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 Mar 2021 Sundas
Amelia Delgado
my abdominal cavity
is an iron bird cage

filled with flutters
when I lay eyes on you.
 Feb 2016 Sundas
Cat Fiske
I have read so many wonderful poems,
haiku's, 10 words, so many more, and none are alike!
But we tend to forget about spoken word poems,
Hello Poetry, can you make it possible to share our spoken words as well as our massive pile on's of endless poetry. Spoken Words would add to the sight, and only make it better.
I wish I could also Use Hellopoetry on my mobile phone, in an app,
I'm not sure about anyone else, but that would maybe add to HP

Please consider what I've had to say, c:
Please send repost like and share and comment anything else you think the sight needs since it's growing in great ways. Please share and like if you agree c:
 Jan 2016 Sundas
i am the naked eve of your imaginary garden
with a touch that bring a promise to revive its dead leaves
weaving songs like a siren
that lure you to the shores of paradise
where your lust like restless waves
shall crash and find its peace
my gentle kiss that stir ****** dreams
is the poisoning of your thoughts
as you desire for nocturnal release
the night grew darker, the moon and her
cold stare glow brighter
wishing for the sensation to last forever
embrace tighten as your love expire
my pain - your pleasure
like a barren earth to a weeping sky
that drained her nectar dry
i await as you fall deeper into slumber
my ****** - your slow death
as i stab you in your sleep
awake - my puppet
with my strings around your neck
i fly as i watch you gasp for breath
born of our subconscious,
yet often more vivid and
compelling than reality.
 Jan 2016 Sundas
 Jan 2016 Sundas
Without you
am like a singer with no song
A tribute to all great poets who left us unfortunately

© Ibrahim
 Jan 2016 Sundas
 Jan 2016 Sundas
You say that I'm your universe,
but I am only shattered stars.

My world imploded on itself,
leaving shards,
Of planets and galaxies
sticking out of my skin,

And the blood from my wounds run red,
inspiring you to call me your rose.
 Jan 2016 Sundas
Roman Pavel
I know why the little girl cries
Because there were so many planes, it blocked out the skies
The bombing and raiding of the island side
Where the planes and the boats and the people collide
A place and time where so many died
I know why the little girl cried

I know why the little girl cries
Running away from it all with a disguise
All of her friends and family, packed up and gone
Taken to a camp, never seeing the morning dawn
A place and time where so many died
I know why the little girl cried

I know why the little girl cries
Because the bomb was dropped with no denies
Two cities fell and not a soul survives
All to the purpose, that so the nation thrives
A place and time where so many died
I know why the little girl cried

I know why the little girl cries
Because the troops marched so hard that the ground subsides
Through the blood and the sweat and the tears they all fought
Destroying everything in their path with the entire world caught
A place and time where so many died
I know why the little girl cried

I know why the little girl cries
To escape all the pain and the struggle and lies
She cried so hard that the little girl died
And now the whole world knows why, the little girl cried
 Jan 2016 Sundas
The first time you kissed me, flowers bloomed;
From my heart unfurling, lilies, roses, fragile
things, so gentle and so new, so sickly
sweet, they clogged my veins with
scent, and wrapped their vines
around my heart.  I still feel
them now, slowly wilting
away to nothing, slowly
dying and decaying,
these little buds
of something
 Jan 2016 Sundas
Mikey Pooler
When I think of you
                                        I just smile I guess?

It happens all the time
Like when I was walking through
                                             the forest brush.

To put it best
If I fell for you
when I was all alone
                                             would you hear?

I fell for you
not by
looking in your eyes
because they
                                            always catch me.

I fell for you
when I needed to be caught
but could not
                                               find your stare.

If I fell for you all alone
in the dark
would you find
                                               your way here?

With a glass of your soul
oh that soul
that opened my mind's gate
                                     this must be heaven .

A glass of your soul
when I'm lost all alone
That's my
                                   *spiritual refreshment.
Our spirits are thirsty for love. They're dying of thirst. Baby your my glass of water for my ice cold heart.
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