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Daniel Pokorny Sep 2019
They say you move on,
They say there'll be others,
But they are never right.

She’s still there in your head,
Like a memory trying to escape,
So you decide to let go,
But it never leaves.

You try to move on,
But your always brought back,
To those days,
Of the past.

You think you’ve gotten better,
But in reality,
Your still dead inside.
Daniel Pokorny Nov 2019
Shuffling through the papers,
Watching the inked pages move,
Seeing the past words,
I see who I was,
It gives me a glimpse of my starting point,
It gives me an idea of who've I become,
And it gives me a thought,
A thought that scares me,
The thought,
Of who I might become.
Daniel Pokorny Nov 2019
Lies are told everywhere you go,
Truths are hidden,
Even in the nicest of people,
They start the lie, by saying some truths,
To find the whats right,
Isn't always right,
Lies are said to protect the weak,
And to the strongest,
It makes them weak,
So how do you know to tell truths from lies?
The answer is simple,
You don't.
Daniel Pokorny Aug 2019
The fog appears at the most random times,
Even when you think you see the light,
Yet it’s just your imagination,
That forms in the night.

It’s not just the fog, nor the light,
That is your fear in the night,
It's the one you let go,
Who brings back the fright.

But the reality is, you can’t let go,
You regret your actions,
You regret your thoughts,
You regret all that you’ve become.

Now you pay the price,
Now you suffer your choices,
And can only dream of the day,
When it all finally goes away.
Daniel Pokorny Nov 2020
The black and white swirls that I saw changed my life.
Waking up everyday to watch something funny gave me a reason to keep going.
It gave me a reason to keep taking steps toward my own self happiness,
But now that your gone,
I'm lost,
But I'm not afraid,
I'm not afraid to wake up and take a step,
Not afraid to listen to my own clock,
Not afraid of the inevitability of death,
I have the strength to keep going, even after your passing,
Others feel the same way, and have tried to cling on to the videos, I admit. I have some downloaded, but I am deleting them now,
Because I don't have to cling to the past to proceed forward,
So as I hit delete on these memories,
I sit and cry,
With a smile on my face,
So thank you,
For everything
Daniel Pokorny Dec 2020
As humans, what do we truly want?
To be Strong?
To support the weak?
To accomplish what we set out to do?
Or is it a simple answer such as
"To never be alone?"
Daniel Pokorny Sep 2021
Why do we exist to merely die in the end?
What is the point in simply changing our way's of communication?
Why must we feel pain before we can feel whole?
There are no answers to these and yet,
We all have our answers to each question.
Each answer either being chosen for us by written scripture of the past,
Or by our own past experiences,
But one thing is for certain,
The only answers that we can get to these questions,
Are from our own past's.
The past does influence our future,
Yet our future is what alters our past,
It blinds us into thinking that we were someone we were not,
It binds us to think we have changed,
When in reality,
The truth to all of this,
Is that it doesn't matter.
Daniel Pokorny Aug 2020
Here I am,
Writing once more,
Writing once more not for the same reason as the last,
Or the first,
Or for the times in-between,
But writing for myself,
Writing for the person I want to become,
Writing for the purpose to teach,
Writing once more,
As a different person than I was so long ago.
Daniel Pokorny Sep 2019
The thoughts of you pop into my head so much,
I dont know why, or how, or even,
If you feel the same about me,
But in reality,
It was best for you for me to push you away,
I was never your number one,
Never your goto,
We might have been together,
But that was because I was the last one,
You say otherwise, you try to show me too,
But in trying to show, you also show the truth,
It was never about me,
Just about you....
Daniel Pokorny Mar 2020
You can't force the words out,
Can't force yourself to write it out,
Shouldn't force yourself to put thoughts to words,
Tis why actions speak louder,
You don't always need to say,
You don't always have to do,
You don't always need to say sorry,
Show your thoughts with your actions,
Show your feelings through who you are.

— The End —