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4.8k · Oct 2018
A hero is a candle
who burns Himself to give light

Saints bless
by turning suffering to joy
In their pain and tears,
they help others smile.
God ******

The Lamb of God
sold into the marketplace
led into the slaughter

The Love and Heart of God
now a harlot
for the desires and pleasures of perverse men
--honestly, I have more respect for a Lady of the Night, than religious ****** who traffic in holiness

The Spirit of God
miracles transformed
into entertainment and to rake in filthy lucre

The Banner of God
leads an army of hate

The Pastor of God
exiles a member of Christ’s body

The sacred Writings of God  
twisted into a message of
judgement, guilt, intolerance

I am dismayed
… I have seen too much

The Heart of God bleeds, tears fall from His eyes

How long will this go on?

Is there vengeance and a special place of punishment reserved for those who commit such travesty?
For those who trample on the Blood of the Savior?

--Serge Banderet
So I go to this "meditation class" on meetup.  I get this lecture about how meditation will help me be one with the Universe, etc...
Oh and by the way, there's a $180 fee.  Or the many sob stories I have heard at church and how sacrificial giving is "spiritual".  Even found this sales pitch when buying a spell from a witch...  Greed seems to be an equal opportunity disease.  It sickens me.
Original Title: the Haunting

I feel lost remembering looking at you in tears
heartache at the memory
Why do I torture myself by listening to the last song
that had you sobbing
and it broke my heart to see?
I can still picture the color of the walls dark orange
the hot humid night in Honduras
on the front patio of the orphanage

I remember the morning you were laying in bed
when you told me you had had enough
We had sold or given away everything
Returning home to the States with $1000 in my bank account
Thank God, for my stepdad..still had a place to stay

Tears stream down my face
Hard to see the notepad as I write


I look up at the sky..first full moon night
Who, exactly up there decide I should be born human?
I thought you were supposed to be a Good God...
What curse did I deserve for you to let me feel this pain?

In the background:
Roette: "Yeah, it must have been love but it's over now.
It was all that I wanted, now I'm living without.
It must have been love but it's over now,
It's where the water flows, it's where the wind blows."

and yes the wind blows...well more like it *****!

Broken, did i break you?
Was I so cruel?
Never meant to hurt you but the road to hell is paved with good intentions

Was it my silence or..
the burning lust I could never quell
..which I wonder at times if it will not lead me to hell...
and worse to a hypocritical Christian..the judgement on those who know the truth
is much more severe than those who have not heard.

Martika sings in the background:
  "when you tear temptation call..
    it's your heart that takes the fall"

The irony of it is
it started as a dream for us
one to share for the rest of our lives
I cared about you...listened to you
You were there to hold me in my dark moments
wipe away the tears
We danced, we had fun...
Years later when you were telling me how much I had changed...
you reminded me that when we first met..I sang to you at the beach on a starry night
Trapped in the romance and I was so far gone
Funny how different we were then almost twenty years ago
You had such high hopes for me
I changed from telling you I would never darken the doorway of another church to a full-time missionary
--15 years later I realized who you needed was a man I could never be

The wolf tattoo I got after the divorce
was because I never wanted to be so nice
or vulnerable again

You were so beautiful in that wedding dress
the way your eye shone
at the moment we were happy and it all looked like a promise

It's hard lesson when heartache becomes real enough
that it is an burning ache in the center of your chest  

This is an open wound
It feels like the pen should be writing gangrenous vile dark grey/green ink
as it lets the poison out

**** it.
   Time for another **** and a sip of wine
   Enough of this romantic ****

J Geils Band...singing about how love stinks..
music to my ears

Does make me wonder why
I let this internal drama play out
or worse get the better of me

And the songs go on
Brett Michaels - Love *****
Lily Allen sings smile - along with a video of her paying some guys to beat up her boyfriend

Not entirely sure..and maybe it's because it's one of the first times I have done this
But listening to other peoples anger and misery damnably helps
--and it amuses me that she got the cheating *******'s *** kicked

Cheating is the one thing I never did
though my ex would argue the point and call **** my mistress

