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Dec 2019 · 210
The feeling of hope
Amena Dec 2019
Lost it once
In a simple glance
Almost heard your guts
somewhere farther than the stars
I felt it within your sparks
It came for the first time
As I closed my eye
Stumbled upon your heart
Nov 2019 · 237
Amena Nov 2019
Imagining my life without you is hard but seeing you as you slowly break is harder
I wanted to keep you close even when life kept taking you further
I hope the place that you are in, is much better
Because in life you went through hell before and after
God you not being here is something I will never get over
You were full of love even when life was treating you as an outsider
But I love you incase I didn’t tell you I will tell the stars every night hereafter
I promise you it will never be the same without the sound of your laughter
You’re within my heart forevermore
Sep 2019 · 669
Amena Sep 2019
I am a poet they say
I write about the emotions and all the things I can’t say
I am a poet they say
When life gets hard I move my pen and free the pain away
I am a poet they say
A poet that writes about love and hate at the same day
I am a poet they say
And you are the curse that will never go anyway
I am a poet they say
I hate my love to you in every single way
I am a poet they say
I write things about you as if I’m writing about my enemy
I am a poet they say
I believe in you even though you’re the fakest fantasy
I wish you could just liberate me
Because in the end
I am just a poet
Yet to you
I am the lover who could not stay away
This kind of love is toxic
Get out of it while you still can
Sep 2019 · 886
Amena Sep 2019
I always believed that there is no such a thing as unconditional love, because to me there is no way someone can love you with no boundaries.
And even if there is a chance that this person exists I will take all the other chances that says otherwise.
It is a belief, and it takes more than one person to change someone’s belief, right?
Yet when you came I gave up on all the other chances to take only yours.
Because in the end it only takes one person to change all of your beliefs.
Love unconditionally for there’s no other day to do that, love your people, love your work, love your dog or cat or even your bird but make sure to love them
Sep 2019 · 9.9k
They love you
Amena Sep 2019
I guess they love you
Because all the poems I’ve written are
About you

I guess they love you
Because every single love song I hear
Describes  you

I guess they love you
Because In every passing face
I see you

I guess they love you
And I’m not quite sure if all the writers and poets fell in love before
With you
Aug 2019 · 294
Amena Aug 2019
‪They say you define love the way you’ve experienced it
Which means each and every one of us experienced a different type of love
And that is why we have this many definitions of love
Yet to be completely honest with you there’s no definition nor explanation needed
When it comes to your love
When it comes to what I feel for you
There is no need for all those words nor labels
Because simply it’s just you and me
No definition no explanation no words no labels
Nothing is needed when it comes to you and me
As simple as that
Jul 2019 · 655
Amena Jul 2019
I feel inspired when I think of you
As if you are my only muse

I get the idea of love but what is
The meaning of me and you ?

I see art and immediately think of you
It’s either you or you
No way I’m choosing someone new

I feel the music when I’m next to you
And when I can’t find your existence
I can’t find the perfect tune

So if that is the meaning of me and you
I don’t mind calling it my muse
“you're the inspiration behind my work”
Jun 2019 · 458
Amena Jun 2019
You can force many things
With power
Such as accepting what cannot be accepted
But you can’t force love
With power
You can’t force someone to fall in
With a song
Or a poem that has been written
By someone who has been in love
You can’t force someone
To admire a work of art
Or to push them to understand
The meaning behind a book
You can’t force someone
With power
When its
Because love cannot be reached by power
Jun 2019 · 174
Amena Jun 2019
You talk and i hear nothing but seeing the movement of your mouth
It is not you as they say it is me and i lost the interest in life
The more i try to listen the more the time stops
They say when you keep your mouth shut things get loud
Somehow my mind is not shutting down
If i can explain the way it works i will have to put labels
And i hate doing things like that
It is not something I’d enjoy talking about
So here i am writing about it to get it out.
Feb 2019 · 185
Amena Feb 2019
When you fall down on your knees
I will be the hands that will get you back on your feet
When you find yourself in the darkness of space
I will be the road that leads you straight back home
When you think that there is no hope in this world
I will sit with you in a hopeless world

Because when I was down on my knees
You were right there next to me
And when I was lost in a dark place
You came as the light I needed to see
And when I thought that there is no hope to be seen
You stayed around just to give it to me

That is why i am here
Because you were here
i took a break from writing and i think i am finally back, Hello Poetry !
Sep 2018 · 268
Amena Sep 2018
I still don’t know how I fell in love
With poetry
Maybe because
Everything I’ve written led back to you
Or maybe because
Words transforms into poems for you
I still don’t know the answer
But one thing I know
Is that I will always write,
Not just about you
But also to you.
Jul 2018 · 246
Amena Jul 2018
It’s okay to feel this way, to get at a point of your life where you can’t even stand your own reflection, it’s okay to get up everyday feeling like you can’t do it anymore, it’s okay to live when the only thing you’re thinking about is death, it’s okay because one day you’ll look back at those days and you’ll say that it’s okay, because it is.
Jul 2018 · 277
Amena Jul 2018
You know what?
I’m a fool
For thinking that my life
Can be the same without you
A fool for believing that i can go
Through every single day
Without the thought of you
You know I’m a fool
For acting cold when you left the place
That once you called a home
You know me very well
And you know that
I’m a fool when it comes to you
Jul 2018 · 213
Amena Jul 2018
But one by one I couldn't stop my heart from loving you, maybe it was insane to pick a rose instead of watering it, maybe it was wrong to fall in it but it felt so right and in the end It was my choice and i had the opportunity to end my feelings but the thing is that i wasn’t truly falling because it felt like i was rebuilding my soul from the very beginning and maybe that’s why i loved it.

— The End —