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to the tune of "My Favorite Things"*

Poems in all caps and no punctuation,
Mixed metaphors and clichéd observation,
Roses and rainbows and angels with wings--
These are a few of my least favorite things.

Morbid obsessions and self flagellations,
Self involved rantings and dull ruminations,
Exhibitionists’ ****** preoccupations--
I’m just not dying to read these creations.

Statements of true love to those I don’t know,
Plodding prose poems that go way too slow,
Syllable stresses that aren’t found in English--
If only I’d see them no more is my true wish.

When the urge strikes,
When the words flow,
When you grab that pen--
Just take a moment and think…again.

A good Dictionary, and a Thesaurus,
Some time to read poets who wrote long before us,
Revising, rewriting and time to review--
It’s only these small things that I ask of you..
Revised slightly for HelloPoetry
 Jul 2017 Misty Meadows
which road
difficult to choose
the heart or mind
Her eyes could see beyond my intentions
behind her pencilled eye and perfect make-up
I saw beauty in the complexity of her smile

She kissed my name
invited the 3rd guitar strings
played foreign instruments and drums
Leaving my heart in hazardous goosebumps*

only to infiltrate a new world
into this lexicographical

heartland of soulmates
The Love Religion...
I'm online, baby
I've sig(h)ned in
I've waited, honey
Where you been?

I've a LED-screen body
Icon lips
Silicon *******
Computer (c)hips

I'm your WiFi girl
I'm here to play
I'm your WiFi girl
I'll make your day
I'm your WiFi girl
You'd better pray
I'm your WiFi girl
Lead you astray

Watch me, baby
I'm just your type
I am lush and
I am ripe
Forget all the media hype

I can really turn you on
I was assembled
In Hong Kong
I will play you
Like a gong
Just click on me!
Just play along...


I will love you
Make you groan
I will iradiate your bones
I'm not YOURS
I'm just on loan
I'm not THERE.

You're all alone...


(C) 7/4/2017

First big summer storm
Clouds flowering, & sending
Out roots of white light


The hills glower, but
Lightning flashes show they
Actually smile wide


Fires which have hurt them
And displaced the animals
Put out in the rain


Nightowl poetry.
Enjoying the storm!

Going to bed soon.
have you ever heard
the sound
of a body bag
being zipped up
from the inside

have you ever seen
the shadows fall
that makes
the spine tingle
that makes
the skin crawl

have you ever felt
you would
from the canvas weight
flat on your face

can anyone
of you relate
to the smell
of the fear
with its
bitter taste
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