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Donna Bella May 2016
I just want to tell him the truth
That I died a thousand times
I could die again
I want to tell him the true pain I've been through
But he will leave
The pain ruined me
But he just doesn't understand
I could die tonight
Dedicated to my old self
Donna Bella May 2016
I only hope and desire for you
I only hope to find you as the other piece of my puzzle
I only want you to be my Clyde and I want to be your Bonnie
But I'm only young
So can I think about the future
Can I think about love
I just want to see progress
I don't know I just want to see love
But is that too much to ask for
Or is that just EZ love
Donna Bella May 2016
Broken heart
Shattered feelings
The love is lost
But was it even there?
Were the feelings so closeted it left?

He kept me on delivered
All I wanted was to be read
I wanted him to examine me and my emotions
But could he truly understand me?
Could he understand that I was hurt deep down?
Or was I so flawed he just saw it as another insecurity within myself?

**Delivered, Delivered
Donna Bella Apr 2016
I remember one summer
I wanted to be like Donna Summer
I wanted to feel love
Like the year 1977
Donna Bella Apr 2016
I came like the dark moon
Subtle and reminiscent
Gleaming from above
Just to feel lonely like a dove
Quickly moving from side to side
Shining so vigorously it hurts
Choose or rather be disowned
Oh Oh Lonely Moon
"Beautiful," they say
You stay up to see my darkness and fall asleep
while my light shines
Rather contradicting
Rather detrimental
Rather lonely
Donna Bella Mar 2016
I want to look out and see you
I want to look out and smile
I want to hold your face
I want you
Ha, I can't
I can't see you
I can't see your smile
I can't hold your face
Donna Bella Mar 2016
Ever had love taken away from you?
Ever had breath but could not breathe?
Ever had fools take away something valuable to you?
Ever had something so big that was swiped away from you in an hour?
Ever felt so lonely that you felt like you didn't have anyone?
Ever miss the kisses and the warm embrace you've felt?
Ever miss the sunshine and you wake up to not see your love?
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