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 Apr 2021 Ailsa
Lauren Johnson
I will spread dirt into every crevice of my broken heart and plant flowers so big and beautiful, that their roots will mend all the shattered pieces back together, and you’ll never be able to see the mess I used to be.
 Apr 2021 Ailsa
 Apr 2021 Ailsa
She stopped to look at the flower
so that we would stop
to look at her
looking at the flower.
 Apr 2021 Ailsa
Maria Mitea
it stops in the heat of the day and picks your wildflowers.
it's coming. it certainly comes. out of the world. ones.
white moths will flutter their wings at your years
"if you want. come to dinner. we”ll be us ”

for fear of another step back. every second asks incessantly
"what could have happened"
the eyes remained fix on that crucifix.
chain hanging on the rearview mirror "

a heart that splits in the rain.

- it hurts ... but no ... I can't open the door.
"let's run. run with me. now"
one last look disappears in the flood of rain.
it can hit. anyone. anywhere. anytime.
in silence ... keep your hand on the door handle.
if not. we can say "it was the tyranny of time"
we only need a minute. to open the door to the outside world.
 Mar 2021 Ailsa
Amy Grindhouse
I used to be obsessed with the idea
that the stars we saw at night were
mostly already dead
Like everything was as lost
and as inevitably hopeless
as I felt I was
But this turned out to be another legend
Most of them are still there
and won't explode
for some time
and maybe I was disappointed
that the universe
wasn't as dark
as it appears to me.
What I like most about you
is that you
can turn things like that around
when you explain
how we're made up of materials
from some primordial
atomic cataclysm
that sent particles
in a billion different directions
until they reformed
and made
the sun
and the stars
and the planets
and that the entire spectrum
of our existence
was brought forth
from these events
I should consider myself lucky
that the universe
went to all that trouble
to make you for me.
 Mar 2021 Ailsa
I don't think you understand
The way I fell in love with you
The way you became my whole world
The way you were the sun that lit up my days

I don't think you understand
The way I still feel your warmth
The way I still move to you like a tide to the moon
The way I still find comfort in your light

I don't think you understand
When I said forever
I meant it
When I said unconditionally
I mean it
When I loved you
I meant it

No, I don't think you understand
That you'll always be in my heart
 Mar 2021 Ailsa
As I close my eye the soul awakens
as the travel begins into the unknown
visions of the path ahead.
Waltzing to sonatas of Mozart,
Down the alley of the lake of swans,
Where I float to Tchaikovsky with the
ballerinas, twirling to the rhythm
till my heart get fulfilled.
I have a huge addiction to classical music
 Mar 2021 Ailsa
Note to Self
 Mar 2021 Ailsa
 Mar 2021 Ailsa
full moon
 Mar 2021 Ailsa
but you only love the moon
when it's full and bright
and leave it with the stars
when it's gloomy and half,
like what you did to me
I guess you only love things just to break them.
 Mar 2021 Ailsa
Em Becker
 Mar 2021 Ailsa
Em Becker
I don't wipe my tears away anymore
I want to-
I need to feel them as they fall
from the burning in my eyes and nose
to the droplet escaping
every millimeter
over my cheekbone
down down down
more joining
following different paths
I feel them all
I feel them now
they are joy and confusion and anger and rage and frustration and sorrow and mourning and peace incomprehensible
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