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Osamase Ekhator Dec 2018
We both said we would move on,
But our U-haul never came
and the baggage remained.

Now, when she’s yelling my name,
I’m still thinking about yours.

And when you’re taking selfies with him,
you can’t help but
see me in the picture still.

So if this love is still a Home,
then let’s leave the door unlocked.

And kick these ******* guests out.
More poems on Insta: @osamasetorbest
Osamase Ekhator Dec 2018
Whether it's an insult
or compliment,
their "two cents"
should never equal
your self worth.

Pay attention
to what makes you
                                                                                                        and realize
                                                      you are                                                      
For more poems, go to Insta: @osamasetorbest
Osamase Ekhator Dec 2018
I'm not the BLACK coat
you can HANG
next to the bigotry you HIDE
in that closest of yours.

wearing me out
when you want to warm up
your cold views
by saying
"I can't be racist; I have a BLACK FRIEND."
More poems on Insta: @osamasetorbest
Osamase Ekhator Dec 2018
I was waiting for God
to reply back

                                                           ­                                   to my prayers.
                                                        ­                                                      Until,
she sent a pic
of you.
More poems on Insta: @osamasetorbest

— The End —