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 Nov 2019 Michael Matthews
I was warned
I did not listen
I was told
To keep my distance
Not to trust him
I ignored it
And now I know
I am alone
Your eyes sang the song of loss
And I recognized the chorus
I was reading a book in a place no normal person would be. When I was accomponied by a lovely gal who had the same plans as me. We never spoke a word to eachother but I've never felt so understood.
 Nov 2019 Michael Matthews
What is truth?
So many people
So many different "Truths"
Being shoved down my throat
What is Truth?
God's word is Truth
But so many opinions
So many versions
So many "truths"
Coming from all directions
What is Truth?
If you look at "Truth" enough times
It stops looking like a word
Just like if you look at
People's "Truths" enough
They no longer look real
What is Truth?

God is Truth
He is beginning and end
He is love
He is alive
He is Truth
Just a late night thought stream.
John 14:6
Jesus said "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No inebriated comes to the Father except through me."
Am I the creep everyone says
Or just misunderstood instead
Just what the hell is wrong with me
And why won't anyone date me
When I try always rejected
I'm so alone and dejected
It's been so long since I've been held
Instead I only get expelled
I'm tossed out like unwanted trash
Or just avoided like some rash
Just what exactly did I do
I'd love to know, I have no clue
I only know that I'm alone
In my emotional war zone
Am I the creep everyone says
Or just misunderstood instead?
Feeling lost rejected and dejexted

— The End —