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Jun 2023 · 818
Tristan Taylor Jun 2023
So, I met this girl, right
Not being impolite
But she makes me fill my appetite
Looking at her never gets old
She has me in a choke hold
Still does
Skin like cocoa
Legs like Flo-Jo
And an *** that is made for riding that like a Bronco
She made me loco
But when I finally asked her
She said no
All I want to say is this
Until my feelings for you subsist
I'm really being honest
I've never been kissed
All I want is you to lick your lips
And kiss me
Can't you see?
Buddies then?
I guess we can be friends
A letter to a beautiful crush of mine
Apr 2021 · 156
Tristan Taylor Apr 2021
You know that chick who knows she's hot?
You know that chick that all them dudes fawn over nonstop?
You know that chick that might be on a poster for making people pull over?
I know her.
I've seen her.
That chick who might be a ****?
The chick that not-so-casually shows that thong as she struts?
She's a ******.
She doesn't hang with losers.
But she does respond to cat callers
I don't know why that is.
You know why?
Because she likes it.
She makes girls mad.
She makes boys want to smack that ***.
Her ***** trap sends boys' brains to the fritz.
Am I the only one who sees this?
She's peaking...
Her ******* are sending boys into a stupor
But... all the others are going to catch up sooner or later
In the meantime, do you
If you got it, flaunt it
I'm not going to argue
Jan 2021 · 150
Song About Lust
Tristan Taylor Jan 2021
Let's talk about lust
It can make you do strange things
Lust is one of the most unique feelings to have, it seems
With that in mind, this is a story
About a woman that still makes me *****
She's one of the sexiest I've ever seen
I don't mean to be obscene
But her in those jeans...
Make me want to do unspeakable things

Anyway, I wasn't alone by any means
When we met
We were cool
She was just like the guys
She didn't wave me goodbye
But as soon as I saw her beautiful ***
In front of me
I could only think of one thing

In my mind, I wanted her
With all my being
Her beautiful thickness had me
Almost dying
She had a boyfriend
I didn't care
You know what?
***** him
I really should've been scared
God I wanted her
But that's out the window
She knows all of this
But every once in a while I think about her
Jan 2021 · 160
Devin's Song
Tristan Taylor Jan 2021
There's 365 days
52 weeks
Then there's the day
The one day I met her
I was a 15-year-old nerd
Looking at a girl that would change me, all things considered
She was slim
With Navajo long hair
Dudes drooled over her, it was so unfair
I didn't know her
Or what was to come later on
I looked at her in class
She was hypnotic
As she walked with sass

She said hi
I waved back
Nothing was the same after that
Things changed as we got older
She was taken
What a surprise
I wasn't
Also a surprise
She got curvaceous
A surprise... to all of us
But dudes kept feeling on her like a prize
Temptation did arise
My body said yes
My mind said no
Was I in love or not?
My teenage mind didn't know
Yet I still told her those words
I still don't know if I meant them...
A Poem about an old crush as usual...
Feb 2020 · 251
Ode to Amber's Lips
Tristan Taylor Feb 2020
I heard you got those soft lips
You know, from word of mouth
Word to Drake
I bet you get all kinds of compliments
I'm not here to be fake
You know them all
From the innocuous "pretty lips"
To the bold "What that mouth do" comments
That question tempts me
But I won't do it, you see?
I'm different than most
All I want is this
This isn't to boast
Or do the most
All I want is you to lick your lips
Kiss me
Can't you see?
All those compliments are true
Or... you you already knew?
An ode to an old crush with beautiful lips.
Feb 2020 · 395
Ode to Nancy's Tits
Tristan Taylor Feb 2020
Your Double D's
I yearn for them
Every time you bend over
My thirst needs to be quenched
But in my defense though...
You make me feel intense
Keeping me in suspense
With your beautiful milky ****

