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I've never gotten a chain letter
Or a parcel marked "fragile"

But I've been told to "get out" by many frustrated people
And "come in" by welcoming hosts

I've never been a negative on the cutting room floor
And I've never been particularly choosy on pizza toppings

I don't think I've been a victim of voodoo, but then again how would I know?

I once curtailed my friend's jail sentence by testifying

I've been told everything I know about life is complete horse hockey

I've been the odd man out but I always manage to even things out

I've never not been able to get myself out of a Chinese finger trap

And I have never, most certainly not ever been a white knuckle driver
If you had seen the poems I'd written,
left closed in a drawer,
or else in an envelope unsent,
you would lay down your tools
and cynicism, for in me;
there can be no risk.

If you had heard my words of silence,
as I troubled the streets,
forming ways to display my longing,
you would lay down your drink,
for I would hold you
into sleep.
The world is still

and all I feel

is the vibration of you.


it comes darkly

rising through my body

etching my soul with invitations.

Scrawling love-notes of hope that

dont exist anymore.

clawing at my bones,

flesh for fantasy

i wonder if I still exist in your light

as you callously walk through me

Throwing icicles into my

longing open inscriptions.

do you still hold

dreams of the past hidden

somewhere your soul?

Are you hiding too?


Loves memory scrawled

in every space between

Every part of me


that longing

dearest unworthy love

drudges its self up through me again

making me mouth words

I don't want to mean anymore

Yet the absence of you

pulls me into darkness further


Gnawing at my soul

Death for eternity

I wonder if you remember

how close we came

as you casually walk by me  

thrusting icy regrets into my fractures

do you still hold warm

memories of the past hidden

somewhere your heart?

So close...

If you knew would you

reach out and touch me?


I am hollow, marrowless,

I miss you

deep in my bones.
new green girls dot the field
expanding in the early summer
pushing nodes
creating medicine
simplicity of farm life
sprinkled with the excitement of a federal raid
magic numbers add to the flavor
rural doctor without the credentials
curing cancer
with extract
and love
revolutionary movement based on independence
flag waving in the smoke
besides, G.W. grew it –
stretching, bending, feeding
caring for
paying attention to
sharing energy with the future of medicine
which happens to share the past
with humanity
naturally healing
with help –
her glow is back
and the fight in her eyes shines again
blessed bush bringing my mother back from the brink
with minimal processing –
unto the Earth
twas born a poet of note
his portrayal
of the human condition
tis so exacting and precise
his insightful pedigree
is on display
in each of his poems
we're e'er astounded
at the sagacity
within his bones
this day he scribes
a verse most exemplary
for all of us to view
his name shall go down
in the annals
of literature
he'll be in the company
of Shakespeare Shelley and Keats
in the coming centuries
humanity shall hail his brilliance
they'll be in awe
of this remarkable
You were everything I ever wanted and more

but nothing I needed.

i was so adamant I was right in your arms

but it never felt comfortable.

you were so complicated andfascinating

but the process was too simple

you invaded all my spaces i was full to bursting

but still empty inside.

You got nothing I need

and every thing I want

i want you so much

but not enough

to need you back in my life.
You look so beautiful to-night
My angel
Your lips curve and I'm mesmerized
By the way they seem to make my
Name seem important
Even when I've fallen for the way
"I love you" slips off of my tongue
At first glance
I like judging books by their covers
Because, ****, you have your life
Written in your features
And I haven't seen that in someone
Recently and when the abnormal
Mind sees that in a normal person,
They become attached.
You must know Gatsby
And by God you noticed the reference
Will you marry me now?
I would throw out my precautions
For a girl who could
Recognize a quote
From Gatsby and ****, a
Girl who looks just like you.
You're extravagant and
I can't keep my eyes off of your
Will you be my Daisy?
Will you cuss like a lady when you
Have me at your lips
Because I can't keep referencing
That ******* book
When I'm out of options.
I just had to say you are very
Lovely to-night
And I miss you
But pictures will have to do, my angel.
Be my Daisy?
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