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 Oct 2015 Abigail B
 Oct 2015 Abigail B
***** your happiness,
your carefree smiles and laughter.
**** your friendship,
your trust and your loyalty.
**** your love,
your passion and your kisses.
**** your success,
your pride and your achievements.

**** you and the things that light up your world,
and **** you if you think I'm selfish for thinking
**** you
but you can **** off if you think that jealousy is unreasonable,
when you have everything and I have
**** all.
Explicit cause of bad language
**** everyone for being okay and **** myself for not
 Oct 2015 Abigail B
Ashley Nicole
I scream until my throat aches and ignites.
I scream until my face flushes.
I've been screaming all day,
But nobody has heard me.
 Oct 2015 Abigail B
 Oct 2015 Abigail B
i wish i had a heart of steel-
made as a source of shield;
wishing i could take care
for my own self defense.
thin gray horizon
dull, dark, oozing riverside
a heron takes to wing
She scared me because she was going to shine whether I was there or not. She knew she didn't need anyone else for her to have a brilliant life, so she started building one on her own.

nothing really excites me anymore.
it's either everything has changed & i've remained the same
or everything is stagnant & i've changed so drastically that
i just don't fit in this environment anymore.
i'm like a fish that's been over fed
& this pond is too small & dull for me now.
i need to be thrown into the ocean.
i belong in the ocean.
dear universe, throw me into the ocean...
do not judge harshly
life thrives in controversy
and differing views
but seek the truth of it
and understand what that means
always be compassionate
serve up truth tempered by love
and kindness to your fellows
free of  any prejudices
that is when and only then
may you pass judgement
i wish
i were as brave as the rain
they are not afraid to

when there is no one there to catch them...

they are the strongest, bravest and
saddest things I've known :(

-the thought "the rain are not afraid to fall" were not from me . :)
 Oct 2015 Abigail B
maybe marc
all i am is bad stories and
all you are is interruptions and compliments.

they were all talking and mostly laughing,
you were one of them.

but then you said i love you man
in that tone of yours
that lets me know you don't mean it.

you're not flirting with me
but i wish i were.

and i wish so many things that could never come true,
but maybe we'll be friends?
god, gb, why do you have to look like that and talk like that and be like that and wear that and breathe like that and just exist without me knowing you better
I know
I'm not
Actually alone
And that
Dying won't
Really solve
So I'm just
******* thinking
About it
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