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15.2k · Oct 2018
Apocalyptic waste
Daniel eason Oct 2018
As technology advances
What are our chances
To live in an apocalyptic place made out of waste
We will scavenge and hunt for our bread and butter
Most of us will try find shelter, whilst others in the gutter
Does it have to be like this?
Tell me if you had one wish
What will you choose when mother nature needs us
As she is the one who's ever going to feed us
A poem a about humanity's  selfishness and unsustainable living, advances in technology
707 · Oct 2018
Share the riches
Daniel eason Oct 2018
The discrimination amongst our nation is shamefully blatant
Why can't certain individuals have patience
We live world full of colour and sounds
Why do people walk around with frowns?
Maybe somthing happend to them when they were younger
Or sat on the streets dying of hunger
If there's one wish I could make
It would be to take
All the world's riches and share them freely
Can't we all just for one second
Think about the poor and needy
Why can't we live in a world where people arnt suffering? Why can't we all be one? Food and water is a basic human right I'm sure most of you agree. Do what you can ,
don't be ignorant to your surroundings.
639 · Nov 2018
Recycle and reduce
Daniel eason Nov 2018
The natural environment taken over
Leaves once green sadly no longer
Corporations rule our land
Finding glass and plastics in our sand
The sad truth is this
Can we reverse it
Recycle and reduce
Every bit that you use
Stop being lazy and recycle. You may not think much about it, but every action counts.
492 · Oct 2018
Diminishing seasons
Daniel eason Oct 2018
The seasons are diminishing because of our ignorance and pollution
If we work together now we may find a solution
Unnatural objects float in our seas
We poison ourselves, animals and waste trees
Will we ever learn that these sources won't last forever
They don't just come and go, just like our weather
Hopefully someday we shall learn
Or just end in misery, regret and yearn

Our land is fenced off and sold to greed
It forces our nation to pay for feed
How long will we put up with this battery chicken scheme
Is it just me or do you know what I mean
Something's not right here, I think I know what's going on
Will I get through to people before I am gone
These people who rule us and force us to repeat our day
couldn't be more corrupt
There must be a better way

The destruction of our world is almost here
Our civilisation scarper in fear
Why don't we realise and change our modus operandi
We fight and steal its like taking a child's last piece of candy
We are failing animals, nature and mankind
Our forests, mountains and insects you'll find
When oceans, rivers and lakes get so polluted
No longer our trees will be able of being fruited
Will we take note before its too late
Or just sit in silence and ignore what we create
A poem on pollution and how we need to
work together for the sake of mother earth

— The End —