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Q May 2014
Nothing made as much sense
As wind beneath my wings
As I ran from trials and tribulations
And felt so beautifully free.

Nothing made sense
As much as tears on my cheeks
As I wrote one last letter
To set me finally free.

Nothing made as much sense
As a lung clean of smoke
As I gathered my belongings
And left a place I called home.

Nothing made sense
Until I decided not to stay
Accepting my cowardly title
I'm little more than a runaway.
  May 2014 Q
Emmy Dawn
If a pen should stutter,
my words are weak.
Leaking ink and broken words
leave my hands as red as guilt,
and I am not innocent.
Flushed cheeks and a stained tongue,
there is little I can hide.
But maybe if you slice me open,
there is more to see inside;
Reach around and find my chest,
but know it holds more salt water
than your desired treasure.
I do hope what few jewels I have
Bring you pleasure.
Q May 2014
He is fall and she is summer
Calm and hot and colorful
Beautifully ethereal
Warm down to the atoms
In my bones.

He is fall and she is summer
And they've been new for centuries
Oxymoronic and lovely and
Warm down to the atoms
In my bones.

He is fall and she is summer
And people like them don't exist
Just a figment of realistic imaginings
Warm down to the atoms
In my bones

And there is no rhyme nor reason
And there is no word or articulation
And I cannot describe or indicate
And I cannot understand or make sense

But they are warm
Down to the atoms
In my bones.
No matter how many times I try to phrase them in poetry, no matter how I try to get the wording right...I can't. They're indescribable and it kills me even though I've never been more ecstatic to say that. I hope I can try and fail to get *someone* to understand how I see them for a long time.
Q May 2014
Similar to body language
My typescript is a message
I sign every comment
To maintain a sense of distance.

I am an open wound
I can only try to heal
I push instead of pull
I rend rather than seal.

I want no one near me
I will run from closeness
I want someone near me
It makes no sense, but I digress.

My body language is open
My typescript language closed
My language itself undecided
As I type
paradoxical prose.
Q May 2014
It takes little more than a kind word
To carry me through a month
To hold me up against battle
To force me, against trials, to triumph.

It takes little more than genuine praise
To burn a soul to memory
To lose all sense of proper speech
To fly unbound and freely.

And with a word comes a smile
I can't get it off my face
With a word comes gratitude
So potent my hands shake.

With a word comes a flattered feeling
That blossoms just under my ribs
With a word comes a jittery, happy panic
On which I cannot put a lid.

I laugh boisterously
I forget my usual frown
With a word I am lifted
And I will never come back down.
UuU thank you
Q May 2014
My lips are moving but my brain is not
I've got my smile handy, I'll never be caught
I'm nervous but it'll never show on my face
I'll pretend I fit, I belong in this place.

My hands aren't clammy, I don't have a stutter
My voice is steady though my legs are rubber
I'm sitting down, no one gets to see
I'm nervous, I'm unsure, but I can fake happy.

I'm an actor, a professional, I'm perfect at what I do
I'm smiling, I'm laughing, but, god, how I hate you.
I fly through moods as though it's my sole purpose
I go by an alias so no one knows I wrote this.

I'm nervous, I'm nervous, I'm ******* terrified
But far be it from me to be typically traumatized
I'm a 'survivor', I'm doing just fine, I'm not panicking
I'll never display the bad moments publicly.
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