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Y Rada Mar 2017
9:30 pm when my mom called me at work
Telling me to leave for a couple of weeks
My father had less than 5 days here on earth
Dying from pancreatic cancer...

I felt that the walls around me came closing in
I heard my spirit and soul got crushed into pieces
I felt the universe stopped for a couple of minutes
Yet I moved because my shift's till 10 o'clock...

I texted my buddies if they were free that night
I needed someone to lean on or cry on
I wanted someone to comfort me in any ways
None replied except "him"...

The one I secretly called my "Mr. Left" for years
Whom I confessed my love two years prior
Who didn't want my romantic feelings for him to grow
Who I stayed friends with despite his rejection...

"I'm at a nearby park just strolling," he texted me
My heart beat wildly with certain decisions to make
Should I go and accompany him around the city?
Should I accept the comfort he's going to offer me?

I closed the store and blinked back the tears
That starlit night I walked around the blocks in daze
Until I arrived at the park which he told me minutes ago
And then I stepped back and went inside a karaoke bar...

I sang in the darkness for two hours - completely alone
Pouring my grief, fears and heartbreak into nothingness
He never texted me again and I knew then that it ended
A Premonition of a dying friendship with him...

A person gets easily fall when he/she is vulnerable
My mother's words rang between the melodies
He was available that night yet I chose myself
To be with me, to be in touch with my own grief...

Soothing myself, "He would never understand anyway..."
Rationalizing, "I'd fall for him again if I did go..."
Better be alone and cry for many things in the night
Than to mistake his comfort as romantic love...
It's almost five years since that night. All along, I was right not to go to him then. A couple of months after my father went to heaven, my friendship with him died. And it really hurt like hell.
Y Rada Mar 2017
I fell in loved with you eons ago
You fulfilled my deepest fantasies
An ideal man in an ideal world
But reality hit me like a Tsunami -

Passion ... Obsession...

You honed me into someone else
I tried to understand you but I couldn't
Was this how to live in fiery hell?
Save me my guardian angels, please!

Artistry ... Madness...

All the colors in your mystery palette
And my eyes only registered red and black!
What have you done to me this time?
"An act of love" you chanted softly -

Life ... Death...

You wanted to capture my essence
And you buried me under the rose beds!
Blooming flowers made you think of me
Until your next victim came along -
Dedicated to all abused.
And to those women who died under the hands of abusers.
Y Rada Dec 2016
That Night…

That certain night I came to him with reverence
And I was like a goddess and he the worshipper
I accepted his offerings of passion not because
He was the sole pilgrim to my pantheon of love
But since I heard his supplications to cherish me.

My tears mingled with his just like our ardor in a cup
And we will drink it for many days and nights later
My soul and his were in cased in a time capsule
That both of us could easily open in the far future
To fill the lonely winter nights to balance our sanity.

Then I started to wish that summer would never cease
But the leaves started to fall hard just like my dreams
As I looked at him packing his things the next morn
He said farewell and went to war and to his people
But at least I was…

A goddess that night and my enemy was my devotee.
I was sorting and re-reading some of my contest pieces (short story) and a couple of sentences in "He was mine during Summer" caught my attention.

Although I didn't win (I just dabble at short stories just like my poems haha), I found it intriguing to make some of the sentences used in that story into a poem.
Y Rada Nov 2016
My superman, my duke, my demigod!
Ahh your visage was absolute perfection!
"I'm in control, you're in my world now"
I chanted in my thoughts many times -

I approached you with so much confidence
Femininity was my golden armour
Seduction was my double edged sword
Slowly, lustily, hungrily - - - -


****! This dream was my realm
Then why was she here with you?
I gulped down my surprise because
You stared and smiled at me gently

"Oh, my prince charming" I thought
You nodded at me and said respectfully
"My fiance & I would like to order our lunch..."
I didn't hear you because I fell on a black-hole!

I suddenly woke up with tears on my cheeks
I didn't know which was worse actually
My dream last night about you and her or
The reality that you will never be mine - - -
Dedicated to all those who got nightmares like these instead of sweet dreams. Tsk tsk, dreams are supposedly our realms to be with the person we adore. But reality sometimes caught us - even in our dreams.
Y Rada Nov 2016
more than 20 years in fact
more than 10 years without knowing
if someone found me beautiful or adorable
6 years since that first drunken french kiss
more than 14 years of people asking me
"Why? Why don't you have someone?"

I sent myself valentines card
I stole a single rose from a bunch
which my friends received from others
I begged for that piece of chocolate from them
wishing someone would hopelessly give me
a token of their admiration

I've been alone too long that I forgot
what if feels like to love someone passionately
to have a simple crush to make me feel giddy
to send someone love letters and confess
"I Love You even if you don't feel the same way"

I've been alone too long that I'm liking it
and feeling guilty to romance me, myself and I
and I'm afraid that I can't open up for another
because it's been too long now
or maybe it's too late already...
Dedicated to those single people...
the no boyfriend since birth
the no relationship for months or years
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