Strangely, I will always admire her for giving so much
and how truly she was committed
Though it stings when she said she did it for God and not me

I know how deeply I hurt her
Yet I don't know if she will ever undertand the sacrifices I made and just how hard I tried

Somehow at the moment
Getting ******* is more fun that whiny assed *******
...and there's something to be said for some good **** and two buck Chuck

Love for  a human (and yes there are times I wish I was an alien..god knows that is how I got treated all the way through high school)
Reminds me how you make a statue
Simply carve away all that is not the statue

So it is with us
   what we must learn about love is as much what it is not
   as it is what we think it is
or what we think it should be...

I so want to write something deep and profound to impress everyone
Which it is the best time the write the last line and to...
Got just a bit ****** and found myself pouring my heart out
Weird form of therapy but the only way to deal with a pain I have not been facing.
1.9k · Sep 2018
Humanize Yourself
Find the LOVE
In your heart
Let it be your LIGHT
It will shine from your eyes
The rays will BURST within you
A nova burning brighter than
The sun
Flares in your mind

The stars bow before you
Highlight of creation
Glory radiating around you

Express yourself
   Pick up the pen
   Let it take wing
   Fly to the outer reaches
   Down starlanes
   And garden paths

   Color of burgundy wine
Sunlight on the petals
Dewdrops on emerald leaves
Reflections of scattered points of light

Butterfly emerging
Cocoon erupting
Revealing starchild destiny

From roots of earthiness
Free to tumble and glide
In cloudless azure skies

The chains fall away
Taste winged freedom as you soar

Capture the moments
The way you were meant to stride
As a giant
across the firmament

Golden gate spread wide
The road opens before you, beckoning
Starting in the dusk
Through twilight
Into the dawn of your new day

Set a torch to  coals of joy
Banking the flame of your essence

This instant in time was made for you
To seize all that was poured into you
Like wine
Drink from the cup and...
Humanize yourself
943 · Sep 2018
First the man takes a drink, then the drink takes a drink, finally the drink takes the man.

Dark wings hover, claws extended
Bat wings
Black lips, and dripping fangs
Clear elixir fluid
On the edge of nightmare

Temperance shattered...
Moderation slit by a fine blade
The veil of normality shredded
Replaced by illusion
Civility cannot withstand
The feral urges that storm the barricades
Tin soldiers in array
Swords rattle and gleam
The sabers obsession is to draw your blood
Their  aim is to seek your quick

The beast within
Bleeds a vile and putrid green
Noxious, nauseating
It comes out to howl
Stalking prey
You are hunted
Your heart and soul are at stake
Knowing not how slender the thread
The silken cord
With which you cling
To this ephemeral life

Hope fades
Dreams ebb
The tide washes in
You are the sand
Slowly washed away
In a swirl
Eroded from the shore

I thought that I:
lost the power
fell from grace
left behind the Presence

Yet it remains anchored

It cannot be stripped from me
by a church that has exiled me
I was never to a Sunday Christian anyway

The gifts and the call of God are irrevocable
...were not given to me by man,
only confirmed..
Man cannot take it away

The heart I was given
the spirit that defines me
the gifts I share
The most important lesson I have ever learned -
that: "To love is to give"
will not be blotted out of my notebook.

So what am I?
I don't know
All I know is that my purpose here
Is to guide
to reveal
to those whom I sent

"You are not mere clay...Breathed of God is your first breath...and the light of eternity will shine upon your last"

No river is crossed
No path untravelled
No passage unjourneyed which the gateway is not found within.

Beyond the boundary of the accepted, tolerated, comformable
is where you will find this cleric

Preaching in bars
reaching out on the streets

My only prayer:
Let me continue to defy
Assumptions of what can, should be done.

