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Jan 2018 · 245
Hymn For The Missing
RhiannonMystique Jan 2018
I'm everywhere you are
Your everything I see
I'm under your feet
I'm part of the trees
I'm the leaves beneath your feet
Your running out of road
Your tripping over sticks
till you fall over my cliff
Jan 2018 · 195
Red dress
RhiannonMystique Jan 2018
The wood creaks beneath your feet
As you pass over me
My waves slow down just to crash against the shore
To touch your skin
To dampen your clothes
You stand in the meadow
Just out of my reach but when my waves get high
You ride my waves
Leaving your red dress on the beach
Jan 2018 · 304
Burden Of You
RhiannonMystique Jan 2018
You sit on my chest
Twiddling your thumbs over the makeshift text
That crushes my lungs
You bounce your legs over my brittle bones
When your scared you cut just a little to deep
Into the skin I wear on my knees
The Burden of you sitting heavy on my chest
I just cannot rest
So lay your head on my head and rest
The Burden of you is apart of me to
Apr 2017 · 398
RhiannonMystique Apr 2017
I've thought about erasing my written past
But then who would I have to believe the story?
I never wrote to you all for entertainment
I wrote to you all to tell a story
A story that was badly written
A story that no one cried to
A story that so many died to
A story that you my dear
You reading this..
Know Nothing About.
Apr 2017 · 482
RhiannonMystique Apr 2017
In this shaken, twisted world, I gradually become transparent.
Please don't bother looking for me; do not stare.
I unlike you dont belong in this world
A world of kid's imagination.
So please remember me; as vivid as I was.

Tell me, please tell me.. Exactly, who resides within me?
Mar 2017 · 506
RhiannonMystique Mar 2017
I'm here watching the wind blow the leaves right off the pavement
Wondering what it would feel like to be lifted an carried away in a breeze
Wondering who would want to catch me before I go
Believing no one would notice but everyone would care
We are not what the world beats us to be
Just simply someone trying to be something..
Mar 2017 · 366
RhiannonMystique Mar 2017
We all tell ourselves awful things in our head
Trying to withstand the painful reality of life's dreadful end
No one wants to die, but no one wants to live
We all just live in dreams of other's heads
We live for others and never ourselves
Cause I bet everyone on earth would commit to ending their life
If they knew it wouldn't hurt a soul worth living for.
Mar 2017 · 318
~ Beautiful ~
RhiannonMystique Mar 2017
Though we’ve never met and I’ve never felt your touch
At night I can still feel you laying next to me
Maybe It’s just my head but I hear your voice when I feel like no one is listening
Your somewhere I’ve never heard of
You’re in a place I can’t understand
And yet you’re somewhere in the stillness of my head
But every time you speak it’s when I’m looking at my reflection
But every word you say is Beautiful
Confidence comes from being loved.
Mar 2017 · 301
RhiannonMystique Mar 2017
We were hiding under the stars
Replaying all of our favorite songs
Looking at eachother like we never wanted to see the sun.
To the right of our first date
Didn't know what the future held
But we hoped it held a wedding
Down the street from our first kiss
If we go down this road then you have to promise to never fall asleep behind the wheel

But you were cluelessly driving off the street
An found yourself on someone elses high way

I crashed into my road of mistakes
As you sped away
Nov 2016 · 304
RhiannonMystique Nov 2016
I wrestle with my thoughts every night
I wake up bruised and beaten
An I get up and cover the wounds
and go on..

I laugh when people are so dramatic
because they don't even know pain
I think there pathetic

I want someone to walk in my shoes for a day and see how it feels
To ignore mirrors and walk fast in the halls
and curl up in bed the moment my feet hit my rooms floor
and not get up or blink or breath or think till the next day
just to start all over again
Aug 2016 · 389
RhiannonMystique Aug 2016
Tell me pretty lies
Don't forget to dot your I's
and cross your T's
Those little moves are such a tease
Don't you see
Your not fooling me
Your love is faker then my smile
and sweeter then your cup of tea
Nov 2015 · 351
RhiannonMystique Nov 2015
You got me inside out
when the world falls to pieces
you'll be one i believe in

together we fall
together we fly

youre like art
im the artist
you know ill be youre bullet proof vest

Nov 2015 · 299
RhiannonMystique Nov 2015
like an infinity sign

our hearts collide

<3 forever in rhyme
Nov 2015 · 359
On the other side
RhiannonMystique Nov 2015
I think
Im out on the other side
i feel the sun light

it gets better
they didnt lie

just hold on and you'll find youre way

im out on the other side

ive fallen about

1 thousand times
im here and im staying
in the light

to find you a story
for the loved ones
itll be alright

Nov 2015 · 268
RhiannonMystique Nov 2015
I used to hate green

But you love it....
now i feel as if i do to
maybe its meant to be that way

green and blue...

forever attached
in beuty...

Nov 2015 · 243
Dead Man
RhiannonMystique Nov 2015
Dont fear the hopes of the broken

youre the only thing left unspoken
when you feel
lost and youre hopes are broken
you'll never be alone
Aug 2015 · 274
RhiannonMystique Aug 2015
When i die
keep my casket closed
for the heart beat
that haunts me in my dreams
in the mirror
Aug 2015 · 201
Sweet pain
RhiannonMystique Aug 2015
All rights reserved
for the perfect
all the broken dreams lying around
but i know whats worse
when all the respect
you had for the ****** turned to love
no one can change who they are
and no one
the broken
I love how it hurts me
Aug 2015 · 217
RhiannonMystique Aug 2015
these broken
and learn
broken dreams
Aug 2015 · 250
We/Me {song I wrote}
RhiannonMystique Aug 2015
you gotta try harder than this
its not that easy... and
you cant just expect
a perfect match
and theres alway gonna be a dark part
I cant be the only standing stone
to "this"
oh, What is "this"
We-no its just me

You gotta help me pull us together
,cause baby
your not even trying
Im like the water to the smoke
But you started the fire

you cant just expect a perfect match...
you gotta try harder
to make "this" work

,cause I dont think I can handle this on my own


I cant be the only standing stone
keeping us up

Im like the water to the smoke
But you started the fire

I gave up my soul to you!

and you wont even try to keep it alive

you started the fire!

you cant blame me this time
,cause im the one that loved you most

you gotta try alittle harder....