Your Double D's
I want them
Every time I see that cleavage
I want to put my sausage in it
If you know what I mean
Oh, was that too obscene?
I didn't mean to blaspheme
But your double D's are like cuisine
Fit for a king
But, Nancy, this ode is quite simply for a queen.
An appreciation ode for a girl who I used to know... and her *******.
Mar 2018 · 2.9k
Ash's Ass
Tristan Taylor Mar 2018
Oh, Ash...
Your ***
So beautiful
Oh, Ash...
Your ***
I just want to touch it
Caress it
Mmm, Ash...
Your ***
So juicy
I could just...
You got a man?
Hold up
I ain't thinking about him.
A personal poem about myself and a woman who I thought had the best *** I had ever seen.
Mar 2018 · 1.2k
Brown Sugar
Tristan Taylor Mar 2018
Her son was asleep
She was relaxed now
As she stepped out the shower
Her dripping body
Her brown skin
Naked, she looked as beautiful as a flower
Sweet as brown sugar
They called her
She thought that was so corny
She moisturized her long legs
Which made men oh so *****
When she thought about it
As she moved up her body
Her son stirred
Her hands were on her *******
She softly cursed
Her ******* were like soft ebony basketballs
She admired them
No wonder she got so many catcalls
And those buns
Those buns
Those sweet firm cinnamon buns
They speak for themselves
They’re the perfect balance
She looked in the bathroom mirror
And looked back at it
And touched it
In silence
Soon that silence was no more
Her son wasn’t asleep anymore
She had to cut short her body admiration
Due to her dedication
To her son
They called her Brown Sugar
She knows why
Now all her Brown Sugar is devoted...
For her son.
I wrote this for a girl I was crushing on who has a son. Kind of a tribute.
Mar 2018 · 16.1k
In Her Jeans
Tristan Taylor Mar 2018
****, girl
That *** is thick
Don't play with me, girl
You make me wanna lick...
Girl, did I say that out loud?
It's just that that *** in them jeans
Makes me want to shout
Ooh, girl, bend over, show me what's that about
I'm a religious man, Lord, forgive me
For what I'm about to see
So sweaty
So pretty
Her thong showed
Her kitty was getting frisky
If you know what I mean
She was grinding me
Nothing was in between
She looked back and smiled
She knew
I wanted to **** her to the extreme.
A play on David Banner's "Play." This is a fantasy of mine.
Mar 2018 · 517
Never Been Kissed
Tristan Taylor Mar 2018
You wanna know something?
These lips
These lips I have
Have never experienced a kiss

I want to experience that feeling
That feeling of tasting lip gloss
That feeling of having your lip bit
Oh so expertly

I like juicy lips
Glossed lips
Lick them in the mirror
Pout them

I want to taste their lips
Hot and heavy like high school
What that mouth do?
Kiss me
A Random ***** poem...
Mar 2018 · 460
Nubile Woman
Tristan Taylor Mar 2018
She wasn't a girl
She wasn't yet a woman
At least in her mind
She still stayed in her parents house
At that time

One day she got a taste of it
Of how it is
She was innocent yet pretty
Got looks all over the city
But she didn't suffer from stupidity

She was walking past two guys
On the beach
One was relatively handsome
He caught her eye
But he was looking at her exposed thighs

The other was reading a book on a bench
As he looked down, he looked older
He looked as if he had a thirst to quench
He looked at her body, licking his lips
"I can show you something, sugar ****"

She was no girl
She was officially a nubile woman
In her mind
She got back to her parents' house
While she still had time.
A poem about a very pretty girl that is *******.
Mar 2018 · 285
Her Red Lips
Tristan Taylor Mar 2018
**** your boyfriend
I want your red lips
On mine
My first 10 word poem. I was in my feelings... This helped.
Mar 2018 · 267
Tristan Taylor Mar 2018
You can call me Peter Parker
You're a benchwarmer
I’m a starter
I don’t have your number
Trust me, I won't stalk you
You got a Snapchat, though?
I’ll snap you
I’ll do it from the perfect view
Your friendly neighborhood superhero
Jumping from building to building
Just watch out for my web
That goes for your boyfriend
Forget him, he’s a zero
Tell him not to sweat...
Too much
I mean, I'm just saying
I don’t give a **** about his feelings
Tugging at Heartstrings? **** that.
I’m Spider-Man
And That’s a fact
See that dude?
He’s just a fad.
Now you and me, what’s up with that?
A bad rap I came up with listening to a video game soundtrack...
Mar 2018 · 382
I'm Perverted
Tristan Taylor Mar 2018
I think I might be perverted after all...
I questioned myself so much, I recalled
I thought I wasn't that bad
I mean, it's not like I made girls mad...
Oh wait...
There was that time where I copped a feel
Multiple times
Or that time where...
I got caught watching a few ******* bounce
They even called me out on it
Saying: "****, you a freak!"
I shrugged, half proud, smiling
While sneaking a peak at their ***** meat
When they bent over
That was my chance
To at least take a glance
What do you expect?
Some knew
Some didn't
I'm guilty
Ok, I'm guilty, **** it!
I admit it.
My admission to looking at the female body... I'm sorry.
Mar 2018 · 2.5k
Her Full Moon
Tristan Taylor Mar 2018
As I looked at it
She bent over
In anticipation
I knew it would come through
It was cloudy but still beautiful
Her moon was
Playing peek a boo with me
Sometimes it was crescent
Sometimes I wouldn't see it at all
But this time
The clouds parted
And I saw it
In all her beauty
And I felt it for a brief moment
Only a moment
Her full glorious moon
Peeked out to me...
A tribute...
Mar 2018 · 208
To Tami
Tristan Taylor Mar 2018
This is to you
From me
The truth from my eyes
We had history class
I was looking at you from a distance
My mind was the epitome of “Viewer Discretion is Advised”
But, yeah, I’m sure I know now I wasn’t the first
Or second, nor third
To hear this
So let me be straightforward:
From the point that I saw your kissable lips
To your swaying protruding hips
From the point that I managed to look in your eyes
To those curvaceous curves that enticed
I realized
“I liked her.”
Only a few problems though:
About 10-15 others
Were vying for her attention
Toe to toe
All in the same class
All of them wanted to tap that
All of them groping
While I just watched
Wishing I was there