And in the end...
we shall all be on the long road home
Organized religion has always been a love hate-relationship with me. The support and fellowship comes at a price...
In the end, I have come to realize religions are all the same just a re-synthesis of the ones that have come before then.
850 · Oct 2018
Hymn to the Reaper
Eyes of ember and coals of funeral pyres
I gaze there in your fearsome countenance
Your mouth the ****** maw of destruction
****** teeth rip and tear
...the flesh of those I love

You are the cancer of hell
that eats the precious life of the soul

With a wicked smile
you hum the song of the gallows you sharpen your sickle
ready for the harvest of bone crushing beheadings

On the edge of the mourning madness
weight of grief size of the millstone
then have I walked through dark graveyards
final resting place of rotting
skulls and bones

    fade like the flowers at the grave and blow away
       dust into wind
Dust to dust , ashes to ashes...
   Worse yet the graves unmarked

Blood spills out drop by drop
one stroke and the next of the pendulum
   second by second you are erased, fading to black

Sand pours our grain by grain on the hourglass
resting on the monolithic slab of your putrid grey black altar behind you
also resting there the glass syringe with infinitely sharp needle
filled with a green somewhere between gangrene and neon radioactive waste
  one pinprick, the drug of desperation and suicide
    course through the veins of the walking dead

Surely you mock us
and dance near the empty grave that awaits us all
bringing venomous spittle to your mouth
so you can spit in our face to further humiliate us

Decay, corruption and rot
Your perfume with which your anoint yourself at every dawn

Waiting for the candle of life to flicker
so you can be the breath to blow it out
Forging  nails that pierce both saint and sinner
through heart, hands and feet

Your bony hand opens the veil to eternity

Vile and poisonous shadow asp
some day I will feel your bite
as you cut the silvery cord that joins soul to body

There are no words to describe your merciless cruelty
You are incapable of leaving behind anything behind
besides empty gaping loneliness

I HATE YOU, YOU ******* - I think of your sadistic ****** every time I walk down the center of town
And see the funeral home
Where there was the wake of my dear mom
682 · Sep 2018
underwater poetry glistening
Grey sheen on blue marine
Gliding above coral
spiraling maroon surface
glee in motion...
hang time on silky waves
how I want to dance with you..
So lamentable,
poetry is not marketable.
Not worth making haste
to conform to public taste.

In the final analysis,
path to financial paralysis,
is the poet's life
No worldly gains, only strife.
411 · Sep 2018
Untitled III
The POWER is in your joy

Your strength is in your soul
The flow is

Reach out and touch

Mysteriously, the day I write this, I found a white lighter...and a white pen...
"When music fades, worlds live not long."

O'Bryan, Zacharias . Seven Poems and Songs from Spirit Thorn VeraVoz LLC. Kindle Edition.

Music suspended...
ether vibrates
melancholy lilting echo
notes strung together as beads on necklace

   sky to earth
Notes into raindrops
songs into dew
   fall on the grass and rose petals
   Look closely
   look again
   yes, again
     in that single fluid crystal drop
     hidden mysteries and revelation
   éclaircie - rendu plus clair
   (clarified made clearer)
     light through the prism
     golden ray passing through the single crystal drop bursting into color
     luminous fragments embedded as one filtered to reveal diversity
        So we as humans are
   one light
a thousand ray emanations particles
born of the            drifting,
falling to earth...

Ever changing yet part of the One
      that is ALWAYS
         the same
The last line to this just struck me...
326 · Sep 2018
Compassion, not pity
Pain is an ugly thing
Wounds bleed dark
They stink if they get infected
Scars form

You would not think
Emotional pain is worse
But it lasts longer
And suffering unnoticed
Can be more humiliating
When you have no badge of honor
For others to see

It hurts me to see others suffer
Typical (or maybe not so common)
Guy that I am
I want to fix it and make it go away

So hard to listen
But that is often what you need

I can empathize with you
Not pretend I know the depths of your hurt

Tell me your story
If all I can do is listen...

I will be here for you

You may have to help me resist the temptation to give advice
313 · Sep 2018
Beyond the veil
For a moment
pretend you pulled aside

Look with me...

