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 Dec 2019 Sin
 Dec 2019 Sin
I'm jealous of the rain
It gets close to you
Closer than I ever will
It touches your skin
It combs your hair
It comes when you're sad
It stays when you're happy
I love you but you don't love me
So I say
I'm jealous of the rain
Sorry I haven't written anything as of late. I have been really busy with school. I really hope you enjoy.
Edit: thanks for the comments the original song is Jealous by Labirinth
 Dec 2019 Sin
Last Christmas
 Dec 2019 Sin
the cold air
can be seen
every time
we take a breath

my tears sting
as they race
down my cheeks
to soak into my scarf

my hand has
gone numb
and no longer had
yours to hold

Christmas music plays
jingling merrily
as my heart
shatters to the beat.

the words
dancing off your lips
hanging in the air
as if they were mistletoe

”i’m sorry”
i watch as you turn your back
and walk away
for the last time.
 Dec 2019 Sin
 Dec 2019 Sin
I fell deep into your abyss
drowning into lust
I swim yet your torrent
drag me down under.

Beyond my last breathe
I resign to sigh my regret
I died in your arms
Loving you was my sin.
Painful love
 Dec 2019 Sin
 Dec 2019 Sin
“You’re not good enough”
Is the one sentence you should
Never tell yourself.
Hi. I’ve been struggling with this my whole life. It’s like I’ll never be able to convince myself. I feel like my poetry is at a decline. I feel as if nothing I write is good. I couldn’t tell you the amount of “drafts” &  private poems I have on here just because I’m afraid.
Afraid of ridicule.
Afraid of hating myself more.
Afraid of everything.
 Dec 2019 Sin
Vanessa Gatley
 Dec 2019 Sin
Vanessa Gatley
His thoughts curves my mouth up not down
The way u brought me to my knees cried from my mouth as I weep even  to life again
 Dec 2019 Sin
Vanessa Gatley
 Dec 2019 Sin
Vanessa Gatley
My sunshine morning Star
You're everything that I'm not
 Jun 2016 Sin
 Jun 2016 Sin
Kush on my breath,
******* on my tongue.
Eat that p*ssy,
make it numb,
she can't feel
herself ***.
 Jun 2016 Sin
 Jun 2016 Sin
My life should be the way
I wan't it to be!!
Not the way others wan't it to be.
It is not because i am egoistical
But i am altruistic.
Compassion of love towards the greatest weapon not only in life but also on earth..
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