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13h · 12
Embracing The Role
Jas 13h
Now I see her rebuilding, piece by piece,
The person I once loved, finding her own release.
She thinks of me as lustful, only caring for her skin,
But I watch her now, embracing the self she’s within.

Why couldn’t she see her worth when we were still entwined?
Why did it take my fall for her to free her mind?
But maybe that’s the way it’s meant to unfold,
Her growth born from the stories of me, cold.

If being the villain makes her stronger, that’s fine,
If in their eyes, I’m the reason she found her line.
Let me be the bad guy, if that’s the price to pay,
For her to rise and move forward, far away.

I’ll wear the mask they paint, with no defense or plea,
If it gives her the strength to be all she can be.
Let me be the villain, if that’s what it takes,
To see her rebuild, even if it’s on my mistakes.
I'll gladly accept whatever other people think of me.
13h · 10
Jas 13h
It hurts to know they think I used them, nothing more,
That I cared only for their bodies, and nothing at the core.
They never took the time to know the heart inside,
Now I wear the mask of a villain, with nowhere to hide.

I tried to show them who I was, deeper than the skin,
But all they see is someone playing a game to win.
They don’t see the care, the love I tried to give,
Now I’m just the one who took, while they relive.

I’m painted as the one who saw them as a toy,
As if I only sought to break, to use, and destroy.
But I am not that man, that’s not the truth I know,
I wanted something real, but they’ll never see it show.

Now I stand as the villain in their tainted view,
A stranger to the heart they never really knew.
I wish they’d look beyond the scars and what they claim,
To see the soul behind the name they chose to blame.
Jas 22h
This is my last act of love, the final thread I’ll weave,
I’m sad I’m not the one for you, it’s hard to truly believe.
Seven years we shared, a time that shaped my soul,
A piece of you remains with me, forever keeping me whole.

If one day you find someone new, someone to make you bloom,
Someone who sees your light and clears away the gloom.
I hope they make you feel like you, the way you always should,
And give you all the love I couldn’t, but always wished I could.

I feel the weight of sadness now, for not being enough,
For failing to show the depth of my love when things got tough.
I couldn’t make you feel the way you deserved to feel,
And now I face the truth I can no longer conceal.

I’m not the one who’ll stand with you at the altar in the end,
I’m not the person you’ll call a lover or even a friend.
It hurts to think of all the moments we once knew,
The dreams of forever that we both outgrew.

Those dates we shared, the laughter and the nights,
All our bondings and the warmth of the morning lights.
They are now pieces of the past, but I’ll hold them tight,
For they’ll forever be a part of my memory’s light.

I’ll cherish those times, though they’ve come to an end,
The love we built, though broken, it’s a love I can’t pretend.
I’ll carry it with me, though it may fade with time,
A love that was real, even if it lost its rhyme.

This is my last act of love, the final gift I’ll give,
Letting you go, so you can truly live.
I hope you find the happiness that slipped away,
And feel loved in all the ways I couldn’t convey.

When I can finally move on, when the weight is gone,
I’ll look back on this love and see how far I’ve drawn.
I’ll be proud to say I loved with everything I had,
Even though we parted, I’ll remember the good and the bad.

I’ll remember you as the girl I loved with all my heart,
Though we’ve drifted, you’ll always be a part.
And when the ache subsides, when I’ve finally healed,
I’ll know that my love was true, even if it wasn’t sealed.

So here’s my final act, my farewell to the past,
I hope your new love will be one that lasts.
I’ll carry the memories, but I’ll let you be free,
This is my last act of love—for you, for me.
Farewell, my love.
1d · 31
Fading Echoes
Jas 1d
We ended like a storm that passed too fast,
Leaving nothing but silence in the aftermath.
The words we never spoke now hang in the air,
Like smoke from a flame that was never quite there.

Each day feels like a ship lost at sea,
Drifting farther from where we used to be.
Hope fades like the evening light,
And I fear she’ll never see me, even in the night.
Jas 2d
I hope she finds the love she deserves,
A hand to hold when the world unnerves.
If someone else can give her peace,
Then maybe that’s where her heart can cease.

But deep inside, it breaks me still,
To know it won’t be me who fills
The spaces in her soul, once mine,
As she moves forward, leaving me behind.
unspoken words.
Jas 2d
They say I’m the storm that tore it apart,
The one who left ruins in someone’s heart.
No matter how clear the skies may seem,
They only recall the thunder and scream.

I’ve wandered far from those wild winds,
But the echoes of past mistakes still spin.
They look at me through shattered glass,
Seeing only the cracks of what couldn’t last.

In their eyes, I’m the fault, the fall,
The reason the walls crumbled tall.
No bridges left, just broken ground,
And no path back can ever be found.

But is it the storm or the earth below,
That crumbles first when the winds blow?
Maybe we’re both tangled in pride,
Both trying to claim who’s justified.

I’m the shadow they can’t forget,
The cause of a pain they won’t reset.
But deep inside, the truth’s unclear—
Who truly caused the fall, and who shed the tear?