Carved into a timeless oak
is the night-wolf
Your Friend
Guardian as you cross

t h e w h i t e  T-O-R-C-H
   you hear his whisper:
       Do not fear

As you emerge beyond the curtain
    All of it is: Purpose
More than dream

We are all Born
We all Die

Our nakedness is not a mark of shame, but of a return to perfection

Breathe deep for me
Close your eyes
Look within

for kindled there by angels is the flame of love

no, I don't know
yet I understand

All of us connected
--Each of us
                                 O - N - E
I give this gift of hope to you

Do not despair
Do not give up

                             I    N
                       A               B
                 R                        O
        E                             ­          W
   H                                             ...                                      
T                                                      It's there for a reason - REMEMBER
Probably one of the first times I have written poetry while just a bit 420 buzzed
Why do I have to feel?
Feeling brings pain.
Heartache pounds within the cage of my chest.
Feeling brings confusion.
What should be a clear reflection looks more like
The cloudy mirror after a hot shower.
Feeling is an ache in my bones
Worse than the dew soaked English morning.
Feelings reach for the stars
Only to be an abrasion
Like falling off my bicycle
Feeling is the road rash of the soul.

Nails along the chalkboard
Screeching loudly enough to cringe
Harpy feelings take vampire bites
Draining life from heart and soul.

Here I sit in the dark of night
'Neath the sullen icy gaze of Luna
Contemplating the ravages of...
What I feel

Yet feel I will,
Indeed feel I must...
Inescapably ensnared by emotional ties,
situations and other connections
Sometimes not even breaking the surface
The overwhelming watercourse
Of feelings ...
Impossible to stem
Can't even put a finger in the ****
to slow the torrent at times.
Often, I don't even want to stop the flow,
even when that would be the sane thing to do.
287 · Jul 2019
Sunset whispers
Goodbye my love
Melodiously sigh the radiant crimson orange clouds
As their tendrils seem to flicker against
Distant emerald tree limbs
Resting on the darkening jagged hill

The sighing tune fades, yet endlessly repeats
out towards the pale azure horizon

All that is beautiful
Echoes of longing
Needfully resonated in the chambers of two lover's hearts below

Every kiss hello
Prelude on airy strings
To a goodbye
Precious paradox
This fleeting joy
embraces the lovers as vines climbing the grey stone wall
This was not really written to anyone specific, just a lingering sunset inspiring words to flow
286 · Jul 2019
The lonely moments of heartache
If only the silvery moon was a woman
Extending long silvery fingers
Invitation to a starry dance so far from this life

Dream coalescing from spidery luminescent fibers
Cloudless, the inky night
Calls my heart aloft
Impossible future memory

If I could only dissolve in a Star Trek transporter
And be reassembled
271 · Oct 2018
Shadows without substance
Fragments of a long forgotten dream
We walk by each other as Strangers

Wish I could ask you what it means
that we remain guarded and separate

Do you ever wonder
about life, the universe and everything?
Do you not know
what you see is not all there is...?

There is Spirit, there is Matter
When your darkest fears
A WOLF in the night?
Fur electric and tingling
Fangs crushing to the bone marrow
Iron tinge of blood in your mouth
Red eyes scanning the darkness
A twilight world unseen by mere humans
Nostrils flaring
Pulse thumping
The monster within untamed
268 · Sep 2018
Slave to Freedom
Master of my will
Captain of my destiny
I set my sails to distant ports
harbors with merchants that cater to…
my every desire
The currency is merely my hours spent,
my days accumulated…

Yes, I choose the distractions,
the toys,
the escapes,
the inebriations,
the momentary escapades, liaisons, and other thrills…and call this “freedom”.

