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Missing you comes
in violent waves,
shades of vibrant
blues, and broken
down déjà vu's.

If today were my birthday,
I know what they'd say
He doesn't look older,
not even a day

He moves a bit slower,
a methodic pace
And there are some new
wrinkles formed on his face

His hair is much thinner
up there on his head
and before the sun sets
he's heading to bed
But look at his poetry,
he writes about love
The moon and the stars
and the heavens above

He's still young at heart
and it flows from his pen
Especially when he writes
about her again

He looks quite the same
after all of this time
For age doesn't matter,
if he can still rhyme
Cigarettes aren’t hands to hold
And bottle mouths aren’t lips to kiss
But it’s much better lighting yourself on fire when you’re cold
Then giving someone else the power to burn your wrists
Because I’ve seen it all,
What love does to pathetic boys and girls who fall
It forces them to build castles in the clouds even though they've never believed in happy endings
And it makes them bleed out their organs and break their bones when they’re pretending
Love, it always comes. So sweet. So innocent. So delicate.
It tickles you pink and makes you believe that it’s all real, all definite
But it’s not. It’s just raw and confusing and most of all sappy
And if it’s all of that, it’s bound to be messy
And you can’t leave a mess, you have to clean it up and make things right
And when you do, Love will leave you.
Leave you standing alone on a rainy night,
Leave you crying on the bathroom floor,
Leave you chopping out your heart because it resides in your core,
Leave you wishing that you were dead instead of burning alight.
Love does that to you, it comes and you think its job is to save you
But all it does is destroy what you were, making you numb and blue
So I’d rather sit alone and hold my cigarette
And kiss my bottles of amnesia that let me forget
Because I know, I know they’re made to **** me
My demise is something that I can always clearly see

*~{Love’s a liar. And a cheat. But most of all, love’s a beautiful catastrophe that makes you fall for the pretty and forget about the mess”}
Umm, I think it's important to point out that I don't smoke, neither do I drink, I was simply inspired by the thoughts I have on these things
I know what she wants, I know what she needs.
Without my banana, she no longer heeds.
She spits out all of my winter seeds,
Down the river and caught in the reeds.

Primitive urges and sophisticated boredom.
Too much mail, not enough cats to sort ‘em.
She wants parlor tricks, not whiskey *****.
She wants sweet nothings, no liquorice sticks.

She’s a snake charmer in plural disguise.
Her double standards will be your demise.
She wants handsome, tall, not short and wise.
She wants musclebound, no porridge thighs.

She’s not sure about that or puzzled about this.
She has her way and you’ll do anything for a kiss.
She wants you dead before she becomes a pumpkin.
Smart as you are, you don’t know what she’s thinkin’.

**** a spider for her, spy for her, same difference.
To see her happy you’ll spare no expense.
To see her mad, all you need is common sense,
And to return to the frog you were forth hence!

She wants a man, a boy I’ll forever be.
All the world’s dreams are lost to the sea.
She doesn’t know that men don’t exist anymore.
Neither do women, growing up is a forgotten chore.
This is a poem that I wrote on this day back in 2010.
Definitely one of those days where I felt frustrated with women.
I guess that's what happens when you base your life and its happiness on people instead of on your own terms.
Let me know: how does this compare to my current ability?


Go on, push her.
Feel the weight of your frown when you lost her;
Like the weights in her pockets that made her fall faster.
The whistle of the air in her hair before the ground is about to catch her,
your mouth being pulled into a smile by fish hooks; when you said you still loved her that day the ground sadly caught her.
When you thought you did her a favour, because no one else deserved her.
Please let me know your thoughts, thank you!:)
He still sits there on the right
hand charred, blistered
His suit stained ****** from Freedom
his body suited with the black fog of Greed
words dripping, slobbering forth from his wretched maw
a caustic faucet of brown water
Found this from my sophomore year in high school
A glimpse into the mirror
reveals fresh creases crossing
over the corners of my mouth—
lines written in immutable ink;
I try not to linger

crumbling upon a bed
scarcely bearing its title,
strewn with lonely sheets;
I bundle them against my chest
using rougher hands than I had left
Sipping the air slowly
to savor the flavor;
rich with fertility
Leaves bursting into fiery hues
reminiscent of fireworks
trembling in the wind

A death knell
over green sceneries;
splotches of sunlight
seeping seamlessly between
newly naked branches,
easing fully unto checkered golden pools–
nature at its most beautiful,
before its most barren
I won't have kids
I'm very serious
Not until i can say to them
"I lived through a time when it was unhealthy to have your curly hair and brown skin,
When you could be killed over an assumption. Yes I know even if you had nothing to do with it.
I lived through a time when it didn't mean much to us to serve and protect.
But your generation can do better than us,
We caught and exposed via our phones and social media the power lustful and corrupt

But we only received this torch from those that walked up and down on this path before us.
I want you to do better and be better than us my child, so go out into the world and be proud of your heritage and who you are
Remember the struggles we went through, so they never happen again. "
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