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SwordNPen Jan 2018
She quivered to the touch of my rough hand dancing across her supple skin
her lustful stare unflinching. I delighted on the subtle taste of strawberries on her lips. Her hands wrapped around me pulling me in close as close as one person could get to another. I learned every curve of her and she learned every curve of me. Now we lay in each others embrace quietly letting the night wash over us.
When you find this tell me you remember this night fondly and try to forgive me. -SNP
SwordNPen Jan 2018
Have a heart and let me be, I've carried you all with me
through everything just let go and let me be. Is it to
much to let me be free. I've done all I can its out of
my bloodied hands.
SwordNPen Jan 2018
I tap my foot and twiddle my fingers looking for distractions, like the way the beige wraps around the wall or the subtle beeping of all the machines. Looking for anything to take my mind off why I'm here. They should know not leave me alone with my thoughts. Sooner or later  someones going to come through that door and give me the news  of course I might go crazy by then.
SwordNPen Jan 2018
Being a hopeless romantic in this hook up culture
is like bleeding out through a paper cut Its DRAINING
SwordNPen Jan 2018
I haven't experienced a more intense kind of hate then self hate.
I hate myself I hate the choices I made, I hate every single day i didn't tell you exactly how I felt about you. Mostly I hate that I cant get your eden green eyes out of my mind. Its been an X amount of days since I've seen you last and i still cant get over your eyes or your quick wit or how soft your hand feels in my hand. I think in the end you'll be the best and worst thing that ever happened to me so thank you and/or I hate you.
If you come across this one day and think its about you it is, I mean every word and I really want you to feel the same.
SwordNPen Dec 2017
I dreamed about you last night and
imagine my surprise when I woke up
with you nowhere to be found.
It was innocent enough I held you in
my arms, kissed you on the cheek ,
and whispered something in your ear.
I should've known i was slumbering
it was the first warm feeling ive had in
a while.
I wish you were here.....
SwordNPen Dec 2017
Unrequited love is love undone by another person.
Its a redefining of the word hell.
An all out cosmic beating by the forces of the world.
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