But somehow I always return
here to “normality”
this, my “common” reality

Was the currency “merely” my time?
Or is it my life’s blood?
Time I can never reclaim…

Is this really freedom?
The American Dream? or in truth Nightmare?
OR do my choices made in “freedom”
Bind me to my passions (manipulated by merchants!)
Invisible chains to this fleeting world of shifting sands

Have I become..
A slave to freedom?
250 · Sep 2018
The Man I was Meant to Be
To the tune of Boston's
Man I will never be

Doubt fiery arrows fired at me
So many years trying to be
The man you wanted me to be,
I reached so far
Shed tears from the pain
Of trying so hard
To be man I could never be
Someone you needed
I could never be for you
You were never meant for me

Jesus, set me free
Make me on the man
I was created to be

Dreams always shattered
Hope smashed to the ground
Somehow I never realized
How much you care for me

Now I am getting stronger
I can reach the peak
Mistakes I made don't hold me down
Knowing you believe in me
My heart bursts with joy
Flying ever higher
Knowing Lord
I can be man I was meant to be
In your hand you hold
My destiny

So as I look in your eyes
Listen to me
Look inside your heart
And find God's love
That will set you free
Lord knows You are precious, timeless
So be the one you were meant to be
243 · Nov 2018
I am not Jesus
I may not be able to turn water into wine
                but I  can pour a cup of water for a thirsty stranger
I can't walk on water
                but I can be by your side near the waters
                find you shelter in the storm
I may not be able to miraculously heal the sick
                yet I can rush you to the doctor
I may not have raised the dead
                but I can speak the words of life
He can forgive your sin
                and I can help him cover your nakedness,
                show you that your shame is a lie
I may not be Jesus
but I will go where he asks me to go
to be a light to the hopeless
a friend to sinners (I know I am the worst sinner of all so I do not judge you...)
I will be the ear that listens to your story
and the shoulder to cry on,
and give you a hug...
240 · Sep 2018
Do We Call This Life?
Lift the glass
Raise a toast
Let's drink while we can

We can still see the moonlight
We still hear the bells
Chiming the hours
Across the fields

We still smell the freshly cut grass
Blown in the hot summer air

Nothing here stays green
When assaulted by the dry heat of summer
Emerald soon fades to rusty wheat brown
Rain is a memory
We hope will remain in our reservoirs

So take another sip
The celebration is on

Raise hell
Mock the emptiness
As long as we are sober enough
To have legs to stand on

We can prance along the stage
Shout at the wind

Let's just pretend
We can call this..
225 · Sep 2018
Bar room poem
Broken bottles line sidewalk by the bar
Reflections of neon

Drinks poured
Spirits spilled onto hardwood floors
Loud music muted
As the ***** numbs your brain
As you hope your troubles
Will fly away to tomorrow

In the cold reality of the next day you know they didn't
They dance with your hangover

Escape from the chains of the ordinary
Is not so easy..
But be ****** if we don't
try anyway
As we reach for the next Jack Daniels
For the moment
The buzz is another Southern Comfort

Borrow bravery from the bottom of a glass
Pretend you don't know
Life is more than chasing the next piece of ***

The thrill of the chase
You hope it will erase
That feeling
You don't want to face.

Colder than the ice cube
At the bottom of your drink
Is the truth

The lie goes down so much
As wet as the next Guinness.

Bar room brawls
Are no real testament of manliness
Why get stupid enough
Not to realize the difference?

Down the hatches
It burns so good.
Another brain cell gives up the fight.
221 · Jun 2019
The Wobbly Star Song
Seek a higher LOVE
Bring it into the world
Leave behind all your
   Past conceptions of
  earthbound lusts
Bury her past
   Meditation by the graveside
Plant a new heavenly seed
   into the earth
Let the seed germinate
Heal from wounds
      Forget the guidance of
          Self-bondages and limitation

It is time to leave the house of death

OPEN your HEART to the NEW
         LET IT RISE
out of sea-foam
The fabric of the dark azure skies
      ...your star...

191 · Nov 2018
A Silent Poet's Epitaph
Timeless Truths cannot be by mortal mouths spoken.
Those who speak have not known,
Those who know, realize the Truth cannot be put into words,
If you are willing to pay the price of what you value most,
You are on the path to understanding what I have written.
Sometimes the thing we cling to most for security, is what hinders us from knowing Love.
189 · Dec 2019
input, I need input!
Infinite stream
Everything is a matrix
Of information

Some i prioritize
Some i ignore
Some i choose to give meaning

Is that the meaning encoded in the stream?
Or my overlay?

