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my bones slowly rot
as if the second hand smoke
inhaled through my nostrils
stained my insides brown
and made them crumble.
someone  c u t
off my crisp white wings
with a pair of
rust covered

they ignored my desperate  p l e a s
and cries for help
and shouts of
"you are destined for hell!"

they left me  b l o o d y
with stinging tears dripping from swollen corneas
and scratch marks littering my and
and sunsets blooming on my thighs

I am
n o t h i n g
but the body
s t u m p s
on my back
what a privilege it must be
to have made a girl love
and hurt
so much
she wrote enough
to fill a novel
about you

i should have known
i'd never get
a fairy tale of my own
but of course
i was silly
blinded by my mind
imagining us
happy and in love

old magazines

half hearted smiles

burnt lukewarm coffee

*lurking feelings so...vile
There's a burn my body always feels in the heart of December when the sense of ice grates underneath my fingernails as if their being dismembered, sometimes I walk through the motions and look forward to someone who can blow cold shards of glass down my neck until my skin is bloodied and tattered just so I can feel an arch of any sensation that may break the numbing weight that's collected through the years of an uneasy mind screaming to forget but only remembers. This leads to nowhere faster and faster every year without time in its grasp, I know I'm alone in a universe where its space is cold and my fear steers the broken mast to the black hole that leads somewhere outside my soul. The sound of teeth that can't stop the chatter accompany me until they shatter like glass onto my black and blue limbs mauled by the frost built up from passing thoughts that have never even seemed too matter. Its a sad thing to go insane when sanity is abundantly growing like daisies on top of a shallow grave, like a feeling of love turned into hatred because something had to misbehave or like a child beaten and left in the rain just waiting to be saved, all we can do is stay awake and look forward while we try to stay brave.
I'm alone not lonley
At this moment in life. I sense if I let dreams, goals, ambition and my fight cease. I will have reached the final level.......... DEATH.
Completion is the form I crave in my soul to achieve. Deletion is what I am currently conforming towards....
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