This is to Tami
Yeah, you
The truth
We later became friends
I was the smart one
You wanted to get answers from me
You laughed at my corny jokes
Little did you know,
I wanted some from you, you see
You saw that I wasn’t what I looked like
You got me out of my shell
I didn’t even know how I felt
Was I crushing?
Was I lusting?
Most likely
Ah, who am I kidding?
I was trying to act cool
While your body made me drool
Needless to say, I wanted to ****
The chances of that? None, I just shrugged
Until my ears one day heard
“You wanna see my *******?"
I was conflicted
I know what I was instructed
But I had a golden opportunity
She had her hand over her bare breast
Said to me
“It was a test”
If I hadn't professed
Now, it’s obvious

This is to you
This is the truth
You were cool
Although I didn’t get what I wanted
In a way we became kindred
You waved at me
When you were in geometry class
I was in the hall
I smiled
Little did I know we would go on different paths
Little by little I would stop seeing you
Later, I would figure out Two plus two
Equals a tiny new debut

This was to you
Yeah, you
This was the truth
I still think about you
I still think about your voice
I hope you remember me
Cause I **** sure remember you
This is a poem to a girl that I gravitated to for some reason.
Mar 2018 · 201
Lips So Soft
Tristan Taylor Mar 2018
Her lips are so soft
Yet her face looks so hardened

She looks at herself in the mirror
She says: “It’s not so important”

She gathers herself
Remembers this isn’t such a big deal

Eyes are the windows to the soul
But hers were a shield

She remembered what she’s gone through
From weakness, sadness, shame, to guilt

She was young with an older mindset
Her curves made her proud of her look

Her curves made men stare with lust
She smiled, it had them shook

She remembered what she’s gone through
Good and bad

Maybe it wasn’t so much of a big deal
Maybe she shouldn’t be taken aback

She looked in the mirror
And took a deep breath... And glossed.

Her lips are so soft
Her skin is so soft

Her lips are so soft
Her curves are so soft...

And she turns them on
She turns them on
A tribute to one of my female friends from way back. She's gone through some crap.
Tristan Taylor Mar 2018
There once was a woman named Daisy
Whose nickname was actually "*****"
Believe it or not, she earned that name
When she lifted her dress without shame
As the boys looked. Her ******* were purple and lacy.
A personal limerick about a girl I used to know... this really happened...
Mar 2018 · 189
Tristan Taylor Mar 2018
There are many colors
Many shades
Many meanings to be displayed
Black and white to gray
Red to blue to green
These colors all have meanings to me, you see?

Black is misunderstood
Black is dark
Black is not for the faint of heart
Sometimes you need to be tough
Black is able to show your scars

However, black is unique
Black is beautiful
Do you know how many wish could be this?
You can’t
It’s almost painful

White is heavenly
White is beautiful
Or so they say
All I have to say is...
White dress equals purity
Do you know what she did
Or am I in the minority?

Which gets me to gray
The mixture of the two
The color of depression
Gray is neither right nor wrong
But for some reason
It seems like it doesn’t belong

Red has multiple meanings
Red is love
Red is intense
Red is passion
Red is the color of our blood
Red is the color of lust
Red is a flirty lady in a dress
Waving at boys
While they fantasize of what to do to her...
As she flirtatiously posed

Blue is chill
Blue is happy
You would think blue would be sad
But really it’s the contrary
Look at the sky
The cool breeze
The warm sun
Tell me one reason why
You would think the contrary
Blue is a happy person
That can be irksome
Blue says in a cool way
“Everybody dies, but not everybody lives”

Green is the rich one
Green is powerful
Green is ambitious
Nobody likes green
Yet everybody wants to be green
Everybody has a price, Green says
He’s rich and always has success.
He parties a lot
But green has an identity crisis
Where would he be without his riches
The would will never guess.

