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 Jul 2021 a name
Siya ra gyuy nasayod
sa kanunayong pagpuga sa luha
sa iyang mga mata
nga ming bisbis sa iyang
bug-at nga unlan

Siya ra gyuy nasayod
Sa kabugal-bugalon sa iyang huna-huna
mga storya nga gubot ra
sa iyang alimpatakan

Suod niya ang kadaghanan
Alegre ang palibot ug naa siya
Makatakod ang iyang ka hapsay

Apan luyo sa katim-os sa iyang mga pahiyom
Adunay kahuyang, adunay kahadlok
apan siya ray nasayod

Igo nalang ako sa pagpamalandong
Apan ngano ako musulay pa ug salom sa iyang mga hinyap?
Ngano ug samukon ko pa usab akong kaugalingon?
Kung mao ang iya, iya gayud
Kung ang ako, ako gayud

Ug di niya ipa-ambit kanako
ang iyang kasakit,
dawaton ko nalang ang kahadlok nga nahimugso
sa iyang panit
 Jul 2021 a name
David R
I am the very model of a modern poet laureate,
I've information rhythmical, poetical and lexical,
I know the poets of our land and quote their plays historical,
From Macbeth to Much Ado, in order categorical;

I'm very well acquainted, too, with rhythm hendecasyllable,
I understand assonance and refrain octosyllable,
About pentameter theory I'm teeming with a lot o' news,
With many cheerful facts about the style of poet Edward Hughes.

I'm very good at couplets and at blank verse very fabulous;
I know the seventy-one plays ascribed to Aeschylus:
In short, in matters rhymical, poetical, and lexical,
I am the very model of a modern poet laureate.

I know our poem-history, Caedmon's Hymn to Chaucer's works;
I can cite bards' acrostics with volatility in my vocal box,
I quote in elegiacs all the crimes of Heliogabalus,
In dialect ionic I can cite Semonides of Amorgos;

I can tell undoubted Aratus from Aristeus and Sophocles,
I know the croaking chorus from The Frogs of Aristophanes!
Then I can hum a fugue of which I've heard the music's din afore,
And whistle all the airs from that infernal nonsense Pinafore.

Then I can write a decasyllable as a dactyl or tetrameter,
And tell you ev'ry detail of soliloquies in Shakespeare:
In short, in matters rhythmical, poetical, to elloquate,
I am the very model of a modern poet laureate.

In fact, when I know what is meant by a "septet" and a "sestet",
When I can tell at sight a literary from a prose effect,
When such affairs as odic and idyllic I'm more wary at,
And when I know precisely 'to be or not to be' by Danish "Hamlet".

When I have learnt what progress has been made in modern rhymery,
When I know more iambic than a novice in a nunnery
In short, when I'm audacious, vexatious and dilatory
You'll say a poet laureate has ne'er been so conciliatory.

For my alliteration knowledge, though I'm plucky and adventury,
Has only been brought down to the beginning of the century;
But still, in matters rhythmical, poetical and etiquette,
I am the very model of a modern poet laureate.
BLT's Merriam-Webster Word of The Day Challenge
#conciliatory, lexixal
[To the tune of 'I am the very model of a modern major general', H.M.S. PINAFORE (W. S. GILBERT) ]
(This was posted a few months ago. Reposted for BLT  Word of The Day Challenge: #lexical.)
 Jul 2021 a name
Zoe Mae
Her Heart
 Jul 2021 a name
Zoe Mae
She looks to the sky
Heart filled with angst and sadness
The sun says hello
 Jul 2021 a name
Carlo C Gomez
Star soldier with the rocket arm,
you bleed silver, gold,
and product placement.

Smile big for the camera,
the media will sell its soul
for a new bankable face.

Party hardy, Heisman candidate,
******* your semi-steady's
sorority sister,
then ask to see her again
sometime after the **** kit.

It's quite alright,
so long as you have talent
beyond this hemisphere.
Why even the fatherland, ESPN,
will gladly call you "son."
 Jul 2021 a name
Everyone marches in a single file down the street.

Then those people chant
La Revolution! through the street.

So revolution comes for them,
and blood runs through the streets.

Then they scream for peace,
the ivory tower of deceit looking down upon the street.

And then they scream for truth,
and the truth beats them to their knees.

Then they scream for death.
the realization they wasted what they had.

They wasted the chance to be free.
I watch in awe of the Sydney protests, that nobody took their freedom seriously until it was taken away. Now their past lives are rendered inconceivable and their future uncertain. They fight because they've had nothing to fight for. They punch aimlessly because they've never felt threatened.

The beautiful demise of the greatest time in time human history...

Has come to pass.

We were given it all, we wasted it all. And a new era will separate the living from the living dead.
 Jul 2021 a name
Keith Strand
 Jul 2021 a name
Keith Strand
Your lips

I'm drunk
on your salt

That beautiful
beautiful taste

did you drink
right before we kissed?

some saccharine
yet salty brew?

Have I been sedated?

I feel like prey
right before a wolf

as I must be

for I know
my purpose is to serve.
 Jul 2021 a name
Mitch Prax
 Jul 2021 a name
Mitch Prax
You can sit around
and hope that time
solves the puzzle,
or you can put
yourself back together.
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