So here I stand in the ruins we built,
Carrying the weight of unshaken guilt.
They see only the storm, never the calm,
In a tale where neither was truly wrong.
unspoken words.
Jas 3d
Did you ever think he hadn’t tried,
To see the world through your weary eyes?
He thought of you in every breath he took,
But now it seems you never cared to look.

It wasn’t beauty alone that made him stay,
But the way your flaws lit up the day.
He saw the cracks, the scars, the pain,
And loved you through the storm and rain.

He couldn't give roses or petals in bloom,
But he offered his heart to light up the gloom.
A token here, a gesture there—
His love was wrapped in ways unfair.

But maybe now, that feels too small,
As if his efforts were nothing at all.
The gifts he gave, the time he spent,
Seem lost in a sea of discontent.

You were the world, the stars, the sky,
Yet somehow, he failed in your eyes.
He wonders if you’ll ever see,
How much you truly meant to be.

For now, it feels like his love was missed,
Like all he gave was easily dismissed.
But deep inside, he knows it’s true—
He cherished every part of you.
unspoken words.
Jas 3d
He gave her everything, or so it seemed,
Love poured out like rivers in the quiet stream.
But now she only recalls the storms, the rain,
As if all he ever brought was pain.

He wonders if she sees the man he became,
Or if she’s blinded by the ghosts of blame.
Mistakes, he admits, he made his share,
Yet he changed, but she acts like he’s still there.

She tells the world of her heart’s disdain,
Of memories that still cause her pain.
But what of the moments he held her close,
Of the love that endured when she needed it most?

She paints him in shades of darkness and strife,
As if he never added light to her life.
All the wrongs she remembers, clear and stark,
But what of the times he mended her heart?

He forgave the wounds she left behind,
The scars she carved, the battles unkind.
But now she turns, with anger so deep,
And casts him away, into shadows she keeps.

Perhaps it’s easier for her to forget,
The love, the kindness, the times they met.
For all that remains in her mind’s twisted maze,
Is the version of him that she couldn’t erase.
Jas 4d
She once held my face like I was her world,
Now her words cut deep, like daggers unfurled.
She looks at me now with disdain in her eyes,
What was once treasured, now she despises.

I see stuff sometimes, each one like a blade,
Saying this situation makes her spirit fade.
Not from the place or somewhere, but from me, I know—
A reminder of the love she let go.

A person who sees me a disdain, needs to run far away,
That every corner of a place brings her dismay.
But it's not the streets, it’s what she can’t bear,
The ghost of who I was still hanging there.

I feel it all—the whispers, the weight,
The way a person rewrites love into hate.
That silence screams louder than any blow,
Crushing the heart that once made me glow.
Words left unspoken. This is a creation on a muddled mind.
Jas 4d
In the quiet hours, your laughter lingers,
Echoes of memories dance on my mind’s stage.
Each shadow whispers of love’s tender fingers,
Yet here I stand, a heart caught in a cage.

Stars above witness the nights I still yearn,
For the warmth of your gaze that once felt like home.
In dreams, I reach out, but the tides never turn,
As I wander this world, forever alone.
Jas 5d
We stood once, hand in hand,
against the world and its cruel demands.
We whispered vows, beneath the sky—
no storm would break us, no tear could pry.

We promised to fight, to always hold on,
yet now, it seems, that bond is gone.
You remembered the hurts, the weight of the past,
and forgiveness you spoke of was never to last.

But what of the love I gave in return?
The trust I rebuilt when it wasn’t my turn.
I held your flaws, your every mistake,
because for you, my heart would break and remake.

Do we have to say goodbye to dreams we once knew?
To a future we built, where love carried us through?
I loved you deeply, beyond every scar,
but now, you choose to drift afar.

Was it all for nothing, this love we embraced?
Do promises fade, like tears left erased?
Maybe goodbye is what you need to move on,
but a part of me wonders where we went wrong.

So, I stand here, torn and confused,
clutching a love that I never abused.
Perhaps the answer is letting you go,
but this heart—it's too slow to know.
Sep 27 · 103
I guess this is goodbye
Jas Sep 27
for a long time, i experienced everything with you
from sadness to laughter, being crazy too
will it hurt to wish for another chance to do?
will it be okay for us to start again anew?

i know, i know it all too well by now
those feelings of yours have long gone by
but how can i keep myself from tearing apart somehow
if since then you have stopped to try?

