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Xaela San Nov 2019
Have voice
You'll hear cries
While the forest burns
Killing everything to ashes
Due to human ignorance and greediness for wealth.
1,1,2,3,5,8,13 syllable
Xaela San Oct 2019
She saw her face

In the mirror

Reflecting her flaws

She looked away

If only she's beautiful

She thought.
Every time
Xaela San Oct 2019
Shadows of unknown

Her demons she supposed

Slowly walking away

Footsteps becoming faint

She smiled

They're leaving her

Because she's healing.
Xaela San Oct 2019
The mind
wants to
the truth


The heart
can't take
the pain
with it.
Xaela San Jun 2019
I think there is life after the windstorm
Where the wind allow the dried leaves blew out
Into the distance, leaving a clear path
For life to continue growing on land

I think there's life after a tornado
Where the violent winds uproot dead trees
Giving plants opportunity to sprout
And life will inevitably remain

I think there is life after the rainfall
Where rain allow the seeds to be moistened
Letting the seeds in the ground to flourish
Into trees the animals will call home

I think there's life after the thunderstorm
Where it's lighting and thunder cools the air
And maintain earth's electrical balance
Enabling plants and animals to thrive

I think there is life after a rainstorm
Where the rain filled the body of waters
Replenishing aquatic habitats
Allowing aquatic life to prosper
Nature's beauty has been inspiring me lately
Xaela San Jun 2019
The land, where grass prettify Earth in green
Is filled with wild greenery that gives life
Which it came from the fruits the trees offer
To the dwellers, inhabiting the land
Providing food to populate its kind
And sustain continuous growth of life

The sky, where the eagles fly for freedom
Is painted with passion in hues of blue
And in the night, it's painted in darkness
With twinkling constellations of stars
Filled with wild dreams of the ambitious and
Gentle wishes of the meek in spirit

The ocean, where whales call the water home
Like the sky, it's described in hues of blue
Beyond its alluring sound of wild waves
Lies danger of drowning into the deep
Where predator and prey gamble their life
To survive the pressure underwater
This poem is written base on my perspective about the nature
Xaela San Jun 2019
Lost in his thoughts as his grieving heart cry
The King gazes upon the heaven's light
Praying to the illuminating moon
To let the sleeping lotus flower bloom
One more time under this late midnight sky

Longing for his sleeping Queen's safe embrace
His Highness hopes his love can return time
When the flowers still bloom along the path
The birds sing no grieving songs in the air
And the sun still shines in its golden rays

Time spent alone living in this  lifetime
Only sorrow continues to bring life
In the garden his heart remains to beat
Longing for his sleeping Queen's sweet breathing
His Highness hopes his love can return time

Yet, the King's sorrow grew with the season
Even the light cease shining and comes night
His sorrow, never withdrawn from his mind
And in his dreams, grief remained to remind
The reason to keep on living is gone

Lost in his thoughts as his grieving heart cry
His Highness hopes his love can return time
When the flowers still bloom in the garden
The birds sing alluring songs in the air
And the moon still shines in its silver rays

Longing for his sleeping Queen's loving heart
His Highness hopes his love can awaken
His Queen, his love, from her eternal sleep
Yet, the King's love can't bloom the dead flower
There, death remains to the lotus flower

Lost in his thoughts as his grieving heart cry
The King crys upon the heaven's moonlight
Gazing to the illuminating light
To let the sleeping lotus flower bloom
One more time under this late midnight sky
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