There are many colors
With many shades
And Many meanings to be displayed
My questions are:
What color are you?
And can you relate?
I wrote this one day out of the blue.
Mar 2018 · 226
Ode to Lips
Tristan Taylor Mar 2018
This goes out to the ladies whose lip gloss is poppin
The ladies with the thick lips
The ladies who generously use Carmex
The ladies who **** a lollipop without giving a **** about context
It started when I was 15
She looked good
I looked at her perplexed
Something about her
It was complex
Her lips
So pink and so pretty
Couldn’t stop looking
To the point that they were alluring
I liked her
I wanted to kiss them
I’ve never been kissed
I wanted her to lick them
I ended up being dissed
But to be a realist, I wasn’t alone
By far...
When I said in a love letter
"I think you're hot and
You have some **** lips”
I was sure I held her in higher regard
That was my start
She was my star
She still is
But as soon as I saw some lips I wanted to kiss...
Her BFF,
Puckering her own pouty lips in my midst
And said this:
“Hi, **** lips.”
A personal story about two of my high school crushes that were closely related. The soap opera that was high school. Ha.
Mar 2018 · 199
(Bi) Curious
Tristan Taylor Mar 2018
She walked into the band hall
Thoughts that could drive her up a wall
Thoughts to the brim
There were rumors about her
It didn’t surprise her
Some made her cringe
She knows by now girls are *******
And everybody aren’t your friends
But for some reason boys weren’t so easy to offend
They liked her
They really did
But she needs to know what'd she do to offend

As she was changing to her practice clothes
The other band auxiliary cliques held so close
But one
One caught her eye
They say curiosity killed the cat
Well, it filled her supply

The One was in the middle of changing
The one was in her bra and *******
She felt something
Couldn’t describe it
Was she really staring at her *******?
She looked away
The one looked back
Was she feeling attraction?
She knew she liked boys!
She was confused
And feeling a certain connection

When it was safe to look back
Her face shown
She could tell she was pretty and tall
Her ******* bounced like basketballs
Dark brown skin
Her thighs and legs were toned
****, did she like GIRLS now?! She moaned.

She then walked to band practice
Thoughts filling her head
The practice ahead
The “He said, she said”
Along with the one from the locker room that’s inside her head

All of a sudden
Without delay
An encounter between the two happens accidentally
Coincidentally, a lay on The One’s ******* accidentally
Made The One react to her not-so-kindly.
So our heroine gains another “Hater.”
What they don’t know is The One brushed her **** at the same time.
She knew that The One liked it.
“You think I’m your little experiment?"
She didn’t know. She wanted to ask:
“Are you curious?”
This poem is dedicated to one of my old friends that I sang with in high school. I stood up for her when others didn't.
Mar 2018 · 624
Tristan Taylor Mar 2018
Courtney (A Prose Poem)

You know that ridiculously ******* who knows she's hot?
You know that chick that all those dudes fawn over?
You know that chick that might be a poster for making guys in traffic pull over?
I call her Courtney.
That chick who might either be popular and/or a ****?
The chick that not-so-casually shows that thong as she struts?
I call her Courtney.
She doesn’t hang with losers.
But yet she doesn’t respond to cat callers.
You know her?
She makes girls mad.
She makes boys want to smack that ***.
And she likes it.
Her ***** trap drives boys’ brains to the fritz.
And she likes it.
Am I the only one that sees it?
Do I have the ability to see the future?
She might be peaking, her ******* sending boys into a stupor,
But baby girl... You’re going to have haters.
All the other girls are going to catch up sooner rather than later.  
In the meantime, Courtney, do you, boo-boo.
Keep showing off that body for them. I’m not gonna argue.
I’m just saying you are showing it off on a platter...
And somebody's going to take it...
A poem about a popular school ****...
Mar 2018 · 207
Tristan Taylor Mar 2018
Isn't it a bit ironic
In my older age
That more and more
Males are on the ****** rampage?
I'm not going to lie and say I'm an angel
Cause In high school, man, I was mental
I was crazy
Me and my friends talked about girls daily
Who’d get that puh?
Who's a freak
Who's a ****?
All this because they see a g-string up her ****
But me on the other hand,
I was a geek
I was shy
But I had hormones too
I felt for them
But instead of saying
“When you gonna let me hit that?"
“****, that *** is fat!"
And give it a slap
I befriended said girls
I didn't know why
I now think it's irony
That they'd be associated with a guy with me
With that being said
Brethren, keep your hands off
The female body.
My take on the recent ****** assault that's been going on...
Oct 2017 · 301
A Love Story in Sin City
Tristan Taylor Oct 2017
I fell in love with this town
This town called Sin City
As an adult ironically
I was eight or nine
It's nothing to do until you're of age
So I waited out of spite

When I was twenty-one
I fell in love
I won in craps, played blackjack
I even saw my first pair of bountiful *******
It made me blush

