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 Jun 2020 Tryniti
Lost book
 Jun 2020 Tryniti
I'm an unknown book on a shelf
That one forgets to treat with care
Passed around among many people,
Alas! I've aged with wear and tear.

I don't recall to whom I belonged
Who once penned my words in fading ink
I'm not as strong as I used to be
I'm only a novel- I can't think.

I'm looking for a gentle owner
Who enjoys reading without pretense,
Keeping me safe, worn pages intact,
The one who'll cherish my existence.
 Jun 2020 Tryniti
They tell me not ever to write
for other people to come and see.

To scribble my words on paper
until my sorrow ends in glee

So I collect my scattered thoughts
and pour out the void inside me

I write till I'm left with nothing
I pour with love and form a sea

I craft them into beautiful stories
and they tell me to set them free

I almost do follow the suggestion
But I feel my heart struggle to agree

So I hang them like dried out flowers
and wait for people to come and see

Like an artist, I stand beside my works
Waiting. Day one. Day two. Day three.

Paitently, I wait for them to stop by
to hear me sing my impatient plea

I shout in dejection and fury all day
But then, with heart, I finally disagree

So I go out, burn my words to cinders
Ashes of my angst, I set them free.

I watch them as they soar across the sky.
I don't smile.
My thirteen-year old self loved rhymes.
 Jun 2020 Tryniti
Rupert Pip
 Jun 2020 Tryniti
Rupert Pip
Break my bones;
cut my throat.
Pull me open,
learn the ropes.

Breath me in;
taste the fear.
Shank my skin;
stand and cheer.

Kick my head;
let me bleed.
Unbolt my veins;
enjoy the read.

Gouge my eyes;
punch my face.
Wrap me up
in your embrace.
Get to know me like I do you; inside and out.
I have kissed boys


People in between

But lately I have been kissing bottles

Their lips are colder than yours

But slowly I have realized that the pounding headache when I wake is less hurtful than the shattering in my chest

Yet as these toxins rush through my veins

I can't help but miss the tracing of your fingers along my skin

Miss the numbness of the world when you lie with me

But when I wake I remember that a headache is treated with an aspirin

While heartache

Well if you have a cure for Heartache let me know
 May 2020 Tryniti
Earl Chase
Billowing smoke fills the sky —
Evidence of our Presence,
Our tragic War Cry,
Our fight for Convalescence.

Fire is a language —
Brighter than words;
Brings more damage
& equally absurd.

Violence is a tongue —
The scream of the Unwanted —
Echoing from sore lungs;
Yet, we are not daunted.

No fear, break the gird —
Refuse to be unheard —
Fire is our Word,
Violence is our Word.

— The End —