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 3d Saanvi
Military and militia.
Nigeria and niger area
Predators and Prey

Instead of  killings
Why not bring us a life

Abbas and his family deserve justice.
Abbas is nigerian military and he is only Muslim man in his entire family; in many Nigerian villages, people have no right to practise any religion other than what they inherit.
I must let go
Or I'll lose you
But if I do that
I'll lose myself too
...I don't know what to do...

A riot
of illusions
a festival
on hold

The jester caught
at what’s yet
been told

Saint George
his new dragon
a pet
on a leash

The parade
stops and watches
as minstrels

Cheery O’
Cherry O’
the knave said
to the Queen

As he stole  
back the memory
of all that’s

While the clock
in the tower
struck one
final time

And the square
clouded over
with darkness
— unrhymed

(Dreamsleep: September,2024)
When times get hard dear soul
lean on the power of God !
If stars refuse to shine then  
hold on to the light of Christ
and let Him illuminate, your path
Don't linger on your grief for too long  
for even rainbows disappear after rain  
Just believe in the power of His love  
and keep your eyes on the prize
heaven is for the brave ones like you
When times get hard dear one,
lean on the power of God !
is for dreamers
to hide
from the dawn

My visions
and will
mostly gone

Three days
since I’ve
the memories dance

All over
the future
in destiny’s
— trance

(The New Room: September, 2024)
Lawrence Hall, HSG

                                       The White Lady of the Well

She visits at dusk
She’s watching you;
                                      turn around -
She’s just over there
 6d Saanvi
Be patient with me
I’m still a work in progress

Somedays I seem put together
But that paint’s not dry just yet

One day I’ll get this right
I’m sorry
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