Vegas is home of the glitz
The glamour
The clubbing
Fremont Street
The dancers

But today...
In this time of uncertainty
Pray for the City of Sin
They need it.
A tribute poem about my second home, Las Vegas.
Oct 2017 · 318
Tristan Taylor Oct 2017
You want to know why I think
Lips are ****?
You really want to know?
You don’t see it?
You don’t see them?
Those thick
Hot lips?
I want to touch them
I want to feel them
I want to taste them
And I’m not even talking in that way
I like it when you lick them
I like it when you gloss them
It turns me on
It’s been too long since a woman placed her lips
Onto mine
Your lips
And mine intertwined?
That would be divine.
So do you see it?
Or is it just me?
A tribute poem about a crush's lips and how they make the speaker feel.
Oct 2017 · 670
Not A Rapper
Tristan Taylor Oct 2017
Beats playing
On the table
You ****** think I’m about to open my mouth
That’s just a fable
I’m listening to how you rap about money
Hoes and/or ******
It does sound tempting
But have you no charisma?
Maybe not
We’re still in high school
It’s still the same beat
It’s all about how you gonna eat
Over and over again
I’m not a rapper
If I was
I would say, with no offense:

I’m not a rapper
You ****** are braggers
I’m a poet
And I know it
And your dreams are about to be shattered

I’m not a rapper
I’m not a trap star
If you saw me
You'd laugh, and say
“Who this *****, bruh?"
But it’s ok
A dude can dream, right?
Of the stage
And the admirers
And the flashing lights
I don’t have that
Deep down, I do
But too many remain untrue
Women, drugs, and money
That’s all they see
I Don’t have money
I Don’t do drugs
God knows I don’t have women
This **** ain’t free
Like Kendrick said
Word of advice
Don’t fit in, stand out instead
That was my mistake back then
Don’t try too hard
There are better days ahead
After all...
We just in high school
I’m sitting at the table
Beat still playing
If you still think I’m opening my mouth
That’s still a fable

I’m not a rapper
You ****** are braggers
I’m a poet
And I know it
And your dreams are about to be shattered
A bad rap about a poet sitting at a table in high school watching his friends rap.
Oct 2017 · 239
Untitled, to "A"
Tristan Taylor Oct 2017
What if I told you
You were beautiful
What if I told you
You were so graceful
When I see your hips move
What would you do if you found out my truths
What if I told you I dreamt about you
Borderline obsessed
So much so that it made me profess
What if I told you
You were smart
But you knew that
What if I told you
I admired you
What if I told you
You were loyal
What if I told you
I appreciated you
What if I told you...
I’m sorry
For alienating you
For obsessing over you
For the disrespect
Nobody’s perfect
All of these are fact
Just like
You are the sexiest woman I have ever met
What if I told you that?
But you already knew that from me
You need to hear that from another one
Who bent a knee
What if I told you that
You are beautiful
You are ****
You are loyal
But you need to make him know
To love you like you are Royal.
A poem to an old crush of mine who's going to be off the market soon...
Oct 2017 · 351
Tristan Taylor Oct 2017
*******br>Why does it make us stupid, huh
I wish it was a formula
But nothing’s free
Most of the guys will agree with me
Y’all will say it’s a unicorn
Y’all will say it heals
The way that I feel
It’s difficult to conceal
It’s also a meal.

*******br>It confounds us, huh
Also called the puh
And called many names
I love it when y’all hide it behind your Hanes
Your Way
Was that too cliche?
I’ll stop
Hypnotize me while that puh pop
Make that thing drop
Ooh, she freaky
She can’t be stopped

*******br>What it feel like
I don’t know
I just seen a glimpse
Of a girl’s bush
That made me go limp
It **** sure wasn’t presidential
She thought her Puh was transcendental
More like it should be confidential
She was a **
And she knew it
And that was the moment that I realized
*******br>Was a formula:
Wait until you’re ready for that curricula
A poem about the most confounding thing in the anatomy.
Oct 2017 · 996
BBW (A Haiku)
Tristan Taylor Oct 2017
Big girls need love too
Why do guys act insecure?
Y’all like skinny guys?
A question about real women I have... In haiku form.
Tristan Taylor Oct 2017
There was once a girl with a skirt
Who ironically was an introvert
When she saw a peeper
Who got a little too eager
She said to his face: “You ******* pervert!”
A Limerick loosely about one of my life experiences...
Oct 2017 · 1.2k
Tristan Taylor Oct 2017
You changed me
You changed how I look at things
In this generation
Of this posterior celebration
Which I am, no doubt
Aware that you’re a straight up knockout
From your lips that pout
To your delicious Double D's
Made me just say from the rooftops

Save the *******
Is that chauvinistic of me?
Is that impolite of me?
Save The *******
I finally saw the light
I love the *******
They are love
They are life
Save the *******
They are the sustenance of our being
Now, I’m not that perverted
I’m just practicing what I’m preaching

This is to the girls that I accidentally touched
Their community chest
Their blessed *******
I sincerely apologize
It wasn’t on purpose
Please excuse my hands
They just got careless