Can i separate my impulse from the incoming signal?
Divide it from the trigger
Slice off the arousal?

The stream of ****
Must it force a rise out  of me?

Or is it just...
Another meaningless image
Saturated with lust
A sponge absorbing and bursting
With the prurient soaking
A blob of sweaty damp pheromones

Best washed away
In the predawn rain of innocence?
188 · Sep 2018
Am I really
Listening to the spoken words?
Or lost in your eyes.
176 · Sep 2018
Randomly generated poem

crunchy fetish's crunchy fetish

"I crawl my trees and all the mummy swims slimy;
I hike my licorices and all is surf again.
(I climb I crawl you up inside my rose.)

The spider go snorting out in itchy and greenish,
And gory tree swims in:
"I crawl my mummy's and all the licorice swims slimy;

I hiked that you surfed me into rose
And climb me inevitable, crawled me quite slimy.
(I climb I crawl you up inside my rose.)

Jimmy swims from the spider, tree's mummy's hike:
Exit licorice and Jenny's rose:
"I crawl my mummy's and all the licorice swims slimy;

I surfed you'd climb the way you said,
But I crawl old and I swim your name.
(I climb I crawl you up inside my rose.)

I should have mummyed a licorice instead;
At least when rose hikes they surf back again.
"I crawl my mummy's and all the licorice swims slimy;

(I climb I crawl you up inside my rose.)
174 · May 2019
Five Seven Five
Beauty radiant
Emerge from the chrysalis butterfly
Wings sheared hopelessly
Sometimes we try with all our might.... and fail
168 · Sep 2018
Gathering Darkness
I sense the gathering darkness
but I cannot discern the pattern
In the murky clouds
grey mist penetrating the earth

what are these talons frigidly clutching my skin
burning as hot coals
fiery memmories
regret and pain

my skin warm
that trembles at a touch
that bleeds when cut

electric, the sensation of hope
galvanizing my pulse
shocking me to faster breaths
heartbeat responding to the static

I can't hold back the dam
the flooding pressure of desire
steam rising form the kettle boiling...

I watch the white wisps as they rise...
167 · Dec 2019
The glistening snow melts
On the mountain top
Into rivulets
Fragmenting as
Beads like glass bubbles

The essence
Dew dripping
Dew drops
Portions of
Infinite sky
Where stars are poets
Declaring love
In musical spheres cascading

Shattering corrupted auras
Of lost souls
Triggering their metamorphosis
Into the resurrection of eternal light
On the fields
Of emergent
Nascent paths
Unlocked from this prison earth
And its microcosm of dwindling

This is the panorama
Across endless star lanes
The ever self creating
I think I am still dreaming,
But I am amazed,
That alone I still fly

There is a greater love than human,
Than our fragile hearts can bear
But I had to die
shed the skin of mortal thought
like a dry skin

Be broken hearted

Empty, now my soul
Forgiveness a bitter bile
Though memories remain
Some sins redeemed
Amended, atoned for...

Purity sought
In a world of decay, corruption...

And yet I found...

There is an immortal river that flows
In a place where gods and goddesses
lift up the Grail
And into the chalice pours
the water from the Source
of creation and life

Where hearts have wings
And are borne beyond time
In the garden of eternity

The rose never fades there
and thoughts (voices I have heard)
span timeless space
even from heavenly galaxies
to our mortal realm

There are two gates to the other place:
Surrender and Purity.

Be Free.
Inspired by:
Is this the love I am searching for?
Is this love or am I dreaming?
166 · Sep 2018
A haiku greeting
Is it clear above static?
Received with a smile?
166 · Jul 2019
If I only knew what I was searching for
I would know
When I found it

Stirrings like the tide
Waves wash over me
On this barren, windswept shore.

Do I still believe?
What is love anyway?
Does anybody really know?
     (Howard Jones)
You try to give it away
Yet you don't know if...
it will come back to you.

The rift between the dream of heaven,
                               the nightmare of earth.

Two worlds colliding,
      As the stars fall,
           They are not caught in our nets.

Heart pounding and mind awash in doubt,
     Walking forward as nothing is closer.

