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  Oct 2014 NuurSeraph
K Balachandran
In my deep state of awareness
an apparition strikingly similar
in form to me in many ways appears,
"What are you looking behind me still?
I am an ancestor of ancient, in your linage,
countless generations before"I hear the words
"But I see myself far behind you too
we are all one, so no confusion in multitudes
my quest for noumenon has only begun,
isn't it what you tell? Time to break loose,
from all the illusory identities, bindings.Adieu"
Past and future are inherent in present; no other time is there other than present.What we in our ignorance perceive as many is in fact one..
Go deep down in self , meditate, all dualities  will merge.
  Oct 2014 NuurSeraph
Amitav Radiance
Language was not a barrier
We communicated with eyes
Best conversation ever
Through the window of our soul
Our souls shook hands
Eliminating the distance
  Oct 2014 NuurSeraph
I like the sound the rain makes
I like to hear it land
with the thunderous drumming
of a punk rock band.
I like it dancing off the roof tiles
tapping at the glass
tickling the fields
although its quieter on grass.
I like its change in rhythm
as it navigates trees
the ragged umbrellas
that Im standing underneath.
I like it playing percussion
on the surface of the sea
when the only people still outside
are listening like me.
I like the sound the rain makes
wherever it lands
I like the sound the rain makes
but I also understand
your devotion to the sun
so theres a possibility
if you listen to the rain fall
you might understand me.
and I quite like the wind too.
I like the sound the wind makes
blah blah blah. :o)
  Oct 2014 NuurSeraph
Dear men,
You are not emasculated when you are gentle to a woman.
You are not emasculated when you can't control your child's behaviour
You are not emasculated when you get a vasectomy done
You are not emasculated when you stand up for a woman, no matter how old she is.
You are not emasculated when you support gender equality.
You are not emasculated when you choose to not drink and drive
You are not emasculated when your lifestyle choices are different from that of your friends.

I am a feminist who believes that man and woman have equal roles in the society.

If you think women are weaker,  I fail to comprehend you and I m not going to waste my time explaining you the basics of how to be peaceful and respecting one another.

Someone who wants a change, and is doing their part in it.
Rant + telling people to not be *******
  Oct 2014 NuurSeraph
'Young lady, why is your poetry so dark?'
I don't know good sir, it's probably because I have my insides at war.
Legit question asked to me today
  Oct 2014 NuurSeraph
Harley Hucof
She is the woman that i love most in the world

She is the woman that gave me birth

She is the sweet kind of person
The type who would cry for no reason

She is the kind devoted to her religion and faith
The kind that taught to believe and pray

She is the wise, protective type
The type that sacrificied her health to ensure my life

She is the kind that huggs me, kisses me and play with my ears
The kind that has always supported me emotionally

She is the kindiest person you'll ever meet
The type that will stay hungry and let you eat

She is the kind who put her family first
The type who doesnt know how to hurt

She is the kind who never lies

I love her more than anything in the world

I regret all that i did and said that made her cry and feel hurt

I hope someday she will be proud of me

She is what i need to be
A mix of compassion, emotions and beauty.

She is my Mother...

Words Of Harfouchism
  Oct 2014 NuurSeraph
experience is precious
gives a perspective
Unique to you
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