i guess this is goodbye
but i still don't want to
this feeling of wanting to keep it together is just an alibi
for the truth is, i never stopped loving you.
Oct 2022 · 193
Jas Oct 2022
I've always waited for your everything
Ever since I met you
Yet you couldn't.
Why didn't you wait for me?
Why after all these years, you chose to deny everything you've done?
Do people change the way they want to?
Or is it only an excuse when it's convenient for you?
Why couldn't you wait for me, my love?
When all my life I've dedicated waiting just for you.
Yet you couldn't.
Oct 2022 · 407
Jas Oct 2022
I hate you,
With all my life.
For the things you made me feel,
The things you made me do,
I hate you.
Mar 2022 · 142
Jas Mar 2022
Aug 2021 · 845
Jas Aug 2021
I lost the motivation and energy that I once had.
Ever since that day.
Overthinking became my hobby.
Anxiety became my friend.
And my purpose, to blame myself.
Aug 2021 · 336
Jas Aug 2021
Pasensya na.
Aug 2021 · 311
Jas Aug 2021
Mahal na mahal kita palagi. Kahit na ako ay....
Jul 2021 · 238
Jas Jul 2021
Hindi ko na talaga maintindihan ito.
Jul 2021 · 257
Jas Jul 2021
I'm done.
If you can't,
Then so be it.
Jul 2021 · 140
Jas Jul 2021
Ako, at ako.
Jul 2021 · 282
Jas Jul 2021
Ako talaga 'yun
Jun 2021 · 91
Jas Jun 2021
At least tell me how you feel.
Just for once, tell me.
I'm starting to get fed up.
Tired of catching up.
Tired of your reasons.
Tired of feeling toxic.
I have feelings too.
At least consider me too.
We don't need to be perfect,
We just need to tell each other straight,
That if we're not good,
we'll let the other person know.
You don't have to tell me things,
I'll do it on my own.
Just don't keep on pushing me away.
Abnkkbsnplko pt.7
Jun 2021 · 325
Jas Jun 2021
Push me away 'til I get tired.
Abnkkbsnplko pt.6
Jun 2021 · 76
Jas Jun 2021
She leaves me hanging,
She never tells me why.
Abnkkbsnplko pt.5
Jun 2021 · 169
Blame me
Jas Jun 2021
Every single time, it is always because of me.
I am the reason why it happens.
I am the one at fault.
Felt as if guilt-tripping.
Abnkkbsnplko pt. 4
Jun 2021 · 234
Jas Jun 2021
Welcome back, trust issues.
Jun 2021 · 122
Jas Jun 2021
Why did I get tired of all of this
Jun 2021 · 157
Jas Jun 2021
Paano ko aayusin kung ako mismo hindi ayos?
May 2021 · 149
Jas May 2021
Are you lying to me,
Or deceiving me?
Abnkkbsnplko pt3
May 2021 · 351
Jas May 2021
Looks like I also need to change my ways.
Abnkkbsnplko pt3
May 2021 · 146
Jas May 2021
Am I one of those bothering you?
Am I one of those things that you do not care?
Are my feelings and way of approach really a bother?
Abnkkbsnplko pt2
May 2021 · 709
Jas May 2021
Here we go again.
Apr 2021 · 126
Jas Apr 2021
How do I know,
How much value do I have,
For you to acknowledge my worth?
Apr 2021 · 192
Jas Apr 2021
First we became friends,
Now lovers.
I don't want this to end,
For us to become strangers.
Apr 2021 · 131
Jas Apr 2021
Is lying to me that easy?
Apr 2021 · 126
Jas Apr 2021
Why did you lie?
Apr 2021 · 422
Jas Apr 2021
I guess you're far from me now.
Apr 2021 · 69
Seed - Blue
Jas Apr 2021
I saw a daisy flower that grew under your eyes.
Each time you cry, they bloom too.
Should you let it grow? That flower that is once a seed?
Or let it turn into a daisy flower that makes you want to cede?
I thought it was charming, that flower.
You kept it growing, didn't let it wither.
There should be no reason for that flower,
To attract you to thither.
Your tears let it grow.
The seed you had in you.
Since then, no smile on your face had shown.
Apr 2021 · 216
Jas Apr 2021
I am afraid of little changes
Afraid that you will get addicted to it,
To the changes.
I am afraid, not on myself
But on behalf of you,
Afraid of your little changes.
That one day, you'll turn into a different person.
Can I still keep up with you and go on?
Don't lose yourself,
Don't get addicted,
I know changes can be good or bad,
But I am afraid of it for you.
You didn't ask me anything in return,
But I am afraid of you being addicted,
To that. The changes, and the reasons coming from it.
Apr 2021 · 153
Jas Apr 2021
It felt like driving me away once,
I understood that it had to be done.
Apr 2021 · 116
Jas Apr 2021
Why does it feel like we're not the same as back then,
Like you're too far from me?
Should I keep reaching you and not hold back,
Or should I let you outrun the feelings that I have?
Mar 2021 · 231
Jas Mar 2021
Didn't only get jealous,
But also got the blame.
Mar 2021 · 102
Jas Mar 2021
I once stopped caring for the words that you said.
Mar 2021 · 685
Jas Mar 2021
You only feel like it,
when you're told to.
Mar 2021 · 100
Jas Mar 2021
I once had a value to others
Deep inside they only chose who to cherish,
I think that being with them is not foolish
So I kept believing that it was okay one after another.
Jan 2021 · 151
Jas Jan 2021
I thought
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