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 May 2015 AOH
What if
 May 2015 AOH
"'Mom, I'm tired.."
I said, as I walked slowly towards her
My arms weighing me down
Hanging by my sides, T-shirt no sweater

"Go take a nap sweetheart"
She replied in a sweet, soothing tone
Wish I had said something more
Cause where I'm going, there isn't a phone..

I've withered and got down to my goal
It's a shame more people didn't realize,
No one took it serious enough
I never felt like I was the right size

I couldn't feel anymore neither happiness nor pain
If this is what it took then I'm glad the job is done
I loved you all so much so please forgive me
But I think this nap will be my last one
If my illness takes me before I'm ready to go, at least someone somewhere out there will know
 May 2015 AOH
Violet Blue
 May 2015 AOH
Violet Blue
Why is it
So hard
To simply
Express your
Your feelings
About someone
You care dearly for
Why is it so hard
To simply say
I like you
Why is it so scary
Why is
The fear of rejection
So empowering over us

— The End —