not to us every breath
forget fathers day love your father everyday
If this words have hurt any sentiments I do apologize but I sincerely feel by making all these special days we make them distant
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