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 Mar 2017 Kyle
Miranda Renea
Some days I wither like a
Wilted rose waiting for
The wind to pick my petals,
One by one, like a morbid
Little girl -- she whistles
To the tune of "I live, I love
For naught, I live not."

Most days, I feel like
The man on the moon;
So far removed -- my
White smile set in stone.
Yet these shadows shown
Have made such beauty
Into all I have ever known.
In my dreams
I stand upon the shore
Of an oil-spill ocean
And watch whales beach themselves endlessly
Upon the tar black sand,
The tide rolls in and drags their
Bloated carcasses back into the sea
Their graves no longer lingering
Between home and a foreign world.

In my dreams, I am singing
Like a siren queen I draw the world around me
Held in a suspended breath,
Even the waves slow to hear it,
And here, standing
With a darkening sky and the beach
Turning to quicksand beneath me
All of creation is throwing itself at my feet.
This is what God must feel like.
I can feel the barbs and the thorns
protruding from my skin
as i sit hunched and quiet
dont touch me dont touch meE don t tou ch me
every fingertip feels like knives
and your kisses are a cruel poison.
i am my own armour
because in this story,
the pinpricked princess
saves herself.
 Feb 2017 Kyle
Lora Lee
 Feb 2017 Kyle
Lora Lee
essences of fire
and ice
        keep wanting
to burst out of me
it is so hard to know
where to end
how to start
           the rivulets
    the torrents
           turn them on like
                   a waterfall faucet
they are there,
the opposing elements
lurking, ready
just under surface
waiting to ooze, pour
secret inner filth
spilling endless
crusty lava
onto the naked
rough-hewn floor
along with purest
of lightbeam

hard to pinpoint
the moment
I knew I loved you
what love
is actually supposed to be
bubbling and frothing beneath
              ice floes, melting
                         hot wax sliding
                      I do not know how
                           to prevent this
          dripping exhaustion
of elongated membranes
from imploding
into the truest
form of encapsulated longing
sharpened pangs
upon the fibers
of my brain, of my heart
my pain in stop starts
stop no go on
I can't take it
I want it all
can you feel me?
I want it all, I say
thrumming hotly
           the last
wild drop
 Feb 2017 Kyle
I thought I knew what passion felt like
But learning to love you,
Was like learning to bike.
It was scary at first
But, freeing in all
And you first must learn
to let yourself fall
You should know
I'd never regret
The nights that we spent
I can never forget
Maybe they're tainted
To you, they were nothing.
I don't place blame,
I know you can't
Love me.
Learning to bike was thrilling and hard
But as someone once said,
All the finest things are.
 Jan 2017 Kyle
Elizabeth Carsyn
I touched His hand and
He hit me.

I ran my finger prints
over His callused thumb
over the cuts and bruises;
between the towers that were His fingers.

He gripped my tender fingertips with death
and pulled me under with his clutch.
He spilled sea foam into my ears,
filled my mouth with His salty tongue.

I saw love in shades of green and blue
heard His voice in strokes of black,
split my lip between His teeth and
washed my mouth with a copper jam.

I floated with Him for a time,
watched the waves collide over my head,
counted the grains of sand between strands of hair and
listened to reality through the heavy static of a radio.

I touched God's hand but
when I came to, they only wanted to know today's date.
 Oct 2016 Kyle
Prathipa Nair
 Oct 2016 Kyle
Prathipa Nair
Normal Heart

Hiding inside a thick box
Elaborating a tune of
A** rhythmic drum beat
Releasing energy being a
Therapy for humans

Love Heart

Habitality of love
Eminent for lovers
Alluring opposite pole
Rousing passions
Taciturnly for each other
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