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 Aug 2019 Zoe Grace
Lost Soul
Once upon a time there was a happy little girl...
Then she grew up

There once was a confident teen...
Then her heart was crushed

Once there lived a wounded woman...
But no one cared to help

Once upon a time there was a lonely broken old lady...
but she died
 Aug 2019 Zoe Grace
Lovelyn Eyo
Depression sneaks into my sight
You can Unsneak it with a fight
Let out this negative entity
With your will-might
Don't permit its suppression
Tis an oppression
you must kick out
Let it flow only out
And never to flow in
To give it a rout
I stand with you
For the collection
of its recollection
Put your mind under
Lock and key
Only positivity can open

Specially for Eva and all dear ones out there, staying positive is a choice you can pick, **
 Aug 2019 Zoe Grace
The time has finally come,
it feels like I've been waiting,
and waiting,
and waiting.
It's finally a time,
where I can forget about everything,
and just have fun.
My church camp that happens once a year is finally here. Best time of the year
 Aug 2019 Zoe Grace
A new day has dawned
and I must decide what
to bring with me from yesterday.
Click, click
Scroll, scroll
Light shine in my face
Clock is ticking
As I lie awake

What time is it now?
Doesn’t even matter
The birds will chirp soon
I’ll hear all the clatter

My family waking,
Breakfast will cook
“You’re up early!”
But sleep I never took

Click, click
Scroll, scroll
Tap, tap
Roll, roll

Side to side
I rocked all night
A comfortable spot?
No, not quite.

Time to get up, another restless night.
Will I ever sleep again?
Blue bird, blue bird,
high in the skies
You fly so well no one can see you
Blue bird, blue bird,
far from my eyes
So beautiful no one can see you

Blue bird, blue bird,
Sat on your star
You burn so hot no one can see you
Blue bird, blue bird
You got so far
You got so bright no one can see you

Blue bird, blue bird
Falling feathers
You sold your wings for them to see you
Blue bird, Blue bird
In the rivers
You sank so deep no one can see you
The main perk of being on the internet is not having to be yourself anymore
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