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11.6k · Jun 2020
I get asked every day

Like why "I am so crazy?

**** I've been like this since day one

Life feels like an empty High-way

If you got ADHD like I do

You won't feel so lazy

each one of us

has a different story

you wish you can be just you

stay focus while driving your car

don't need to worry about taking the bus

anymore, overthinking again

hoping you wouldn't get bullied

teens like me, are afraid to get a little bit too high

Cause, the drugs will mix with our medication.

Our ADHD got us all Tripping

I pray to god hoping that one day i will stop doubting

All the feeling i hide within my mask

I can't even smile cause all  feeling

has us all overwhelming

we all have the same question we got to ask

no one knows how we are dealing

we just hold it all in and smile

and pretend like we all love our life.

Remember you are perfect just the way you are

Don't let your ADHD stop you from reaching your goals

you can wish upon a shooting star

get back up on your feet, and fill these empty holes.

Remind yourself everyday

you are a gifted child with ADHD

that is one of the many reasons why

you are so unique
2.8k · Jun 2020
You said " hello"
It started when you said hello
I wish I knew you longer
To see who you really were
We were just getting stronger
By the smile on your face
We both knew it was my fault
And that's not the case
Memories play through my head
Reminding myself how thankful I am
For having you in my life
It's funny how you appear
right at the time I was struggling
Within the snap you gone just like that
I remember after that game
We lost by 99 over hundred something
A second thought came to my mind
It was about 7:30 at night I was standing outside my school hoping to get picked up
If I walked home all of this wouldn’t   have happened
I close my eyes for a second
And there you are standing in your uniform
The minute Your boss stepped outside
You told me to hop in the cart
And that's when the fun begin
You push me around the store
Like there was no tomorrow
And yet we still have an hour left
Be wasted it on playing hide and seek
Instead of me telling you how I really feel
By the smile on my face
You already knew
And I still think that was the best night ever
I hope you remember what I told you, and if you don’t,  don't worry
Tell me once again
Why I am the first one to say sorry
I only knew you for a month
And this is our first fight
Tell me again how we first met
I thought to myself about that day
Yeah Remember that day I got ******* up
I had my hands on my ears
I wish I could tell you what I think
But deep inside me I was scared
And yet you stay with me every single blink
Every  inch of me is telling me that you really cared
I wish I could tell you what happened before
And until this day I'm not brave enough to tell my own reflection
I just want to say I'm thankful for the days we spent together and the  Hours we wasted, And the days you walked me home without me asking you too. The first day i met your mom,
  she told me I was different,
and the days we spent  at your house for lunch
if we were not at your house we were on the other side of the school, by the doors ,alone,
  this little  girl came  down the stairs.
She called you by your name.
And you told me that she was your little sister after all
And the smile On my face was the perfect aim
If you Remember want i told you
and if you don't don't worry
I told you once it's not blue
my favourite colour is yellow
It's for him
1.7k · Jun 2020
Every child has a family, that cares about them and always there

I once knew  a friend name Amelia, her family will play the fair.

I think I like it better there than I do here,  I am speaking the truth.

My whole life I liked it better when I was just little youth.

Why do I keep trying to send letters to the baby me.

i once felled on my knee, I got right back up and start

to  climb back up that tree, when we were young

we were young and free. And alive just to see the sea.

My family is okay, but I miss those days when my brother will ***

his pants cause he had no idea what to do.
292 · Jun 2020
We can normal, but the other hand, we also wanna be sober
we are told to write our whole life in a journal.
What does that mean when you can't focus on one simple task
going over, over, over and over again in my mind
I will hide all my pain against my mask
why can't people be nice for a little bit, and show how kind
it will be.
I have been clean from **** the drugs,
I will wake up every day thinking about suicide
I wanted no love, not even a single hugs
but that was before, and I think I am kinda smiling
I can now walk in my own shoes, I should go for miles
217 · Jun 2020
Latety I've been getting these thoughts

why do I feel so alone

it just feels like my whole life is a huge knot

no ones knows why i even have a phone

when i hear your name gets brought

up, i don't know what to do, but just drown

in  my empty hole,  and just whip my frown

away, but my tears will remind.
196 · Jun 2020
me....myself..and i
When i only got, me, myself, and i

to deal with, I will always get brought

down. No matter how hard i try,

i wanna be a falling star, Fly

as high as an eagle eye,

my whole life is just a lie.

I ask my self every day, why am I even alive?

Is there a point to living? Why do I cry?

every time I feel so happy or is this what feel like to

...... Die

— The End —