To the girl who asked me
“Do you want to see my *****?"
Well, what do you think?
I said yes within two blinks
I expected a glimpse
Of those small beautiful *******
But she said it was just a test
My bad
I guess I just confessed to

Save the *******
Is that chauvinistic of me?
Is that impolite of me?
Save the *******
I finally saw the light
I love the *******
They are love
They are life
Save the *******
They are the sustenance of our being
Now, I’m not that perverted
I’m just practicing what I’m preaching
A poem about my love for *******, and my viewpoint on them.
Sep 2017 · 731
Tristan Taylor Sep 2017
Her distinct voice
Her soft skin
Her pretty eyes
She’s a Woman
She never ceases to surprise

She looks in the mirror
Men marvel at her buxom beauty
But for some reason
Those catcalls were getting to her
She didn’t want to be just a hottie

Her red lips
Her exposed legs
Her protruding hips
Her ***** *******
Is what made her body picturesque

She professed, she knew she was cute
When men looked, she took it as a tribute
But it was getting old
She wanted to be liked for who she was
Instead of fantasizing what she looked like unclothed.

She was smart
She was driven
She had ambition
She’s a woman
She is beautiful.
Tribute to the most beautiful creation in the world...
Sep 2017 · 263
Dark Skin
Tristan Taylor Sep 2017
I asked her
She had dark skin
Big lips
Pretty mouth
What do you get complimented on the most?
I saw her blouse
Her ******* were playing peek a boo
I almost got caught looking
She said
My ***
My mind wondered
Did I do that?
I looked at that rear view
In the past
I also asked
Does anybody say how beautiful your lips are?
How kissable?
How juicy?
She said
I hate it
And I hated that response

But no matter what
It always came to one request
One question
That I couldn’t hold to suppress...

You’re black
You’re special
Lick those lips
Sway those hips
You’re often replicated
But never duplicated
And you’re beautiful.
A note to a not so secret admirer,
Sep 2017 · 232
V (An Angry Poem)
Tristan Taylor Sep 2017
V (an Angry poem)

Void of anything
Voiceless of anything that my friends say
I’ve felt like I’ve been victimized since high school
*****, money, all that ****
What virile young man wouldn’t want that?
Younger me became more virile and vested in the vaginal goodness that is women
Instead with more rejection, I became more voracious in my hunger
I don’t care.
Who gives a **** about him?
I have seen woman after woman
***** after *****
With velvety curves and skin
Some with ******-like qualities
End up with vile, ain’t **** ******
As you can see,
This vocal rant is brought to you by  
Me being a ******
God, I wish I would have vanquished this curse long ago
I know some people value this
But am I always going to be straddled with this void?
A poem about a man frustrated about his virginity.
May 2017 · 960
Love Yourself
Tristan Taylor May 2017
One picture
One night
One image
It gets me excited
It makes my fire ignite
You and me
Not your man
**** him
Even if for one night, I picture sweet ***** romance
I want you
I need you
You turn me on more and more
To that one image
As I beat it off harder
And harder
To that picture
And then...

I love you.
You’re so ****.

Sweet ecstasy.
And then... I ask myself,
What did I just do?
A poem about the dilemmas about *******, from the male viewpoint.
Apr 2017 · 266
Ode To A Bra, From A Male
Tristan Taylor Apr 2017
You know
I bet you won’t hear this often
Especially from a guy like me
Or a guy period
But you’re loyal
I appreciate you
There is a certain beauty to you
Most guys would say
“Take it off!"
“Show us the goods!"
A younger me would say that as well.
But I learned
As I matured
That you are not just a piece of clothing you throw off
You protect
You are the bouncer in those beautiful bouncing clubs
You are the guardian of that treasure chest
The colors
Red ones
Blue ones
Black ones
Purple ones
From the color, I can always learn
Thank you for the magnificence of cleavage
You know the perfect balance of tease.
Now, I know this isn’t my territory
You’re loyal.
I appreciate you.
In my defense,
Don’t get offended
When I say
“Nice Rack.”
Appreciation poem to the bra from the male perspective.
Apr 2017 · 455
Tristan Taylor Apr 2017
She sashayed in the room
With intent
The freshman named Lillian
Felt eyes when she walked in
The boys said “Daaaaamn!"
Let’s not pretend
She knew her **** was big
But what she didn’t know as class went on
Was a boy couldn’t control his hard-on
14, hormones, puberty
You know what it is
But while others look at her like animals
After all, we are mammals
She knew something was different about him
Something was

As for the boy, he was sitting with his best friend
When Lillian walked in
The boy was an *** man, of course
But he looked at her face
She was pretty
She had that aura about her
That was evident
But the boy compared to her couldn’t be more different

She said hi one day
He waved, blushing
He prayed to God that his soldier would be at ease
But that day they would be working on a project
Oh how that girl was a tease

She was different
He was different, too
In their own ways
She noticed his “soldier”
Didn’t say anything about it
She just made him laugh in conversation
It didn’t falter, it actually didn’t want to make him engage in *******

She was different
He was different, too
He saw the beauty other than the obvious
She began to see the same, she was guiltless

Her name was Lillian
Pretty name
Her body was like a work of art
Wish he could actually say it
Apr 2017 · 2.3k
Ass Man
Tristan Taylor Apr 2017
And some sisters too...
It’s time!
It’s time to step forward
And proclaim to the people
We love ***
We adore ***
Don’t be offended
It’s just a compliment...

