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To dare not tell the ones I dream of
That I do
Is to revoke a right they have earned.

You stuck in my brain,
The lot of you,
And it is my thoughts you now burn.

I feel guilty for withholding
so few words,
But I can't bring myself to speak.

The effects have lingered,
Their personalities
Every single one of them is unique.

I wake with their faces and
I stare at my phone.
These are just memories
That I can postpone.
 Jul 2014 Pushing Daisies
 Jul 2014 Pushing Daisies
Time hath ceased.
All clocks stopped.
Where you passed by
in dew kissed meadow,
void of thy presence.
We hear no more
at our door
thy gentle knock.
After thy passing
and before
persistent loud cry
of Whip-poor-will.
Now that is still.


© Hilda July 4, 2014
 Jul 2014 Pushing Daisies
The difference now; is that when something in life goes wrong. I don't feel the need to fix it, and I don't let anyone trick me into attempting to fix; everything.
It's the easiest way to avoid being caught up in this web; life.
 Jul 2014 Pushing Daisies
Y vuelvo a encontrarme contigo,
tan fría , tan blanca, tan vacía.

Las palabras se cruzan,
se enredan, vacilan, se arrastran.

De un lado a otro en agonía febril,
gruñendo y gimiendo, gritando en silencio.

Ocultas bajo la mirada de nadie,
bajo la mirada del universo.
Heaven and Hell,
I taste when i'm with you.

Heart as cold as ice,
yet warm like the grassy fields of the spring meadows.

You were the hurricane, chaotic and unforgiving.
But with every storm, lies a rainbow radiating every inch of beauty within.

Your mind beautifully balanced,
a mysterious blend of dark and cheery.

Your existence, like the gleaming rays of the sunrise.
Bringing new hope after a dark and cold night.

You are the bitter sweet of life.
a poem inspired by my sunrise.
     Hello, my friend
     You've walked so long
Though you have far to go;
     Take refuge here,
     Just sleep and rest:
You look tireder than you show.

     Come in, my friend
     I've worn those shoes,
And walked down many a road;
     If you come inside
     And sit awhile,
You may leave with lesser a load.
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