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Hannah Sep 2016
A world full of sorrowful delicacy
Butterflies in the air
Suffocating in beauty
Sweet attachments
My teeth ache immensely

Love is taking over my mind
Where to begin
Drowning in oceans of tears
Sky's full of fears
Mountains moved
Trees swayed
Yet nothings changed
  Sep 2016 Hannah
Chase Allen
Since when did a number define our importance?

The number of likes on a photo, the number of retweets on a tweet or even the number of followers you have.

All of these mean nothing in the grand scheme of things but to people today these numbers define who we are as if they tell us our self-worth.

We are a society addicted to technology and are constantly trying to prove to others that we are cool or trying to fit in.

Do not let a number define you. Enjoy who you are and be what you want to be. You do not need a screen or an app to tell you what you or who you should be.

Numbers don't define you. You define yourself.
Hannah Sep 2016
Death seeps through the ink of your pen
Here we are again
Your brain reeks of madness
Damaged remains
Inches away from the ground
That's where I'll be found
Hannah Sep 2016
Have you ever been so lonely
Lost in the woods
But terrified to turn back
Because you know where you came from
The darkness is unbearable
Yet you hold yourself to the floor
Don’t give up…
Don’t give up…
Hannah Sep 2016
I think I’m prone to sadness
The everlasting hole
For when I find my smile
I feel different in my soul

I’ll watch the tree roots struggle as they try to find their place
And wonder of the sorrow when a butterfly sticks to a leaf
This emotion is exhausting, I can’t keep pace
Because like that butterfly I want to feel relief

For joy is something so hard to fuel
And depression is easy
I want to be happy
And the tears make me queasy

But my laugh slips through my fingers
When I’m alone and without a soul
So I stick to what I know well
And that is staying in this hole

— The End —