I’m an *** man
That’s who I am
***** shorts are like Spidey Senses
Yoga Pants are letting people know what you haved
Sundress Season makes me incoherent
I don’t give a ****
So many, so little time
If you got a big one, you're considered a dime
I’m not a rapper
But I can rhyme
Some call me perverted
I call me observant
Is that a big crime?
When I stand behind her
And she grinds on me at the time
Don’t trip
Y’all do it too
Some chicks act like it’s a big taboo
It’s really not
It's because you’re hot
I forgot, they get told that nonstop
But that *** though
Make it bounce
I want to tap it
So juicy
So bubbly
So yummy
On top of that, literally she’s a beauty.
Put your hands up like Billy Gunn
If you’re like me
It’s time
To step forward and say
I am an *** man
An appreciation poem about the female hindquarters...
Apr 2017 · 454
The Red Tragedy
Tristan Taylor Apr 2017
She wore a red dress
It was Saturday night
To the football game
To the school donning
Red and white

Red was the color of her lipstick
Red was the color of jealousy as she rocked her hips
But Red was also the color of blood
The color of lust
At a football game
That was a hell of a combination

She was a sorority chick
Reputation of a confused ****
At the game, she said
“Why the **** are we losing?!"
Exasperatedly... And slightly tipsy
Not knowing that she would be watched
By boys who wanted to win
Who just wanted to ****

Red was also the color of passion
Touchdown after touchdown
She celebrates with her friends as it happened
The home team prevailed and won
The boys were staring at her
Waiting to pounce
As her ******* bounced

They were bros
Waiting on her
They were easily drunk
Looking at her plump ****
They had a plan
They struggled to keep it in the pants

She lived on campus
Her friends didn’t
Their beloved team was still undefeated
Before long, they had to go their separate ways
She lived in the Village dorms
It wasn’t far
She was a big girl
She was brave

They rolled up on her
In a slightly used Hyundai
Told her
“Baby girl, do you need a ride?"
She respectfully declined
They asked again
She decided against it
All of a sudden she felt something was wrong
She felt someone come from behind
Next thing she knew, she felt confined

“Hey, baby girl, what’s good?"
The driver said
“Why don’t you go chill with us in our hood?"
Two of them had their hands on her thighs
She wondered was this her demise?
With tears in her eyes
They still had that look
They stopped the car
Evil was afoot

“****, baby girl, why you crying like that?”
One said.
“Yeah, we just wanted to chat.”
Another one continued.
“We just wanted to know if the rumors are true."
And finally the driver said...
“And we want to see it too.”

The bros pounced
They saw red
The color of her bra and *******
Were red
They groped like animals
At her *******
Their scratches were red
Their repeated thrusts
After angry ******
After angry ******
Made her bleed red
After angry insult
Was venomously red
Their marks of territory
All over her body
Were red

And when they were done...
“Baby girl, mmm.”
They were satisfied.
First attempt at a **** poem.
Apr 2017 · 262
Kiss (A Haiku)
Tristan Taylor Apr 2017
I looked at her lips
She glossed them in the mirror
Turns me on. Kiss me.
Apr 2017 · 1.1k
Tristan Taylor Apr 2017
The word’s as American as pie
Some like it
Some don’t
I always use it
I’m not even going to lie
But I always wonder...
What is the real meaning?
What does this word imply?
Most think this word does apply to:
Older women
That age like wine
That happen to have kids
That might be true
But I urge you to use your minds
Remember this word can be misconstrued
Remember before she became a ****?
She was like a beautiful innocent flower
Somebody had to deflower her
Somebody had to be the bee
Afterwards, I don’t know why
But there’s an added beauty to her, you see
I can’t explain it
I guess I’ve been looking at it all wrong
God blessed you with another
While other brothers wanting to be your lover...
That’s a ****.
Apr 2017 · 262
A Letter to "A" (So Hard)
Tristan Taylor Apr 2017
A Letter to “A” (So Hard)

