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J'ai amour, cela me preoccupe.
Avez vous un petit ami?
Vous avez maintenant ... s'il tu plait.

© Pagan Paul (14/05/17)
Je suis desole.
Je ne pas parle la Francais.
Mais ... Je essayer :)
Mother's are there from day one
Right from the beginning
To nurture the child a great deal
And be overly concerned with their well being
Mother's want the best for their child
A mentor to show them the way
A mother's voice is uplifting
She shines that light everyday

The Underground of HP

I do not joke

underworld, underground,
a subterranean nether-land,
a dark net
of a peculiar type of
wonderful human trafficking

all pathways are Venetian style,
each traveler rides in a tricked out, camouflaged gondola
of their own reckoning and design,
upon "rivers of good company"^

***"dude - ain't no such thing I seen
on o dropdown menu
provided by the House of York***

you are correct and yet, you are

the way in
to this far more real world
than the surficial one
where you currently reside,
but only half alive,
is where poets speak
in the pentameter of plain english,
exchanging kindnesses and
magic tricks, tidbits of loveliness,
poems of sheerest nylon delight

their private revelations,
their second skin
home to shared state secrets
that are close guarded,
confided confidences, confident completely,
that nothing can rise exposed to the glare of the casual observer,
the accidental tourist,
who writes but
of and for the occasion
for self-glorification

the way in you ask?

don't make me laugh.

no one will extend an invitation -
memberships do not exist
you must invite yourself.

look to the frescoed, vaulted Vatican ceiling,
see the Creation of Adam,
a single finger-extending,
breathing life
when touching his/your reciprocal,
his/your creator

this is the way, the way in,
to self creation.

make the reach of your life,
stretch your soul across the terra firma of invisible terabytes
with the touch of a single fingertip

down below is where
the super stars reside,
who count not the vanity of quantities of cheap likes,
but who delight in the
rivets of insights,
well hid in the spaces between
line and letter
and dark secret messages,
trafficking in the best of
humanity, kindness

expose yourself, accepting your self
welcomed you will be,

down below is where the real work gets done.

the realization, the actualization,
where the top of the tip
points down, the crown,
of the inverted pyramid

where poems are the
blood and stuff,
the kisses and the touches,
the ***** and the
opening into the berm,
the root, the stem, and the blossoming
of the real world of HP

Here's a little pome
From your little girl
Dedicated to the one
Who brought me
             to the world...

I wasn't an easy child
I thought it would be fun
To run through
              the house screaming
              tormenting everyone!

There was the time
              when I got "lost"
It must've made you bats!
But, of course, you found me...
               in a cage with feral cats!

I got lost on that Hawaiian trip
In that department store...
The largest in the country!
Couldn't find me anywhere!

Another time I climbed on up
To cookies on the shelf...
The top of those cabinets!
I could have killed myself!

Then, as I got older
I became more wild
I won't go into details
But I was a tough child!

I'm surprised I'm still around
For all the things I've done
I must be here to love you now
And I DO love you, ***!

Yeah, I'm surprised I'm living!
I've done SO many things...
I got high... could've been higher...
With a halo and some WINGS!

'Cause moms?
They can be tougher
They can do more than shout
They brought us
IN to this 'ol world...
            and they can take us OUT!

Here's to my Maternal Unit
Yup... you must've passed the test
And when God gave out the hearts

He gave you the BEST!

♡ Your daughter Catherine
Our neighbors kept feral Manx
cats. I got "lost" when I was 4.
The momma cat had had a
litter of kittens in a cage they
kept in the backyard, and I
decided I wanted to pet the kitties. That mother cat
was pacing and hissing for
all she was worth! I made my
mom frantic! And that sure
wasn't the LAST TIME! LOL!

I'm going to be gone most of the
day at a mom's day party...
Lord willing I'll be back reading
Tomorrow ♡♡♡
 May 2017 Adrian Newman
Tear drops drop
like emotions in motion
waves of confusion stirring up commotion
currents stronger than the ocean's
corroding stones as their eroding
a cold world is turning
approaching implosion  
more explosive than explosions
a torn heart, is a fabric
that can never be rewoven
once it breaks, it will never be re-open
to being open to true love
once the truth is slain
love is pain, so is sane
the pain once sustained,  will be ingrained
like a stain, will leave a mark
that will grow dark
until if covers
every part
 May 2017 Adrian Newman
fill me with your flavor
let your sweetness
take residence in my mouth
treat your essence
like a fragrance
and wear you out
make you my delicacy
and bare your fruits
delicately until our pleasures amount
releasing your pure juices
like a faucet they
spew out
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