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 Nov 2017 Nicki Langley
I was late,
Frantically running in hopes I'd make it to the meeting on time.

I was distracted,
Not worried where I was going, but worried about when I'd get there.

I was careless,
I stepped on the flower in the crack of the sidewalk I so carefully appreciated in days past.

After the meeting, I was released on a lunch break.
There, I ran into him.
A man of broad appearance, yet short structure.
A man from work who had a meeting proceeding lunch.
As we talked, time seemed to slip from our grasp.
I took the journey back to work on foot, while he operated his motor vehicle and realized:

He was late,
Frantically driving, swerving in an out of lanes, exceeding speed limits in hopes he'd make it in time.

He was distracted,
Checking his phone for updates on his current situation, he ceased to notice he was headed into the crosswalk.

He was careless,
His seconds of fatuity caused a mistake that could never be withdrawn.

The smile he carried just moments ago was now contained by the gentle housing of his lips.
Creases dawned from the furrow of his brow, caused by the saturated eyes he wore beneath his languid eyelids.
As the time between his inhalation crescendoed, mine slowed to a stop.
He stole my breath.

I was late,
Frantically gasping in hopes they'd arrive promply.

I was distracted,
Not worried about who was coming, but when they'd show.

I was careless,
Here I lay as the flower, once alive in a dreadful place.
Trying something new.
 Nov 2017 Nicki Langley
 Nov 2017 Nicki Langley
It's raining in my head again
All these emotions when will it end
It's all bottled up inside
Just like the one with the message that washed in with the tide
The feelings that are trapped in my mind
The emotions of hearing one of our songs
And just stopping and sitting nowhere and wondering where one belongs
In my head
She prays at night for somebody to love her
He prays at night that she'll end with him for the rest of his life

Never estimate your worth
You are not a calculator
You mean something to someone
Or many!

Regardless of how it intense the fires get
I want you to never forget
That you are worth something.
You don't have to deal with this
Get over him
Take a chance with someone who actually cares
Someone that has lost sleep already worried about your well-being.
The less clothes a woman wears out in public
The less I like
My interest takes a hike
Because I like women who respect themselves
I don't want to get with you to fornicate
I'll give a million signs to indicate
I'm not that kind of man
If you asked to wait until the marriage, that is something I will comply with without question
I'm not going to be with you for your body
Making love has been disgraced
With people using others
I'm not going to be that man
I have a plan
With you
If we're dating
It's not going to be several nights of lust and be romantically devastating
It will be moments to make your life more elating
You are a woman
A being so special
You owe none of us your body or your freedom
Men are not strong creatures in this sense
You are too special to be used
I ponder if I'll ever be good enough for a self-respecting women
Little do they know
Love is not something expressed under the covers
But it is patience, tolerance and most of all

You can carve a million holes into this bark
But nothing will subside my spark
For you

I'm coping with the void
Hoping to avoid
All the issues everyone else had
You make me more than glad
To be alive

Everyone is so quick to drop the baskets
I'm ready to put these stipulations in the casket
Vulnerability within me is apparent and I'm not going to mask it
I want something that's porcelain, not plastic

That thrill of seeing your beautiful eyes twinkle is fantastic.

When they tell me to let you go, I'll shake my head and continue.

Nothing worth having in life is easy.

I want to earn your courtship.

That's something I'll take pride in forever.

— The End —