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 Jan 2016 Sin
umi kara
i slept with scissors on my bed
just to see.
to wake up in a new cut.
just to see
if danger is a true concept
if a surprise is something real.

i did sleep with scissors on my bed
because i have a tendency to move around a lot;
just to see
if the blade would try to kiss my rib
to quiet me down;

just to see
if fire really burns;
just to see
if what runs inside my veins
hasn't disappeared yet.
what i saw
was that it is better to sleep with scissors
than to wake up by my own.
 Jan 2016 Sin
Band of Five
 Jan 2016 Sin
Palms overhead sway,
nudged by the occasional breeze.
The chatter crescendoes
before dying down...
To make way for the call of prayer.

It called to its followers.
So calm...
So sincere...

People hunched over their tables.
Savouring delights that came on plates.
Wafting aromas,
mingle like the swirls on candy.
Drenching our senses...
As we immerse ourselves further
in such good company.

I looked at the eyes that surrounded me...
Only soft, kind gazes greeted back.

There are no shadows here...
No silhouettes...
Only faces I know
generous with their gift of glow.

A rising warmth
emanates from the pits within.

In this here circle,
no matter how motley,
I feel alive.
I'm drinking up to a stupor...
This lovely band of five.
 Jan 2016 Sin
 Jan 2016 Sin
The flowers of the dawn
Unfurled its petals
In pinks and reds
A solitary Venus stands
unblinking in the black sky
And with the dawn vanished and was gone.

Packing the pack
in the name of that
which held no more pain
It was time to hit the road again

Doubts linger with the rising sun
But the choices
They are few

The oceans
The mountains
The deserts
They hold the views

Chasing the dawn
Chasing the beginnings
It is time to begin again.

The pack holds the few essentials
For the journey's road

Long and arduous
Peaceful and calm
All moments are held
And pass on by

Time to go is all that is known

Laughter and glee
Loves and loses

Time a ribbon
Unfurls in the sky
Dragging all along
To that endless highway.

Just a visitor
renting space
along the way

A pause to watch
This very dawn
Then heading on down the way

The road
It begins in the dark
It ends there too.
 Jan 2016 Sin
Ami Shae
None can ever say
that I did not try
to find my way--
I traveled all the way here
to start a new life
to escape the fear
of living with a monster
that never stayed under the bed--
instead he lashed out daily
and bashed in my head
and when I ran with all my might
to escape the abuse, the fear
he somehow found his way
and discovered me here--
so I had to resort to legalities
begging the law
to just take him away--Please.

He's in jail now
for quite a long time--
you see he finally committed
a heinous crime
of killing someone
with his bought and paid for gun
and I hope he does many years
so I will no longer have to run--

none can ever say
that I didn't try
to find my way
to make a real life
right here...
so that I won't have to hide
and live in fear
of monsters that don't stay under the bed
and of wondering  when it will be me
who they find lying dead...
 Jan 2016 Sin
Arcassin B
By Arcassin Burnham

Those cold days,
Swear I'm never going back to that,
when I was doing everything to get my life
Back in order,
Turning 18 and swinging sticks at alley cats,
And those kids say they hate me well imagine
Those broad days,
Where I wish I never woke from my naps,
Putting all that is at stake to perform a better
Sometimes disgusted at fact that I was even black,
I was a cool and chill kid that didn't need a swag,
Forget first kisses,
You had your wishes,
You didn't mention,
To submission,
No honorable mentions,
You didn't listen,
On the ****-list,
All of your desires,
All of your feelings,
You were gifted,
But you just waste it,
Nothing is pleasant.
 Jan 2016 Sin
The sky is falling!
Oh wait it's just the rain of the clouds
Or the tears of my eyes?
Either way the darkness is consuming me
And everything is breaking
breaking apart and away
Drifting through the rivers of tears and the broken pieces of my heart,
Cutting my body as it falls slowly along with its best friend Gravity.
The crimson ribbons string out
Staining my skin
Scarring my soul.
The sky is falling!
Or is that the heaviness of your words
Pulling down on me like the wind on a delicate flower
Or the chains on an inmate
The sorrow swallows everything in its path
Taking me with it
I'm in a black hole
With no escape
No way out
As I scream it comes back to slap me
And the purple bruise slowly rises
As my body contorts and stretches the way it  never should.
The sky is falling!
Or is that just drowsiness I get
From popping the next pill
And the next
And the next
And the next is a little harder to swallow
Because my body shuts down
And I'm finally comfortable in the dark
It is now my home as I lay before You.
My eyes drift closed and the ribbons are much larger now
Surrounding every inch of me and past me as finally
The sky is falling.
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