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Kalliope Jan 15
If I go to the left I miss out on the right,
And I'll never know what's right for me.
But I sit and feel doom, and plead with the moon to illuminate what I need to see.

The path was a fork, cut black and white
A simple 50/50 decision.
But under moon light, it's more than I thought, with unpaved paths through the grass that have risen.

A beautiful maze, all of these ways I could get to my destination,
But each road I turn too, the next one I yearn for, so I'm stuck here in purgatory station.
I don't want to be one thing,
I want to be all,
A mother, a lover, a friend, successful
But I can't shake the feeling,
That choosing a path
Puts one of my dreams to an end
Kalliope Jan 14
I've never left a person behind
I cling, I grasp, I claw,
Keeping them somewhere in my orbit.
For awhile you were the sun,
My reason to wake up,
Your warmth making me feel alive, at least for awhile.
But the sun is a star, and a star doesn't shine forever.
For a time you were my Earth,
My home, my safety, my comfort
My place to learn and grow and laugh and cry.
I thought I could keep you at this station forever.
But like a bad astronomer I can't decide which planet is where or which direction it flows, and you're lost in my mess doomed to be Pluto.
But Pluto is still a planet to me,
Ever so quietly orbiting my chaos,
Dodging every meteor I send your way,
But not letting me let go, refusing to be lost.
Kalliope Dec 2024
A little girl crying, a little girl lost,
Hush now keep quiet,
Our reputation it will cost.
A little girl laughing, no where to be found, do your chores and stay hidden, don't you dare make a sound.
A little girl beaten, a little girl bruised, relying only on herself, she's used to being used.
A grown woman erratic, her mind is far gone, they snicker and laugh, they don't ask her what's wrong.
A grown woman tired, her eyes all wept out, she's firm in her stance now, rebuking self doubt.
A grown woman angry, unseen for too long, she's sure of her place now, there's bass in her song.
A grown woman fighting, not for herself
But for her little girl, who will never have to know how she felt
Kalliope Dec 2024
Everything is blue,
There's no air left in my lungs,
The weight has crept out of my soul,
It's seeped into my bones,
Now I'm sinking faster,
There's nothing near to grasp,
I don't have it in me to make a life saving decision fast
But I knew summer was coming,
And everything's melting quick,
Maybe this is the downfall,
That makes everything in my brain click
  Dec 2024 Kalliope
Two poets, each with a distinct soul, shape similar sentiments in different forms. He dreams in paragraphs, broad and expansive, like clouds stretching across an endless sky. His words dive deep, exploring the hidden caverns of life’s stories. She, in contrast, dreams in lines, each one crashing with the precision of a wave. Every word is chosen with care, her stanzas offering brief yet vivid glimpses of a heartbeat. Her verses flow like a gentle whisper, artfully capturing emotions on display. Their forms may be distinct, yet their themes converge: love, loss, and longing, woven into words. They share their work openly, baring their hearts in a space where emotions find resonance. Each sentence pulses with passion, laughter, and stolen glances, their connection sparked from the very beginning. Together, they transform the stillness of night into shared moments, each word a bridge into the other’s world. As they read each other’s lines, each word becomes a cherished fragment. Their hearts, poured onto the page, collide and merge within the ink of their souls. Two poets, entwined, seek to understand the intricate design of love, its gentle, complex beauty. Each line written, every paragraph crafted, reveals their shared exploration through the labyrinth of love and uncertainty. Hand in hand beneath the starlit sky, they craft a story uniquely theirs, blending two beautiful voices into one. Who could have foreseen it? A poet of paragraphs, a poet of lines, falling in love with a beauty all their own.
Kalliope Dec 2024
I don't want to be weak,
Can't let you know I need you.
'Cause I've never needed,
Only provided.
And the power you hold?
Keeps my brain and heart divided.
He's just a man
That's all he is
But when he laughs
I want to be his
Kalliope Dec 2024
I'll fight you to the death
Over every trivial detail
About things we can't unsay
Moments years have passed

I'll fight you till I bleed
If it means you won't leave

I'll fight you every day
For the months yet to come
Even tho you'll never be my home again

Its still contact
No matter where it lands
And bleed I did, all over your floor
But I've cleaned it up, I'm not your problem anymore
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