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Aug 2021 · 895
You will always be
Sally Thomas Aug 2021
A beautiful sunset
A whispering breeze
Birdsong in the morning
Blossoming trees

Green buds in Springtime
The summer sun’s glow
Red leaves in Autumn
The crunch of crisp snow

The sky’s brightest star
A sparkly moon
The lilting melody
From a favourite tune

You may not be around
But you’re always still here
Every second, every minute
Each day, week, month, year.
I’m not very good at expressing grief so I write poems about it. This one’s for my friend Ness. I miss her every single day. 💔
Feb 2018 · 393
How do you cope?
Sally Thomas Feb 2018
How do you cope?

How do you cope
With your job
Commuting at a snail's pace
The pressure of the role
The constant competition?

How do you cope
With family life
The dirge of the school run
Heartaches and the joy
The constant worry?

How do you cope
With growing old
Fake promises of beauty products
The creaking joints
The constant exhaustion?

How do you cope?
I don't. I'm ******* exhausted.
I think we can all relate to this somehow. We glide like swans under this exhausting facade of coping, when really we frantically paddle, hoping that we don't ripple the glossy, still water.
Feb 2018 · 423
In the sea of black
Sally Thomas Feb 2018
In the sea of black
Amongst the wash of tears and the hands held tightly
The memories
Shared by a stranger in a pulpit
Prayers joined in for the occasion
A curious celebration of life
Your best bits
Like Match of the Day highlights.
Evading the times you cried
The times you didn't want anyone around.
Yet here they are - how would you feel?

Outside, the awkward embraces
Of long lost acquaintances
Awkwardly reacquainting
Amongst the tombstones, cursed forever to
Hear the condolences
See the sorrow of strangers
Feel the emptiness.

The hit of grief on the journey home.
Hot tears coursing their path onto the steering wheel.
The relentless regret
Of unspoken truths, lies, compliments and apologies.
But the unfailing, niggling persistence rather to have loved and lost.
And been a few crossed off calendar days.
A passing thought when hearing a song.
A flickering vision through whiskey-blurred eyes.
A small piece of the jigsaw.
I wrote this poem after attending the funeral of my childhood sweetheart. I hate funerals (not sure anyone really likes them).   I hate the surge of grief that hits you and how no-one knows the right thing to say.  This funeral was particularly hard. I'm getting to that age where friends are passing away and it makes me ever grateful for each day and all its prospects and blessings.
Feb 2018 · 726
Carry the torch
Sally Thomas Feb 2018
Carry the torch high
Even in the darkest night
Let your flame burn bright.
Have courage in your heart
Step out from the shade
Be bold and unafraid.

Rise to the challenge
Climb the mountain run the race
Do it at your own pace.

Cheer loudly from the sidelines
Help others out
With an encouraging shout.

Don't fight your own fate
Accept how things are
And you'll always go far.

Follow your dreams
Make it happen, reach your goal
Find peace in your soul.

Live life to the full
Be happy, be kind
And your star will always shine.
A poem I was commissioned to write to celebrate the life of the amazing Julie Darwin, my sister's sister-in-law. Despite being paralysed at 15 and diagnosed with lung disease at 32, she lived life to the full, raising thousands of pounds for those less fortunate than herself.

The poem uses keywords and ideas from the messages of remembrance posted on Facebook by friends and family.

— The End —