Dear A...
Do you remember this...
“You wanna know what ******* I have on?"
My head tried not to ****
But my ears began to perk
“You know those that have the smiley face...”
I was listening with intent
I started to dream up what they looked like in my head
Nothing in that description was left unsaid
I undressed you with my eyes
You were one of the sexiest I’ve ever seen
****, I wanted to see that *** hiding in those jeans
Though I did get a peek
At those fat cheeks
You might not have not known it
But I was behind you
As you were adjusting your jeans
Accidentally showing that beautiful rear view
Ok, maybe
I call it admiring
Do you know how many dudes
Are dreaming
About you?
Touching themselves?
Including me?
You have the curves
Goddesses and Queens
Are made of
And you have custody
It’s yours
And you drive me crazy
You drive me wild
You turn me on
You make me so hard
Now I have no chance
But to tell you this now
Before you take your vows
You were one of the sexiest I’ve ever seen
Now, it’s time for someone to treat you like a real
Apr 2017 · 406
Ode To Her Boobs
Tristan Taylor Apr 2017
I didn’t notice them at first
But they were there
We talked
But not much at first
But I knew they were there
One day
You wore a low cut top
Showing me a glimpse of them
They said hello shyly
We were in class
I tried not to stare
I failed badly
Did you notice me?

A few years later
You appeared more womanly
They said hello again
I wanted to see them
So you did
You showed them to me
Oh, they are so beautiful
And such teases
You told me how big they were
Those delicious Double D’s
There’s something about it
I can’t explain it
Every time I see you
My eyes divert to them.
I want them
I want to feel them
I try not to stare
But I fail
I love *****
I love your *****
Is that so bad?
Apr 2017 · 513
Sweet and Sassy
Tristan Taylor Apr 2017
He looked at her lower back
Expecting it
Any second now
She was wearing low rise jeans
It was bound to happen
What was she hiding?
He was about to find out
Bam! Jackpot!
Lace pink ones
Interesting, he thought
It was his first time he’s seen hers
Sometimes he would see some only once
Sometimes he would see some daily
That would be the only time he would see them
After all, she did wear them her way

He learned some things
And passed it on saying
“You can always learn a little bit
From what ******* she has on”

Freshman year, he’ll never forget
His first female friend he made
“She’s a ****” His friends persuaded
One day in Algebra, her black thong displayed

Three years later, same thing
They were both in the choir
She made his heart sing
He saw a blue g-string, he blinked
Because he thought he saw a wink

He saw a cute polka dotted pair
On a curvy girl he liked with long hair
His eyes said Hello to a certain Kitty
To a friend of his with big *******

He even got up skirted... A few times
The first time the girl lifted her skirt
And showed the whole class
That her ******* are as green as Spring grass

The second time was funny really
The girl was known as kind of a freak back then
When she did it, she probably didn’t mean it
But the boys’ thirsts needed to be quenched

Whenever history class got boring
A certain girl got him stirring
He daydreamed about her *** going in a circle
And one day he learned about a **** secret that happened to be purple

He saw a pair through yoga pants
After all, they were translucent
She was a dancer
He could see it all, it was magnificent

And one chick was in the band
And the choir
She actually showed it to them on a dare
Hmm, red, good choice of attire.

Through it all
He learned these things
After observation
This can cause an altercation
These ******* hide the sweetness
That is consummation
Some girls are sweet
Most are sassy
But that was the fun part
What were they hiding?
Apr 2017 · 254
Thick: A Tragic Song
Tristan Taylor Apr 2017
She was pretty
She was curvaceous
Yet she thought there was something missing
She had a life worth living
A soap opera called high school
But one thing
One thing she was wishing
The boys were looking
At the ladies that got
The one thing that she does not
“I wanna be thick”
She said, with sass
She knew they were looking at girls with the ***
Little did she know she had plenty to offer
That is to the monster

She had biology class with me
Sat in the back
Got my curiosity
In all honesty,
Her ample cleavage got me
Her lips and caramel skin
Got me too, you see
She had a tight body
She might have caught me looking
It’s ok
No 25 to life
Only did it once
Maybe twice

She said
“I want my ***** to be bigger”
From observation
She worked with what God gave her
She had communications class
Sat on the left
Real talkative
After all, everybody was
Even me
I think it was even in the syllabus
Speaking of it
We had a How-To project
Hers were how to do the
“Pop, Lock, and Drop It”

Football players had their eyes on her
Other boys did too
As she did the dance
And she liked the ****
Her ******* were Lace
Peeking out
She smirked
She liked it
She admitted it
I tilted my head
As she smiled
In my mind
I was curious
What’s going on behind that smile

The monster came later
In the form of a schoolteacher
Everything was cool at first
Then something told her he was disturbed
He touched her randomly
She shook it off
He touched her on the leg
She cursed
All of a sudden, she had a dilemma
After class, the monster forced her to have dementia
The monster touched her
With that look in his eyes
She looked in them
And felt every male look
And animalistic gaze
All over again...
All over again...

— The End —