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Daniel Jan 2019
Sometimes I wish
You would've chosen to say

The most hurtful things
The ones that made me smile

Just, not them both
Daniel Jul 2019
I cough when I choke, and I cry and I claw, I charm and I cling and I cheer and I call, I curl when I cuddle and I care and I calm, I chance and I commit and I cave and I fall.
Daniel Dec 2018
You want to believe in afterlife.
I hope you’re not counting on to see me there -
to fix everything we did wrong,
to start again,
because I’m going to walk
this earth only once,
so sorry, love.

Maybe it’s arrogant of me to assume you even thought about me.
Maybe I wasn’t included in your plans at all - that’s alright too.
Yet, I know for sure that you hate me for saying that.
For all the times I cursed you,
I confessed my love for you.
Did you notice?
Daniel Dec 2019
Bruises on my neck,
a kiss on my lips,
I ran out of a cigarette,
you ran out of wine

Say nice things
when you think I don’t listen,
it helps me sleep,
the thought of you

I want you to stay
when I say the meanest things,
hoping you can read between the lines

Your essence left bare
in the words you speak,
all the secrets and desires,
your lips, your eyes, your hands,
all within my grasp

but why can't I reach you?
This is actually about a boy.
Daniel Jan 2019
I'm the type of person
who says
"sorry for saying sorry so much"
Daniel Dec 2019
"Poor thing", I said when he got a papercut, he said I could blow on it,
he wasn't talking about the cut.
Not so innocent.

— The End —