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 Aug 2016 Beleif
Arlene Corwin
Gardening The Forest:  A Work In Progress

I garden the forest.

Walking everywhere – like Johnny Appleseed –

I keep my excellent Swedish clippers at my side,

And when I eye a roadside tree

With branch too low, so’s I can see,

I make the lower branches go,

Prune and clear selectively,

Clip high as I can reach,


Being five foot one

And using muscle of the female kind,

Is always kind to undergrowth,

Seduced by ‘further’,

Blazing paths that never were,

So light can filter through.

It wants for sun. It makes for light.

The woods and I are one;

But I can’t tell a soul.

Wandering on until de-celeration

Starts to take me over,

Signs I’ve learned to recognize

When fervor starts to waver

And observer me says “Rest!”

Works in progress never cease.

It is a forest,

After all.

Work In Progress: Gardening The Forest 11.28.2006 revised 1.18.2014/again 4.20.2015

Circling Round Nature; Circling Round Nature II:
I live in Sweden in the country, surrounded by forest.  I love it.  It changes all the time.
 Aug 2016 Beleif
Maria Imran
Somehow. Please? What!
 Aug 2016 Beleif
Just Me R
... and if my tears cried a million oceans
Each would whisper your name
My heart is broken
I will never be the same

❤I love and miss you Mum ❤
Miss you, mum. X
 Aug 2016 Beleif
wren cole
I'll keep smiling for you;
I'll hang on to wishful thinking.
I know that you're a part of me.
I know infatuation passes quickly
And nostalgia is abstract,
Not strong enough to tie our fates together.
I hate that I still love you now.
I hate that I'll probably love you forever.
If I write my soul for you,
Will it bring back memories?
Was I everything to you
When you were everything to me?
I still love you and you
I don't know how to let go
It hurts
Je brûle
 Aug 2016 Beleif
Dear Red,
 Aug 2016 Beleif
Dear Red,

I see you standing beside me. Fuelling me with anger. The stuff I never felt before. I don't know how to control you so I let you do want you do best.
 Aug 2016 Beleif
 Aug 2016 Beleif
The lights began to fade and you slip into the room. I have been waiting for you to come and confort me once again that night. You are like a warm hug on the coldest darkest nights. I feel safe alone in your tight embrace. The light began to show.

It's too bad that you have to go. I want to lay with you forever but you are called away to another place. I hope to see you again old friend.
 Aug 2016 Beleif
Alan S Bailey
Here we are! The best of the worst.
When even fun becomes a chore,
Where rich people meet both triumph
And truth which were pre-made in store.

You can look at it right or look at it wrong,
This "winning new era" or what we're told all along,
We started out "regulated" and "anti-gun tries to steal all,"
But in the end you know assault rifles are of "great use"
In the mall. So we're all in the latest greatest time,
All of this madness and work to keep us all in line,
Where vagabonds are great and kings are low,
This time when the "saints" are actually lower than slime.
There shall come a day, I know not when, when this little
"Special" time shall be known as the abomination of men!
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