[ slow chorus ]

Im like the water to the


[ quicker lowder ]

But you started the fire!

[ long chorus ]
[chorus slows]

I gave up my soul to you.. an you burned it all the way through my heart

I cant do this on my.....own

I actualy wrote this myself
Aug 2015 · 271
Bone Cold
RhiannonMystique Aug 2015
I've got
Your name,
Blood on my bones
As you and your cold heart freeze my words
Too ice
Aug 2015 · 218
reasons to stay
RhiannonMystique Aug 2015
Suicide is final.
Once you take your life, that’s it. You have only one life. End it - and you’re done. You will never, ever get a second chance.

02. That special person.
The one who keeps you strong when nobody else does. The one who stands by you when everyone walks out. Imagine the pain, the sadness, the grief they would feel when you’re gone. Even if you don’t think you have a special person worth living for, you do. You just don’t know it yet.

03. Death won’t relieve the pain.
Killing yourself will NOT be a relief to the suffering. When you’re dead, you’re nothing. You no longer exist. If you want relief from your suffering, you have to choose to live. You have to reach out and find the courage to make tomorrow better than today. Remember, there is light at the end of the tunnel. There is hope and things will get better. You’re a strong person for living and you give me hope.

04. It will get better, I promise.
Remember, even the darkest hour only has 60 minutes. Stop focusing on the negatives, instead, look for the positive things in life. Do you have amazing friends? Are you good at an instrument? Remember, you’re here because a lady cared enough to bring you into this world.  So embrace that, with both hands.

05. All the memories, the laughs, the smiles and the hugs.
What if you end up being the one that finds the cure for cancer? Or the one that discovers life on Mars? Or the one that ends up with the most amazing spouse and family? How will you ever know your true potential if you’re not there to experience it. All the people you will never meet, all the lives you won’t touch, all the souls you won’t inspire. The future is a mystery; don’t you want to discover its secrets?
Jul 2015 · 291
RhiannonMystique Jul 2015
Broken Hearts
Hugs written but not given
Chained Dreams
Broken Screams
Left overs
Jul 2015 · 273
RhiannonMystique Jul 2015
Im in pain
Im in the game
but im losing
They say its okay



Jul 2015 · 180
RhiannonMystique Jul 2015
White skin
Red Drawings in "pen"
Jul 2015 · 196
RhiannonMystique Jul 2015
He promised
I promised
I guess we both lied....
Jul 2015 · 404
My Guardian Angel
RhiannonMystique Jul 2015
He's tall
he fallows me around in my head
He never said goodbye
An i never said
Jul 2015 · 313
Alone and Broken
RhiannonMystique Jul 2015
Words said
Glass broken
Words whispered
Words written
Black and blue
Blood runs
Tears fall
Nocks loud
Screaming an crying
Roses thrown in a whole
Crosses where worn the day he left me ...
Blood spilled
Ghost tracks down her back
tears fall on a old picture
Curses yelled
an blood ran again

( this was in tribute to my beloved  best friend Ash ..he is gone one day i hope to see him again )
Jul 2015 · 265
RhiannonMystique Jul 2015
The tears bring me down
but the words right scars on my mind
when everything is beutifull an everything seems okay
i always lose it at the best moment
when the tears turn red and run off my finger tips
all that cry are not alone
im not alone
and neither are you
Darling, You're not going any where
Jul 2015 · 241
RhiannonMystique Jul 2015
Blood Stains
Blackened eyes
Bruised thighs
Bandaged arms
Pens an paper
Hopes unsaid...and undone...
Jul 2015 · 228
RhiannonMystique Jul 2015
Hope stands for believing it gets better
Love stands for when it gets better
What about the pain between they matter to the world..
Because im between the two words of that on word is important..
Jul 2015 · 245
RhiannonMystique Jul 2015
People bring me down
but life is not all about them
but life is about living
an im not living
im surviving...
Jan 2015 · 271
RhiannonMystique Jan 2015
its all a lie

they say there gonna stay
but then they walk away

they never here me when i say

Hey, Please come back your all i need in this story

OH its alll lies

its never what it seems to be...always....has never been long enough..
Nov 2014 · 630
RhiannonMystique Nov 2014
I am a prisoner
of my mind
just lonely thoughts untold
locked away in my head
i trap myself inside
Inside my prison of insanity
not a prisoner of time
Like a demon inside
I only listen to there words in my head
This is a story of my life and how it broke my heart till the insanity soon was untold.
Aug 2014 · 699
RhiannonMystique Aug 2014
Insanity oh, what is insanity
Insanity cradles you like a star with out a twinkle
Oh, you can't leave the insane shadow that digs at center of your mind
It writes words on the walls of red
Insanity cradles people who all they can do is
Oh, if its love the insanity will
Tear you tear you to peaces and
Write words that have no meaning
And your mindwill linger in the arms of
Someone that cares
Your eyes will bleed your nails will grow like daggers in my skin
your mind will....................BLOW
Insanity creature

— The End —