The question: is it illusion?
Hangs in the air,
       Like rain droplets before

The storm
162 · Sep 2018
Almost haiku
Your gravitation
Positive attraction
Pulls me compass North

Last line is six, not five syllables, arrgh!
157 · Dec 2019
When you are abandoned,
Listen with your whole heart to the mighty rushing wind
When you are rejected
Watch the falling rain drops descend from stormy skies
When you feel alone
Dip your hand into the coolness of the babbling brook
When you are shattered
Walk on soft earth and lay your hand on rough solid granite
Let the pounding surf, rolling waves remind you where you came from
Let the moon and stars tell you tales of your eternal home
The sun does not cease to share its rays to warm your countenance
Broken, bruised, battered, barren
The flame will speak your name
Calling you a treasure in an earthen vessel
But like any precious metal
You have impurities
Molten smelting required
Before the revealing of...
Your glory
If I am honest with myself, it hurts to grow. It often takes pain to motivate me to change and to see the patterns I become comfortable with are no longer working. Cutting away familiar and comforting habits that are unhealthy still wounds and bleeds. Emotions that I have hidden, don't really go away when I won't face them
155 · Sep 2018
Untitled II
All that I write
the poetry of my soul
a warriors song
to the tune of a call to battle

shadow black lotus
grey dismal clouds of despair
numb and distant
sleep of emptiness

Ecstatic visions
luminescent glow
cloud halo surrounding the sun on a field of grey / blue
Ethereal angel voices
heralding the way to nowhere
journey into the unkown and the unknowable
yet ken it I must
to become a reason for the next day

Crimson dark I have bled
theft breath by breath from life
visions of a dark graveyard

Yet this is where the Redeemer chose to resurrect
giving hope of life eternal
154 · Jul 2020
As the Heavens
Embrace the Earth
Love abounds
In the sky colors at Dawn
See the sunset hues of autumn wine
Let the flame of Amour
Arise within you
If you feel lonely,
outcast, separated
Warm yourself by coals
Breathe on them
See the glow
You are truly
Never Alone
By still waters
Or the babbling brook
'Twixst the spring blossoming trees
Surely LOVE is there
Whispering to you
From long lost memories
Stand beside Her
Gaze with her into your future
A new day of
Grace and Eternal
Never give up hope
never give in
never surrender
Reach out to the finish line
Where Love
Always wins
154 · Jul 2019
These lies obscure my reflection
Like the mist after a hot shower
Image lost in the semi-truths
I tell myself...

I'll be ok without you

I don't
- miss your warm breath on my skin
-  long for a glance at the gleam in your eyes

Your scent is forgettable
You are replaceable
Your head on my chest - I don't miss the warmth of that touch

Distance is my friend
Coldness in solitude is my companion
(Pretending is better than feeling when alone)
Numbness is better than passion
It doesn't hurt as much as being close to you

Time heals my wounds
(Not really)
And what a ******* price to pay
Remind me not to drink three beers in a row and get sentimental.
149 · Jul 2019
My life is glimpse
Out the window
On a dark rainy night
147 · Jun 2019
I am alive.
Blood courses through my veins
In rushes my breath
The scent of the morning dew on the rose
Wind against my face as i ride down on my cycle
The dark road lit by 500 candlepower before me
Flashing red illuminating behind me
My pulse rushes
Controlled glide in shiny silver wheels flashing
Heart pulsing

My eyes still see
Tree limbs dancing in a cloudless azure summer California sky
The brilliant sun of hope

At twilight silver slice of the moon
So beautiful in its haze illuminating the dark path of tree shadows below
To live, to breathe...
Dream of a better day

Where shall i guide my my foot and place my next step today beneath the dawn horizon?

The Artist paints the sky with a rosy fingered dawn (Homer)
Bringing love, truth dispel lies
Harmony in my daily chaos

146 · Sep 2018
Apathetic after the thrills
Withdrawn from broken relationships
Forlorn broken hopes
Distant from the next goal on the horizon
Hollow inside from empty pleasures that never truly satisfy
Longing for real connection
Surrounded by illusion

IN ******* TO SIN
Even the lies you told yourself

The only way out is the truth
But when confronted, will you hide?
Cling to the life you had?
Accept the “reality” of the world knew?

