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i am soft
and so so vicious
my wounds are rarely self-inflicted
more often self-worsened
but you’re making me smile
you’re making me giggle and lose sleep
in the best way
i am soft
and you make me even softer
one day i just might melt
in your hands.
ju. i never knew what it was like when someone takes an interest in you. now that i know, i think i love it.
Can you tell me
which way now is home
I used to know, my dear
The way was clear
There was no fear

Tying my walking shoes
I knew I needed to get clear of here
thought I'd find
all that was dear

The road though, it is narrow
The cliff it is shear
My balance is

Can you tell me my dear

which way is home
which way do I go from here,
I think I oughta know
But the hills they are wavering
The ocean is in turmoil
The mountains are slick
far too dangerous

The desert has no mercy

I know something and with this knowledge
I think I must be cursed
I think I have it
Peace & Home
goes and comes
and comes and goes.
Maybe 10 years from today,
Maybe only 1 year away,
Or even just 1 day,
I will be able to say...
Words that should be said
i like you the most
when you talk about the
things you're passionate

that's when your eyes light up,
alive, dancing, and burning
as if you sees a world that
that no one else has seen.
Dream of me
I am real...
I am where smiles are made
and tears fade away
Where hope springs forth
Away from the darkness
of the earth

I am the glow of the moon
and all the stars in the sky
those who seek the light
shall have me as their guide

I am the red bird or butterfly you see
Just keep your eyes open... to find me
I am where tomorrow is coming
and hope always holds on
My darling
I am never truly gone....❤
I have been dreaming of my mother lately and do not want to wake up because it feels so real and I miss her so. I wrote this from her perspective writing to me
I'm sitting here,
     Lost among the
Static shadows of
     A slumbering morning,

And while the world
     Blinks awake
I'm left wondering
     When my head
Will finally succumb
                              To sleep.
I can't even remember how it started...

Drifting from who I was,
My normal just slowly departed from me.
Foggy glimpses of the boy I used to be.

Ripping through the last shreds of my humanity,
Right on the edge of insanity,
I'm not but a shadow of what, and who I was,
Can you guess what was the cause?

As time goes on,
I am more and more losing myself,
Turning absolutely insane, there is now no sense of self.

I'm starting to be really bloodthirsty.

As time goes on,
I more and more want to hurt somebody,

I want to feel something, anything!

I'm slowly losing my sanity,
It's getting real hard to keep myself from breaking the limits,
Of this society we live in!

But can you blame me?
I just want to feel excited,
Have a geniune smile on my **** face.

Do you comprehend
An existence like mine,
Where you feel nothing?
While people around you find happiness,
And joy,
In things that mean nothing to you?

I've been resisting my urges for a while,
But I'm slowly getting out of control,
Nothing can make me whole.

Things are gonna get real ugly,
Real soon.

Therapy won't help this insane existence of mine.
Trust me, they tried, and tried.
Phsychologists, psychiatrists,
5 types of antidepressants,
A bunch of relaxants,
And diagnosis of many, many mental disorders.
Nothing could get me back in order,
I guess they were too late, I already crossed all sane borders.

Yup... For years, to no avail.

Go on, mock me, say I'm insane;
But it's your kind that did this to me.
But please, watch your tongue,
Words are hurtful.

Hush now, won't you stay a while?
Join me with a painted smile.

Tragic faces,
Stationed at my bedside,
Warm embraces,
While I'm hollow on the inside.

Their eyes betray them,
This is only a painted smile.

After my attempts,
People just wouldn't buy my painted smiles,
So they tried, and tried,
Everything they could think of.

Religion, mental hospitals, therapy, and medication...
If only they knew what a monster I try to keep inside every day,
Will their opinions change that day,
Will they regret it when I unleash the beast inside?

So 'till the day I tear myself from the inside,
Won't you join me with a painted smile?
Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder,
Borderline Personality Disorder,
Dissociative Identity Disorder,
Dissociative Depersonalization-Derealization Disorder,
Avoidant Personality Disorder,
Major Depressive Disorder.

Isn't it upsetting how many disorders you can have inside of you?
I can barely count them all.
Sometimes I feel

Like everyday I wake up,
And live a lie,

Like I’m not actually me
Even when I try to be,

As if no one actually knows,
Me, the full me,

Even those closest,
Seem somewhat distant,

As if everyone else is over there,
And I’m over here,

Stuck on my own,
Isolated from everyone,

But I’m doing it to myself,
And I don’t know how to stop.
It's 10:00 o'clock

in the morning,

she's gone.

she is lying


somebody else's


by now.


***** dishes

in the kitchen

sink peek out

and yawn,

knowing quite

well that no one

will be


up to

attend to

them anytime


12 little

aluminum can

soldiers lie

wasted across

my bedroom


I think



the 6th or 7th

can she


did start

looking good

to me

and I to


but now

it is

2:00 o'clock

in the


and fortunately

for me,

the night

hadn't taken

any prisoners.

instead only


life sentences

of the



to open

my front


to walk out


under God's

crimson light

and hope

that someone


love me

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