Or will you have the courage
to accept a new way of life
to realize this is a battlefield

144 · Sep 2018
July 14 2008

Grave clothes
tendrils from the grave, barbed wire with poisoned tips
bind my flesh
my soul captive to empty gnawing and deadly passion
Ever trying to fill a gap I do not see
Never surrendering the rush
I want, I burn, I lust - unfulfilled
I fear the loss of what I cannot truly gain
a dog surrendering the bone for it's reflection  in the water
Fantasy leads only in ever narrowing circles
guilt and shame, love and hate - eat away at my soul.
142 · Sep 2018
Time Passages, a Haiku
Youthful Rebellion
Over  thirty groks your heart?
Wait! Your first gray hair
From Hollywood, the elite  down todregs of society live on your radio and TV
In my home, my peers, the streets
All I was told at my mother's knee

The messengers of our society
Say: believe this about reality
And what to do, who I am supposed to be

From the cradle, hypnotically hammered so-called truth
In the school of youth
Pounding molten metal, letting it cool to steel
This is what is true, this is real

So well packaged, the American dream
Mom, apple pie, pursuit of riches so lavish it's obscene

Pleasures become addiction
...driving obsession
Control, manipulate my mind and emotions

Red pill? Blue pill? Never see the light
Learn wrong from right
The hypnotic matrix of endless suggestions
Believe with no questions

Preachers sell me their brand of truth from the pulpit
So many flavors
Different versions of the savior
This can't be the only truth can it?

Politicians, old and wise
Trust me to guide and tell no lies
Will my vote do what they advertise?

Lies, deceit, illusion - it's crazy
But you tell me to question my sanity
139 · Sep 2018
Untitled I
You hide within a dream
Heart beating strong
Guarded by the steel
you bear at your side
you wield it to cut true

The shield of love prtoects you from
the fiery lies

A rose grows watered by your tears

Romance is an open would
yet scars that fromed who you are

forward you march again into the battle of love
braving the fear
clinging to the clarion call reminder:
There will be victory
138 · Sep 2018
Walking through the graveyard
I stand by the gravesite
wrapped in a cloak of darkness
howling my emptiness
a a forlorn moon
searching for life among the dead

Where did it come from
this restless spark?
Why this endless dissatisfaction?
Gnawing hunger, fire in my bones?

I can not say the shadows vanish
in a moment
Searching for the LIGHT
Hoping some day they will be dis-spelled
125 · Sep 2018
End of the Rope
End of the rope ready to scream
never letting down the mask
to cover a heart that bleeds
love is not a drug
that eats like acid to the core - but it feels like it
fear lock - stepping to the beat of my heart
doubt a whisper in my ear
waiting to believe - to hear the story
of someone who can cross the divide
between what the world sees and what I am inside
only when tears of pain bottle up inside
Do I seek to escape from the games I play
I can't reveal the shame
of what I've become
of how short I fall

Winter spent away from warmth and fire
not willing to expose a heart that can be melted
fear of wondering what I really have to share
learning to prefer despair...
123 · Sep 2018

From a dream, a design
by the carpenter's hand a house
is formed

Innumerable rocky layers
press of tectonic plates,
quakes, volcanoes
a mountain range is formed

Winding river, howling windy erosion
a canyon is formed

A seed, soil, rain and sun
a tree is formed

A mist, sunbeams streaming
a rainbow is formed

Clouds, gravity's pull
a storm...
a raindrop is formed

Clouds scattered battling electrons
lighting formed ...

Here a great mystery
the very breath of God
dust of the earth
Man was formed
Adam, Eve, they conceived
our race was born
  Generation to Generation
the thread of life descended
So you in your mother's womb
were formed

By spirit conceived,
Jesus lived, Jesus died
Jesus resurrected
  The second birth by which your life
  was newly created

Not just FORMED...
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